One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 140 - Spandams anxiety and panic

Chapter 140 – Spandam’s anxiety and panic

This content was first published on Judicial Island-Ainiis Hall.

Because there is no night and day all year round, it is also called the island that never sleeps.

The Judiciary Island, Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor, and the Deep Sea Prison Advance City, are also known as the three major institutions of the world government.

Eight hundred years ago, it had never been breached.

As one of the three major government agencies in the world and a nominal judicial trial place, the number of naval and government espionage personnel stationed on the island totals more than 10,000.

And the person who controls the command of this ten thousand people is the goal of Luo Lin’s trip.

c9 sir, a scum named Spandham.

Twenty years ago, Spandane initiated the enchantment order in O’Hara.

Not only Robin’s relatives died in that massacre, but also one of Rollin’s past men-the giant Hagwar d Saron.

Twenty years later, Spandam, who has inherited his father’s scum attribute, would have once again issued the occupant order.

It’s just that Luo Lin woke up.

So everything will be different.

The third island of Judicial Island is independent of the Tower of Judiciary on the Rift Valley.

This is the office space of the entire Judicial Island.

All the government officials with the corpse positions and vegetarian meals gathered in the justice tower.

Spandham, the nominal supreme officer of Judiciary Island, is naturally among them.

At this moment, the top floor of the Judicial Tower.

Spandam, with short purple hair and a half-face mask, frowned, walking hurriedly back and forth in the spacious office like an ant on a hot pot.

“What the hell is going on? This unspeakable depression? Is it really because my uncle is too tired from work recently?”

Spandham murmured to himself.

“But speaking of it, the recent bad things are really one after another.”

“What the hell are the three Gabra bastards doing? It’s just-Zaozhen? It hasn’t been reported to me for so long, do they still see me as the chief?”

“There are people above who have been urging, urging you? Have the ability to find it yourself!

“Spandam scolded angrily.

“There are also the two giant bastards on this island. Since they can’t be used anymore, just deal with them.”

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of a pair of pandas in Spandam.

Thinking of these things, the inexplicable depression and anxiety in Spandham’s heart finally eased.

He picked up the tea cup on the table, blew it, and was about to drink a cup of shock.

“Sir Spandham”

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the door.

“It’s hot”

Spandam was taken aback by the sudden knock on the door, the tea in his cup splashed, and he yelled cursingly when it was hot.

“Asshole, what are you going to do all of a sudden?”

Spandham’s face was gloomy and terrible.

Caught the government official entering the door was a curse.

“Sorry, sir, but it’s really bad, it’s a first-degree event!”

“A major event? Hahaha? This is the Judicial Island. What can be a major event?

Could it be that those two giant bastards failed to escape from prison? “Spandam laughed.

“No, it’s the intruder. The gate of the former island has been breached. Now the intruder is heading to the island.” The government official reported anxiously.


Hearing this news, an expression of extreme shock and disbelief suddenly appeared on Spandham’s disgusting face.

This is the Judicial Island!

One of the three major government agencies in the world!

Who dares to invade?

Never before in 800 years! “Could it be”

Spandam seemed to think of the source of his inner anxiety, and the expression on his face gradually frightened.(Read more @

“Who is the other party? What about the people?-How many intruders are there?”

Spandam asked anxiously-

While talking, he was already packing his luggage, ready to run through the gate of justice at any time. “Report to Chief Spandam that the identity of the other party is currently being investigated. The number has been confirmed: one!”


Spandham’s movement of packing up his clothes was stagnant, and his face showed an expression that seemed to hear the funniest joke.

“Are you sure it’s really just a person?”

Spandham’s face


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Incredibly rhetorical. :

“Yes! We have seen it remotely and there is indeed only one person.”

“Anyone? Break through the front door openly? Hey, hey, just kidding!”

Spandam sank on the sofa with shock on his face.

After a moment of silence.



Spandam suddenly smiled triumphantly.

The expression on his face no longer panicked.

The heart is even greater.

“Okay, it’s good to be alone. If I’m alone, what terrible thing would I have? My Judicial Island has a full 10,000 troops stationed there!”

“I want to see which stupid person is, so stupid that a person came to attack Judicial Island alone is asking for a dead end!”

0 Seeking flowers

“Grabbing that prisoner and guarding the Judicial Island must have done a great job again, um, yes, the promotion of my uncle is just around the corner, hahahahahahahaha”

Spandam laughed. Laugh wildly and proudly.

“Spandam Palace, it’s not bad anymore

At this moment, another government official rushed in.

“Asshole, what are you doing again? Your uncle’s rare dreams are interrupted by you.”

Spandham said with a look of disgust.

“Sir Spandham, the invaders have broken through the second gate of the island!”



at the same time.

00 Judicial Island outside the main island, the second gate.

Luo Lin walked calmly.

Wherever he went, the surrounding gatekeepers were all stiff and solidified without warning, and their eyes turned white.

039 Dingling Suolang 039

The sound of swords and weapons fell one after another.

Finally, the dull sound of people falling to the ground in a coma, one after another.

From beginning to end, Luo Lin did not show the slightest change in expression on his face.

039 Wow-Kaka’

The huge and heavy door of the island opened on its own.

039 Bang 039

“Boom boom boom”


At the moment the door opened, countless gunfires and cannons exploded. The garrison on Judiciary Island, which had been waiting behind the door, launched an attack together. However, in the next moment, something shocked and horrified happened to the people.

Whether it is a bullet or a cannonball, when it arrives near the gate, it is like a bog.

It seemed to have encountered some invisible force, and in the end they all fell helplessly.

“This this

“What the hell is this

“This strength is

“You, you, you in the end

The heavily armed people behind the door opened their eyes in horror and yelled in horror.

However, without exception, their words had not had time to speak completely, and the next moment they came to an abrupt end.

The raging domineering storm centered on Luo Lin, sweeping across the country.

In just a moment, the world was quiet.

“It seems to be Oymo and Cassie, right? Your captains Dongli and Broki are now my employees, so let’s solve your problems by the way.”


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