One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 170 - The tragedy caused by Karp-Sentence

Chapter 170 – The tragedy caused by Karp-Sentence

This content was first published on “Do you believe what the unreliable guy said? It’s still too naive.”

A careless voice sounded from behind Tina and the others without warning.

Ling’s still in a state of shock, Tina and Ain’s complexion instantly changed, and they suddenly turned back. 039 Click 039

While Ain on the other side turned and backed away, the large-caliber pistol Gebruchott was loaded and aimed at Rollin’s forehead.

“who are you?”

“It turned out to be you!!!”

Tina and Ain both spoke in unison.

But the tone is quite different. One asked threateningly.

The other words were extremely shocking.

Ain’s beautiful eyes widened, and he glanced suspiciously at Tina next to him.

“Tina, do you know him?” Ain asked. Tina didn’t hear about Ain’s inquiry. At this moment, her whole person is messy.

More than two months later, after seeing Luo Lin again, she once again felt the kind and kind 039 look from Luo Lin. It’s still the same as last time, it’s breathtaking. Tina’s little pink fist clenched and loosened.

Su Xiong made waves and fluctuated as she took deep breaths again and again.

Looking at Tina who suddenly became emotional, Ain’s face was suddenly filled with doubts.

However, the large-caliber pistol raised was not put down, and was still on alert.

“It has been said long ago that we should eliminate the six types of iron. It is easy to make people blindly self-confident if it is not used. So far, how many navies have died of iron!”

Luo Lin didn’t care at all about Tina’s shock and Ain’s warning, and shook his head self-consciously.

Luo Lin couldn’t help but stared at the brigadier general Kibin who was not far away, and his expression gradually became weird.

“It turned out to be this stunned green!”

For the new-generation navy, what Luo Lin knows are the key figures such as Smogg, Tina, etc. who have appeared in the plot-

Even Luo Lin couldn’t remember such a dragon tactic.

However, Luo Lin was also impressed by the fallen Brigadier General of Dragon set in front of him.

After all, this is really an iron head baby.

At the time of the war, he used iron blocks to pick up the attack of Straw Hat Luffy, and was broken by a punch.

Later, in the arrest of the former general Zefa, he also used an iron block to hardly resist the crusher, which was instantly broken.

Add this-against Kidd, and it’s third

No, really counting, this is the first time.

Reminiscent of Tina’s earlier statement that Karp had praised his iron nugget, Luo Lin’s complexion suddenly became speechless.

The reason why this poor baby is so confident in his own iron defense, he doesn’t know the lesson over and over again, 80% of it has nothing to do with Karp’s praise.

“The guy Karp, praise people for what’s bad, you have to praise people for the good use of iron blocks. No, you can practice with iron blocks. They are stupid for children’s brains. Little girls must be attracted. For the lesson, Luo Lin said to Tina and Ain earnestly.

As a result, not only Tina, but even Ain also felt Luo Lin’s 039 kind 039 eyes, and then became messy. ‘Ka Ka 039

Compared to Tina, who was secretly messy, Ain’s temperament was much more direct.

Clamp the trigger’s index finger slightly hard.

As long as the force on the fingers is increased by half a minute, the bullet will come out of the chamber, piercing the inexplicable guy in front of him.(Read more @

“Wait, Ain”

At the critical moment, Tina raised her hand and held Ain’s pistol.


“Ain, although I don’t know why this guy appeared here, but

If this guy wants to do it, he will do it before. “Tina said.

“Tina, do you really know this man?”

Berry Goode, who was also frightened in a cold sweat, asked.



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bsp; “Well, I’ve seen it once in the East China Sea.” Tina nodded.

After thinking about it, Tina still didn’t tell the story about Rolin’s possible relationship with Krokdal. 039 Boom 039

Just when Tina and others were shocked by the sudden appearance of Luo Lin, the other major generals of the Second Swordsman, especially Mula, were also knocked out by Kidd’s mechanical giant arm.

Although in time to parry with double knives.

But the terrifying power still shook his body with blood surging, his hands were aching, and he couldn’t even hold the knife in his hand.

“Tina, Berry Goode, what are you still doing here? Don’t leave soon.”

Especially Major General Mulla yelled anxiously-

0 Seeking flowers

“If I just want to leave now, it’s a little bit late.”

The red hedgehog-headed pirate, the captain Eustskid with a bounty of nearly 300 million, grinned cruelly. So Tina and the others realized that they had been surrounded by all members of the Kidd Pirates at some point. .

“Although most of the navies on the island are trash like you, there are still a few people, even if I meet them, it will be very troublesome, so I can only ask you to stay here.”

Captain Estad Kidd grinned.

The voice was cold, and it was chilling to hear it.

As a supernova in the original plot, capable of competing with the protagonist of Destiny, Straw Hat Luffy, Kidd’s strength is naturally considered strong.

In the early stage, even on Straw Hat Luffy

And compared to the adventurous nature of the drafting hat group, the Kidd group are the real pirates. Whether they are facing pirates, navy, or civilians, they will not have the slightest bit of mercy.

The nearly 300 million rewards on his head were all made by him with his own brutality.

“Hahaha, navy, come to realize!”

“It is your misfortune to meet our Kidd Pirates.”

“Captain Kidd, the two female navies look very good, please save them.”

“Not bad”

The ordinary members of the Kidd Pirates group all laughed triumphantly, thinking that the winner was in their hands.

Even Kidd himself thinks so.

At this moment, there was only one exception in the entire Kidd Pirate Group.

In the Kidd group, the bounty is only under Kidd’s deputy captain, who killed the warrior Kira.

Not long ago, when Kidd Juzi was immersed in the battle with the major general, especially Mulla, the killing warrior Kira, like Tina and others, was scared into a cold sweat by Luo Lin’s sudden appearance.

It doesn’t stop there.

Whenever Kira squeezed the two scimitars in his hand and wanted to launch his most proud Lightning 039 raid.

There was a terrifying aura locked on his body in Mingming, causing him to feel infinite horror, and he felt great anxiety and panic.

“Hey, Kidd, it’s important to set sail. It’s okay to keep these navies. Let’s go.” Kira suggested.

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