One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 163 - Shampoo Island shakes

Chapter 163 – Shampoo Island shakes

This content was first published on Mangrove No. 13 on the islands of Chambord.

A lonely bar stands on a lonely hill.

In the open space in front of the bar, the little girls sat in rows.

Looking at the fiery red sunset in the sky, and the bubbles that became more and more dreamy in the sunset, her pretty face was intoxicated.

‘Squeaky 039

Xia Qi, a half-aged milf in her sixties, opened the door.

“Today’s Feng’er is really noisy, and I don’t know who’s because of it. Xia Qi opened her mouth, and her gaze fell in the direction of the No. 16 mangrove, which meant something.

“Don’t worry, there will be no noise soon.”

Luo Lin spoke casually.


Xia Qi raised her eyebrows slightly, not quite understanding the meaning of Luo Lin’s words.

If you don’t understand, don’t think about it.

“Hey, old bastard, I’ve already given you everything, why don’t you leave?” Xia Qi asked.

“No hurry, I’m waiting for someone.” Luo Lin said.


“The little girls’ bodyguards.”

Luo Lin answered.

This time he greeted Doflamingo and the dark forces, Luo Lin planned to act alone.

Robin and others who stayed on the Chambord Islands naturally needed guards.


Xia Qi raised her eyebrows again.

“The shampoo land is my place. If I take care of it, what are you worried about.”

Xia Qi believes in herself.

“This is really strange.” Luo Lin was surprised.

“What’s your expression? I like these little girls for the time being.” Xia Qi glanced at Luo Lin slantingly.

“That’s really a thank you, but I don’t need it anymore. Besides, I think, even you don’t want to intervene too much if you take care of the Tianlongren’s affairs.” Luo Lin grinned.


Upon hearing this, Xia Qi’s face suddenly showed shock and horror again.

Even the lady’s cigarette dropped to the ground without even realizing it.

“Are you going to take those Sky Dragons again this time?” Xia Qi said in shock.

You know that is the nobleman of the world!

Any move-the next will attract the admiral.

Do not

When thinking of Luo Lin’s past deeds.

The shock in Xia Qi’s heart was immediately relieved.

After all, the person in front of you is really a ‘madman.’

He was a super cruel man who went to the Holy Land Mary Joa to slaughter the Dragonites by himself several decades ago!

“Come on~~.”

When Xia Qi was thinking about the rumors in the past, Luo Lin suddenly spoke, looking towards the distant sky. “coming?”

Xia Qi’s face was confused.

Follow Luo Lin’s line of sight.

In the distance, a spaceship flying in the sky, braving the golden light, gradually enlarged and became clear.

As a result, Xia Qi’s eyes gradually widened and shined.

“Then that that golden spaceship turned out to be yours?”(Read more @

Xia Qi showed a ghostly expression.

Luo Lin nodded.

“Where did you get this this? Wait a minute. Is it possible that the bodyguard you mentioned is the mysterious nature system that suddenly appeared above the sea in recent days—”

“Nature is a person with the ability to sound thunder fruit.”

Thinking of this, Xia Qi’s face was shocked again, apparently she had collected information about the Golden Ship and Aini Road.

“It’s him. In the past few days when I’m away, that kid will be yours for the time being. If you have to leave it to him, you can treat it as a reward for the information.” Luo Lin said.


Xia Qi nodded blankly.

Just when Xia Qi was shocked by the appearance of the Golden Ark.

On the other side, in the mangrove area on the 16th, Aini Road on the Ark also began to issue his own declaration of the second trial.

The sound is loud, like thunder, even if it is separated by several areas, it can be clearly heard.


Xia Qi looked strange in front of the bar.



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nbsp; Luo Lin, who noticed Xia Qi’s weird sight, turned dark.

Ainilu, this kid, really doesn’t change in second grade.

Luo Lin just asked him to deal with the aftermath of the No.16 Mangrove, but in the end, this kid even pretended to be playing with it without authorization.

It’s also a shame that there are a lot of small people there, and there is no strong grumpy brother.

Otherwise, his skill at speaking would definitely be opposed.

It seems that I need to teach this famous saying that the young villain died of talking too much in the future.

Shaobibi, direct hands-on is the kingly way.

Fortunately, Ainilu’s S2 speech did not last long.

He was also enraged by the taunts of the pirates below.

, Rumble 039

There was thunder resounding in the sky and it was deafening.

Immediately after-

Roads of terrifying thunder pillars descended from the sky.

Shot down to the land of No. 16 mangrove area.

In an instant, thunder and roar between heaven and earth, infinite lightning burst-

Nothing is visible. I don’t know how long it has been.

When the terrifying thunder light that shrouded the world converged. The shaking that spread across the Chambord Islands ceased.

What appeared in people’s sight was a huge hole.

The entire mangrove area on the 16th, along with the pirates on it, was destroyed into nothingness under the sanction of God 039.

After a brief silence, a loud noise rang out.


Are you kidding me? What kind of power is this? ”

“Where is the mangrove tree number 16? Where did that big mangrove tree go?”

“Really, the entire No. 16 mangrove area has been evaporated!!!”

“Raiden! That is the power of the true gods!!!”

Shocked and terrified shouts were everywhere.

Soon, people in other mangrove areas also knew about the news.

As a result, the entire island of Chambord was shaken.

“Naturally, those with the Thunder Fruit Ability are really terrifying. Is this a demonstration to the world?”

At the top of No. 17 mangrove hill, Trafalgaro has a drop of sweat slipping off his forehead.

“Is this how Captain Hawkins saw death? It really happened!!!”

The crowd (of Zhao Zhao) of the Hawkins Pirates were all scared.

“This sea is really not peaceful recently, even the power of thunder and lightning can be controlled!

Where is the monster that got out? ”

Big stomach girl Joe Ellie Bonnie bit her thumb and murmured in shock.

“Jingran is the natural thunder fruit ability. After many years, has this ability finally regenerated? Next, the sea will be lively for a while, hahafu.

The fashionable and handsome old man with slippers and shorts, Hades Raleigh gave a chuckle and lifted his head to remove a green leaf from his head.

“But it doesn’t have much to do with me, an old man. The next is the age of young people.”

“Really, I don’t know where you are from

In front of the Mangrove Bar on the 13th, Xia Qi shook her head, and just turned around to complain to Luo Lin.

In the end, he found that the person beside him disappeared silently without knowing when.

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