One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 131 - Ainilu doubts life (77 seeking subscription)

Chapter 131 – Ainilu doubts life [7/7 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on The vast primitive mountains and forests are deadly silent.

Luo Lin walked peacefully from a terrifying minefield, better than strolling in a leisurely courtyard. Not to mention the body, even the clothes are undamaged. After this, even more shocking things happened.

As Luo Lin waved his hands, the thunder and lightning, which symbolized the most violent force in the world, began to converge and transform.

In the end, it reorganized into a huge thunder unicorn standing upright in the sky, standing behind Luo Lin.

This is the power that Luo Lin gained after being struck by lightning for a month in the New World Thunder Island more than 40 years ago.

Thunder control!

He can’t generate lightning himself, but he can control any lightning that appears between heaven and earth. Whether it is the real sky thunder, or the 039 produced by Anilu, the fruit of the thunder ability

People Lei 039. this moment–

Under the background of the huge Lei Qilin one-

Compared to Ainilu, Luo Lin is the real Thor!

Not only the little girl on the Meri and the warrior of Sandia, but even Anilu himself gave birth to this absurd feeling. “Yehayehahahahaha”

Aini’s expression on the road was stiff, and he smiled reluctantly.

If Luo Lin is Thor?

Then what kind of god is he?

Anilu suddenly doubted life!

“Do not make jokes!!!”

Thinking of this, an expression of extreme anger suddenly appeared on Ainilu’s face.

“I won’t admit it!

Ainilu held a gold stick while striking the Taiko drums on both shoulders at the same time. In an instant, the dark blue thunder and lightning surged out like a tide.

“Six million volts-Thunder Dragon!”

Ainilu shouted coldly.

So the thunder and lightning that rushed out formed the shape of the legendary dragon, facing the Lei Qilin behind Luo Lin.

“Kill me!”

Ainilu shouted violently, and the Thunder Dragon swooped out behind him.

“go with”

Luo Lin flicked his fingers lightly.

So Lei Qilin behind him also roared and rushed out.

The 60 million volt Lei Qilin fought fiercely with the 60 million volt Thunder Dragon, biting and rushing to the sky.

In the end both annihilated in the void. Ainilu looked up at the sky in a daze.

He looked up at the pair of annihilated Thunder Qilin and Thunder Dragon.

Not an illusion!

The lightning attack he was most proud of was unable to produce a trace of effect on Luo Lin.

It can even be used and counterattacked by him in turn.

In this world, in addition to his true thunder fruit ability, there are other people who can control the power of Heaven’s Punishment!

“There is only one Thor in this world, and that is my god Anilu!!!”

Ainilu, the second-middle young man, surged with lightning, dancing like devil’s tentacles.

‘Boom 039

039 Boom Boom 039

Ainilu once again rang the thunder drum behind him.

The strength is so great that all four gouyu thunder drums have to be beaten through.(Read more @

At the same time, this is also what he is stimulating all his potential.

Leads out all the power of thunder and lightning accumulated in the body so far.

As soon as the drums rang, endless thunder and lightning suddenly appeared from Ainilu’s body.

Layers on top of each other, intertwined and wrapped around his body.

039 Boom 039

Just a little thunder and lightning blasted a deep hole in the woodland.

“Yehahahaha, 200 million volts-Thor”

Ainilu’s thunderous laughter echoed in this world.

In the next moment, a hideous giant made up entirely of thunder and lightning appeared. Full of violent and destructive aura, that is the world’s most powerful force of punishment.

At this moment, Ainilu is like the incarnation of the god of thunder and lightning who is really in charge of the punishment. “You are just a few weak mortals, and I am a god, stupid mortal, now get ready to accept sanctions from God, yehahahaha.”



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nbsp; Ainilu, who was transformed into a giant of Thor, was laughing wildly. He also has the confidence to be proud of.

Under that terrifying Thor’s posture, no matter it was Ganfor or the war ghost Webber and other Sandia warriors, they couldn’t help but feel despair.

In my heart, I couldn’t give birth to any thoughts of confronting it.

The aura of destruction is beyond their common sense.

This is comparable to the terrifying power of natural disasters. Who can compete?

How to fight it?

In despair, the same person appeared unconsciously in everyone’s mind.

As if the light of hope broke through their confusion and fear!

That was the figure of Luo Lin who had walked out of the terrifying lightning strike without any damage before bathing in the sky of thunder.

“Yehahahahaha, weak mortals, trembling under the power of God, are you ready to meet the anger from God?”

0 Seeking flowers

Thor giant Anilu smiled confidently and publicly.

After entering Thor mode, his self-confidence swelled to a few points, self-confidence invincible, is the omnipotent Thunder God, in charge of all life in the world.


However, Ainilu’s triumphant laughter didn’t last long, and it stopped abruptly.

At the same time, Luo Lin’s figure suddenly disappeared under the collective gaze of Robin and other little girls and Sandia soldiers.

Reappeared and jumped above the head of the giant Thor

Ainilu’s heart network sent him a severe crisis warning. Ainilu suddenly raised his head, just to meet Luo Lin’s eyes.

Seeing the faint joking smile hidden under Luo Lin’s eyes, Ainilu felt a chill, and he couldn’t help but feel fear.

“Damn it, hate it, you mortal, go to death.”

Ainilu yelled, dispelling the fear in his heart, and controlled the Thunder God’s giant fist to shoot towards Luo Lin above his head.

However, what made Ainilu frightened and shocked was that before his Thor’s hand touched Luo Lin, he froze abruptly.

At the next moment, a more terrifying scene occurred than when Anilu appeared in the form of Thor.

A slender bright line emerges out of thin air from the body of Thor in Ainilu, criss-crossing, like a chessboard of Go, dividing it into thousands of pieces.

In the next moment, under the shocking gaze of people, the incomparable Thor giant was really cut into countless pieces.

A massive stream of lightning particles blasted in all directions, and finally escaped between the sky and the earth. In the face of Luo Lin’s ultimate ability to crush fruits, even the natural element of violent thunder and lightning could not escape being crushed.

“What kind of power is that? That Thor is crushed!” War ghost Webber stared his eyes wide.

“God, the power above Aini Road, that is the real God! Our God!”

The old chief Shandia yelled frantically and bowed down sincerely.

“How can this kind of thing happen!!!”

When the thunder and lightning disappeared, Ainilu showed a skeptical expression, standing in the air, his body trembling uncontrollably because of shock, fear or other reasons.

“No, don’t come over here!!!”


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