One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 172 - Powerful enough to make the little ghosts desperate

Chapter 172 – Powerful enough to make the little ghosts desperate

This content was first published on 039 Boom 039

When Luo Lin’s voice fell.

The turbulent overlord color burst into pieces.

The terrifyingly substantive overlord’s domineering looks centered on Luo Lin, spreading and spreading in all directions. Only for a moment.

The noise of the pirates of the Kidd Pirate Group stopped abruptly.

Except for a few main combatants such as Kira, Hit, and Waye, the other pirates suddenly tilted their heads back, their eyes turned white, and fell to the ground in a coma.

The entire coastal battlefield fell into a complete silence.

After a long time.

“Is this aura of overlord-looking domineering!!!”

The major general, especially Mulla, finally shouted in shock at this moment.

“Only a million people can awaken the king’s spirit, the overlord’s domineering, who are you?

Ain, a girl with long aqua-blue hair, was also shaking her face, as if her heart was turned up-

Stormy waves.

Only by experiencing it up close can she finally understand how terrifying the so-called king’s spirit is!

“You even have the domineering look of the overlord. Could it be that you are really the lord of Hwaseong!”

Tina looked almost dull.

The impact from the overlord’s domineering is only a small one-10 aspects.

More of it is because of the shocking conjectures in her heart that want to subvert her worldview.

in case

What if all the conjectures in her mind were true?

So how amazing it should be! It will inevitably shake the whole world.

Make this sea produce unimaginable huge waves.

‘Ka Ka Ka 039

Just when the dozens of people on the coast were still immersed in the shock of the overlord’s domineering.

There was a creak in the sky and the earth.

Like a broken mirror.


Killing warrior Kira suddenly yelled, and his figure shot out and threw the red-haired young man with the hedgehog’s head out several tens of meters.

Next second.

The dazzling brilliance bloomed from the giant mechanical arm.

Then burst into a bang.

Countless weapon fragments shot out in all directions like shooting stars.

It’s like a grand firework rain.

But in this beautiful firework rain, there is still extreme danger.

039 Keng Keng 039

Two long swords were inserted in front of the major general, especially Mu La.

That was the weapon he had been sucked away earlier.

‘Pattern 039

Luo Lin casually moved, and a special large-caliber pistol appeared in his hand.

That’s Ain’s weapon-Gebpushott.

“This gun is a bit interesting. Was Begapunk gave it to you?”

Luo Lin asked casually, “Yes!”

“Yes, hold on tighter next time.”

Luo Lin threw the pistol back to Ain casually.

“Thank you”

The girl Ain immediately took it in a hurry, and then softly thanked her. Luo Lin waved his hand casually, and walked towards Kidd and his group not far away.

Under the impact of his previous overlord color, there are still six people in the Kidd Pirates who can stay awake.

Captain Yustaskid and deputy captain killed Kira the warrior, Hit the flamethrower, Vaye, and the fat and thin cockscomb brothers.

These six talents are the true main combatants of the Kidd Pirates.

“Kid, are you okay?”

Seeing the blood stain at the corner of Kidd’s mouth, Kira asked worriedly.

“Ah, I’m fine now.”(Read more @

Kidd casually raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

In his eyes, there seemed to be flames burning with anger and fighting will.

“Little ones”

Kidd suddenly raised his right arm.

“So far, we have crossed many mountains and defeated all enemies. Today is no exception. We will use this guy’s blood to add a rich touch to our journey.” Kidd shouted loudly.

“Boss Kidd.”

The expressionless fire-thrower Hitt pulled an ugly smile from the corner of his mouth. There seemed to be a hot flame hidden in the mouth stitched together by needles and threads.

“Captain Kidd has said so, why do we have to refuse.”

Vaye, a tall man in a demon costume, clenched the three-pronged gun in his hand.

“This is the captain’s order, then there is no way.”

One fat and one thin, two cockscomb-headed youths grinned.

“Kid, you really can’t help it, then do it!” The expression under the slaughter warrior Kira’s mask turned from astonishment to relief.



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nbsp; In the end, it returned to its usual crazy and combative state.

The fear that had been born under Luo Lin’s invisible aura before, disappeared at this moment.

As Kidd said.

So far, they have overcome countless difficulties and obstacles.

Even the strong who returned from the new world were defeated in their hands.

Now, Luo Lin standing in front of them was just another mountain.

What’s so scary?

They are the Kidd Pirates! Their captain is one of the future-

Sea, thief, king! ! !

Feel the growing fighting spirit and strong confidence of Kidd and his team, as well as those rich psychological activities.

Luo Lin’s footsteps paused slightly, the expression on his face gradually weird.

If the opponent was the straw hat group, Luo Lin wouldn’t be very surprised.

Never thought that the Kidd Pirates group was also a group of passionate middle two youngsters. This whole self seems to be the oss on their way through the barrier.

Dare to be a villain?


The boss is the boss.

It’s just that my own boss might be so powerful that these little ghosts are desperate! ! !

Luo Lin grinned.

“Kid and a group, your opponent still has us.”

Feeling the strong fighting spirit of Kidd and his team, especially Major General Mulla also recovered from the shock of Luo Lin, drew out the double swords in front of him, and was about to move forward.

On the other side, Tina, Ain, and even Bailey Goode and Xiun, who were sitting on the ground in fright, were also ready to fight.

There are six people on the opposite side.

There were five navy members on their side, and Luo Lin also happened to be six.

Six to six is ​​very fair.

It should be so.

However, just before Major General Mulla, Tina and others moved.


A crisp sword chant sounded between the heaven and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying sword intent that was sharp and powerful enough to cut through the sky burst out.

The first 350 of the 21st Big Sharp Sword, the black sword Qiushui unsheathed.

As a result, the coast split in half under the blade of Qiushui.

“It’s good for the little girls to just watch, I’ll come here alone.” Luo Lin said calmly.

Especially Major General Mulla, Tina, Ain and others stopped in shock.

On the other side, even if they witnessed the terrifying sword intent, the six headed by Kidd still did not flinch.


Killing warrior Kira shouted out the habit before killing.

The body accelerated suddenly and disappeared from the place in a flash.


The next second, the sound of gold and iron strikes.

The two scimitars used to kill the warrior Kira crossed to block.

Hei Dao Qiushui’s blade was only the last centimeter away from his body.

And this distance is still looming.

Kira, the slaughter warrior, began to tremble uncontrollably with both hands holding the scimitar.

In his feelings, it seemed that it was not a knife, but a big mountain that was oppressing his body at this moment.

“Asshole, don’t ignore us.”

On the other side, Kidd yelled.

With the help of the magnetic fruit ability, a pair of mechanical arms were formed, and they fell towards Luo Lin.

The fire-thrower Hitt, who looked like a zombie, released the seal on his mouth, and a fiery flame emerged from the depths of his throat.

The three-pronged gun Waye and the San Mao Cha of the fat and thin cockscomb brothers also killed Luo Lin from various tricky angles.

“Little ghosts, the momentum is good, but you want to cross my mountain, it’s a hundred years too early for you!”

039 Boom 039

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