One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 147 - The hero in the heart of Qing Pheasant Kuzan

Chapter 147 – The hero in the heart of Qing Pheasant Kuzan

This content was first published on “This is the end of the fight, kid Kuzan!”

A peaceful voice sounded behind the arrogant general Green Pheasant without warning.

The general Qing Pheasant Kuzan, one of the strongest combat forces in Ling’s navy headquarters, suddenly changed his face.

“When is it?”

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t even notice the slightest what I saw, what kind of monster is this!!!”

General Qing pheasant Kuzan subconsciously gave birth to a shock of emotion in his heart.

However, as the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, one of the top combat powers on this sea.

How could the general green pheasant be frightened by a word of others.

‘Ka Ka Ka 039

Endless turbulent cold air emerged from his body. Thick layers of frost formed on the ground.

The three extreme frost and cold auras attacked Luo Lin behind the green pheasant with an aura close to absolute zero. 039 Boom 039

Before the three icy breaths approached, the world suddenly shook.

Then a breath of terror that seemed to be above everything in the world came out.

‘Ka Ka 039

039 Bang’

Just for a moment.

All the ice cubes covering the entire manor house burst and turned into countless tiny ice crystals, which drifted away with the wind.

The cold air in the air also escaped under that domineering and boundless breath.

039 Wow 039

Ten invisible winds slapped on the body of the general green pheasant, making his clothes hunt and hunt.

Under that extremely terrifying domineering shroud, even the general green pheasant can no longer calm down.

At this moment, the general green pheasant’s heart seemed to be a turbulent wave, which could not be calm for a long time.

Who is the person behind?

Why is his perception of color and appearance in chaos?

There is also this powerful domineering domineering that makes heaven and earth change their colors, which is simply unheard of!

When did such a terrifying monster appear on this sea?

The general green pheasant was full of shocked thoughts.

He wanted to turn around to see what happened.

But under the pressure of that force, it was impossible for a while.

How amazing is this?

After all, he is a general of the navy headquarters!

“Kuzan kid, I don’t want to say the same thing a second time, if your chill makes the little girls catch a cold, I can’t spare you.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

Hearing this, the general green pheasant’s heart suddenly froze.

While standing still in place, he didn’t dare to move at all, he also unconsciously gave birth to a trace of suspicion in his heart.

Kuzan kid?

This title is really long gone!

“You arrive

Just when the general green pheasant asked what he wanted to ask.

The little girls who were previously blocked by the thick ice wall took the lead to exhale happily.

“Teacher, you are back!” Kerla exclaimed happily, and the time of restlessness in her heart disappeared.

“Brother Luo Lin, you are finally back.” Weiwei exhaled in relief.

“Brother Luo Lin, that admiral is going to bully Sister Robin. “Nami is the first to file a complaint. Little Lori, who got out of the icicle cage, hugged Luo Lin’s thigh for the first time during Golden Week.

The petite body trembled slightly. Obviously it was a little frightened.

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid, Marianne.”

Luo Lin smiled and stroked little Lolita’s head, speaking comfortingly.

At this moment.

Listen to the voices of the little girls.

After listening to what they called the ‘Monster 039’ behind them.

Admiral Blue Pheasant Kuzan-fell into a completely sluggish state!(Read more @

The dignity on his face turned into shock, then deepened into shock, and finally solidified.

The turbulent waves in his heart turned into huge waves, layer upon layer,-wave after wave slapped his frozen heart.


What a nostalgic name! I haven’t heard it for thirty years!

The general green pheasant looked up at the sky.

The long-lasting memories of the past in my mind continue to emerge like a fountain.

Forty-three years ago.

He is just a little beggar who makes a living by picking up tatters. Live a miserable life every day, with last but not the last.

Even wild dogs will come to grab his food.

That was simply the darkest time in his life.

And the one that made him in the dark


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It was the gentleman who saw the light among them!

Although later for various reasons, he eventually boarded another warship.

But Kuzan will never forget the hero who brought him to the light, the hero in his heart.

The name of that hero is-

039 call 039

The general green pheasant took a deep breath.

A few fine ice crystals fell from his face, and when they fell to the ground, they disappeared.

The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters Green Pheasant Kuzan took the heaviest step in his life.

Finally, turned around. Four eyes face each other.

The person in front of him is still the same.

Even though thirty-six years have passed, it is still exactly the same as before, not changing at all.

Of course it is.

After all, he is a man of miracles.

A rare smile appeared on the cold face of General Qing Pheasant Kuzan.

“Mr. Luo Lin, long time no see!!!”

The elegant manor is quiet. There is no bitter cold breath.

The water in the swimming pool is also unfrozen.

After experiencing the frost, the flowers and plants on the ground still haven’t died, but have become more and more uplifting.

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters Green Pheasant Kuzan lay leisurely on a beach chair by the swimming pool, watching the 039 spacecraft that gradually disappeared into the sky.

There is a contented smile on his face.

It turned out that Karp told him that he would know everything if he found the spacecraft. It was not nonsense.

It turned out to be true.

Because he did know-cut.

Know the root of the series of events in the ocean during the recent period.

“Mr. Luo Lin, it’s still the same as before, really handsome.”

The general green pheasant whispered to himself leisurely.

“And Nicole

The green pheasant paused.

“Your luck is too good, even I can’t help but envy you, but you can find such a great place to live in 720, it is really great, and I will finally be able to relax a little bit later.”

General Qing Pheasant thought in his heart. Watching the spaceship 039 go away.

His restless heart also calmed down.

039 Blue Blue Blue 039

The ringing of the telephone bug awakened the green pheasant Kuzan from his leisure time.

After a while, the phone worm was connected, and the voice of the Marshal Sengoku came from the other side. “Hey, Kuzan, have you found that person?” Warring States asked casually.

“Ah, I already saw it.” Green Pheasant Kuzan replied lazily.

“Just know it’s okay?”

The Warring States period, who subconsciously thought that the general Qing pheasant was lazy, suddenly raised an octave in the next second.

“You, you, you, Kuzan, you, did you see that guy?” The Warring States Period was shocked.

“Ah, yes, I saw it.” Green Pheasant Kuzan said.

“how is he?”

“It’s exactly the same as before.”

“It’s exactly the same? Forget it, you give him the phone bug, I want to talk to him, and ask what is going on on Judicial Island?” The Warring States said angrily.

“This is really unfortunate.”

“Huh?” The Marshal Senguo on the other side of the phone worm frowned. “Just now, that person has already left.” General Qing Pheasant said.

“Me! ¥”

The Warring States period went wild.

“Kuzan, you chase me right now, right away, right away!”

“Ahhhh, sorry, Mr. Sengoku, I’m a little sleepy, I will definitely be next time!”


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