One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 176 - Excited Black Wrist Sage

Chapter 176 – Excited Black Wrist Sage

This content was first published on “Drake, you idiot, it’s a hundred years too early to challenge the old man!!!”

Like a dense forest that has been hit by a tornado, an old man’s full roar can be heard. After a while.

With the sound of footsteps, a lean and strong old man with purple hair walked out of the gap in the dense forest.

The huge iron-arm pulverizer between the right hand sprayed a lot of steam, releasing a strong sense of force.

Compared to the previous mechanical arm that Kidd had condensed from the fruits of his own magnetic force, it was much more powerful.

“Teacher Zefa”

Seeing the sturdy old man with purple hair walking out of the dense forest, Ain, a young girl with long aqua-blue hair, suddenly showed joy. ;

“Teacher Zefa”

Tina also lifted her expression and shouted. “Teacher Zefa” “Teacher Zefa”

Especially Major General Mulla, Berry Goode, Xiun and White Hunter “Three Two Three” Smogg also unanimously opened their mouths.

Thirty years ago, Zefa, who resigned as a general and served as the chief instructor of the navy, can be regarded as a protégé all over the world.

Even in the entire navy headquarters, more than half of the generals have received Zefa’s guidance more or less, and it is worthy of them to say a teacher.

Even the current three navy generals are no exception.

“Ain, Tina, and the kids, you’re fine.”

Zefa just nodded calmly to the greetings of the young navy.

Sharp eyes swept across the dilapidated coastal battlefield.

Waves gradually emerged in Zefa’s calm eyes.

After all, this battlefield resembling a post-war battlefield is really dilapidated and a bit exaggerated.

Especially the huge ravine that divides the coast into two.

The person who shoots must be a great swordsman.

The number of times the Navy can achieve this level is definitely not more than one hand.

There are even only two or three people.


In the next second, Zefa’s gaze fell on the six neatly arranged not far away.

The pupils of the eyes under the sunglasses could not help but shrink again.

Captain Yustaskid and a group of monster pirates offering a bounty of nearly 300 million.

For him, a former admiral, it was nothing.

But for the young marines such as Tina and Ain present, they were real monster enemies.

However, the final result was far beyond Zefa’s imagination.

Kidd, who offered a bounty of nearly 300 million, was defeated!

On the other hand, Tina and Ain didn’t even see any injuries on their bodies.

“Jingran even got the bastard Kidd, Ain, Tina, and the kids, you did a great job this time.”

Even Zefa, who has always been strict, can’t help but give affirmative appreciation to Ain, Tina and others at this moment.

“No, Teacher Zefa!”

Tina took a step earlier.

“Teacher Zefa, the Kidd guy here is not what we defeated.” Ain said.

“It’s not you, then

Before Zefa’s words were finished, he stopped abruptly, and his voice lowered accordingly.

Following the sight of Bailey Goode, Xiun and others, Zefa finally saw it. A strange face was mixed in among the crowds of students he knew well.

A ‘Stranger!’ that was previously blocked by a large swath of smoke rising from Smogg’s body, so that even he could not find the first time.

No, no, no! ! !

Zefa suddenly shook his head, and violently pulled off the black sunglasses with his left hand, revealing his big, round eyes.(Read more @

strange? wrong!

It should be familiar!

That face.

The figure among his students.

Even after decades, there is still no change.

That guy–

How could he be unfamiliar! How could I not recognize it!

After all, that is his brother, brother, ah! ! ! “You, you, you really are

At this moment.

The navy chief instructor who has always been the most majestic instructor, Zefa, who is known as the black fist, is actually a rare stammer.

Even a complete sentence can’t be said.

His old but still strong body couldn’t help shaking.

“Teacher Zefa, what’s wrong with you?”

Upon seeing this, Ain suddenly appeared anxious, thinking that Zefa’s disease had relapsed.

Just as Ain took a step and was ready to step forward.


The Taoist figure flashed out without warning.

She stepped out first.

That is the man who crushed the “Heaven and Earth” with one foot earlier! “Yeah, Zefa, it’s really been a long time since I saw you.”

Luo Lin spoke, with a bright smile on his face as always.

So, listening to Luo Lin’s familiar greeting.

The disciples of Zefa, such as Smogg, Ain, etc., were all dumbfounded. The same unconsciously appeared in their minds-a doubt.

Could it be said that this young, excessive monster knew their teacher Zefa?

Could it be said that this person is also a disciple of Zefa, just like them?

The second confusion and conjecture in the hearts of these young marines was quickly rejected.

“Your home

When I heard Luo Lin’s greeting after decades.

Zefa’s trembling body returned to calm.

039 Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi 039

There was a sudden burst of steam from the huge mechanical pulverizer in his right hand. : On his intact left arm, a black pattern appeared, covering his entire arm, turning it into a 039 black wrist 039, exuding a powerful aura even more terrifying than a smasher.

“What is Teacher Zefa going to do?”

Upon seeing this, Tina was shocked.

“Master Zefa is going to make a full shot?”

Ain also widened his beautiful eyes in shock.

Next second.

In the shocking eyes of the young marines, Zefa suddenly jumped up on the high ground not far away.

“Hahahaha, take the move, if you are really that fellow, then try this.”

Zefa yelled, and his left arm covered with top armed colors penetrated the atmosphere and fell straight towards Luo Lin on the coast.

Wherever the fist passed, the atmosphere screamed overwhelmedly.

In the sky, a pattern like water waves appeared in circles, covering the squares in all directions.

“Zefa, you bastard, this is how you welcome a partner you have not seen for a few years. This is the 39-style punch to Zefa’s top armed force. Luo Lin didn’t have the slightest fear on his face.

Feeling the horrible pressure on his face, Luo Lin did not retreat but moved forward.

He took a heavy step forward with his right foot.

But this time, there was no horror scene that turned the world upside down. However, there was a more terrifying aura permeating out, coming from Luo Lin’s fist.

Bright as a shooting star.

Regarding momentum and oppressive power, he is not at all under Zefa’s top-level armed forces, and even worse. 039 Boom 039

Finally, under the shocking gaze of the young marines.

The two top black armed fists in the world collide. What blooms is a bright light that is even more dazzling than the sun.

Fist burst!

Nothing is visible!

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