One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 182 - The miracle reappeared

Chapter 182 – The miracle reappeared! ! !

This content was first published on “Doctor Andrew, is there really no way? Everyone on the second deck is still alive in the cabin of the warship. The beautiful girl with long pink hair, Lieutenant Commander Tina, said unbearably. .

For Tina, she was not like Da Siqi’s first time on the battlefield.

It’s just like this, such a fierce battle.

It was the first time for her.

In the past, she was responsible for guarding the vicinity of the starting point of the great route, but all she encountered was-some weak pirates.

There is no need for ordinary marines under her, she alone can take care of everything. She has not participated in a large-scale battle like today.

It almost made her forget the cruelty of war.

Do not.

The war is cruel.

But right now, what happened here is even more cruel.

Those marines who gave up even the doctors, how desperate they should be at this moment. Thinking of this, Tina’s pretty face was full of unbearable and heartache.

“Colonel Tina, if there is nothing important, please don’t disturb the old man’s work. The old man is busy now.”

The senior officer of the Naval Hospital and the oldest military doctor in the Navy, Andrew, spoke calmly.

“Uncle Andrew, don’t even you have to watch the second: Is everyone on the floor waiting to die? Is there nothing you can do?” Tina asked puzzled.

“Yes it is”

The military doctor named Andrew nodded. “We have done everything we can do.”


“Captain Tina, do you think I don’t want to save them? Watching those young lives pass away, can my heart really calm down?”

“The duty of a doctor is to save people. Use limited resources to save more people. This is a cruel choice we must make on the battlefield. So far, the old man has made countless choices, and I don’t want it either.

At this point, old Andrew’s face also flashed with extreme pain.

If that person is still there, if that gentleman is there, the situation will definitely be different! No one has to choose! No one will be given up! No one needs to despair”!”

Old Andrew’s cloudy old eyes flashed-a look of remembrance and remembrance.

At the same time, there is more excitement and admiration.

Because decades ago, his captain, who was a miracle man worshipped by all of them.

It’s just that miracle, which disappeared as early as 36 years ago.

I don’t know if I can see it again in this life.

Old Andrew shook his head.

His eyes fell on the death list in front of him, and his wrinkled hands trembled, unable to write for a long time.

At this moment, cheers mixed with shock, shock, surprise, and excitement suddenly sounded from the second deck.

Resounded across the sky.

“Ah! What the hell is going on!” “The injury on my body! What’s wrong!”

“Am I dead? Is this heaven?”

“Idiot, you stinky boy are not dead or dead!”

“This is nothing short of a miracle!”

“Everyone survived!”

“God! Lord God saved us!”

There was a gloom and bleak cloud on the second deck that was enveloped by the breath of death.

At this moment, it was occupied by people’s joyous cheers.

The desperation is no longer.

What turned out to be the joy of life.

Live from death.

No need to go through life and death again.

This is naturally one of the most ecstatic things in the world.

“What happened?”(Read more @

The cheers on the second deck soon attracted the attention of the soldiers of the warship.

Several seamen and medical personnel hurriedly boarded the deck.

Waiting to see the cheering scene in front of me.

The emotion named shock immediately occupied the whole body of these medical and marine soldiers.

Their bodies couldn’t move at all. “What the hell is going on?

“Everyone is resurrected!,

“Obviously everyone here has been fatally injured!”

“This is nothing short of a miracle!”

“Hurry up, go and notify Captain Andrew!”

The medical and marine soldiers murmured in shock.



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; The face is full of disbelief.

They knew the most about the serious injuries of the marines on the second deck.

But now

All the seriously injured and dying marines have all survived.

The kind of lively life.

As if the previous serious injuries were all fake.

If this is not an illusion.

Then it can only be explained by miracles, no, miracles.

This is the grace of God.

At this moment, even marine soldiers who have never believed in gods subconsciously prayed and thanked.

“What the hell happened?”

After a while.

Tina, Ain, and Andrew, the elder of the medical team, also hurriedly boarded the second deck.

then. next moment.

The three of Tina were also shocked by the scene in front of them and couldn’t say a word.

“Captain Andrew, this is a miracle, it is a miracle!”

“Everyone has survived! All the seriously injured have survived!”

“The Lord God must have appeared!”

Everyone shouted excitedly.

“‘Brigadier General Daikin, what the hell is going on?”

Tina, who was shocked to the point of being overwhelmed, saw the brigadier general Daikin who was hugging her subordinate Lei Luo, and immediately asked.

“Tina, look over there.”

Without waiting for Brigadier General Daikin to answer, Ain seemed to have discovered something. He pointed to a figure with his back facing them in the corner of the deck and exhaled in shock.

Tina looked at Ain’s direction.

After seeing the familiar back figure squatting in front of the last severely wounded seaman, Tina’s small mouth suddenly widened to its limit.

“It turned out to be him again! But how did he do it? Is this really a miracle he caused?”

Tina murmured unconsciously.

“Colonel Tina, as you can see, the miracle here is done by the gentleman over there.” Brigadier General Daikin looked at Luo Lin’s back with excitement.

“That gentleman is simply a god! Save me and everyone here from death! He must be a god!”

Corporal Lei Luo on the side looked at Luo Lin, full of fanaticism and admiration.

This time (for money).

Even if he died for Luo Lin, he would never hesitate.

“I am completely convinced now that that man must have been a legendary man in the navy.”

Ain murmured subconsciously.

“Yes, definitely.”

Tina nodded unconsciously.

039 puff pass rules 039 made a soft sound.

Andrew, the oldest medical doctor in the Navy, knelt on the deck with knees weak.

A pair of muddy old eyes stared at the back unblinkingly, and the old tears gradually blurred his vision.

His old body trembled because of the shock, and even more because of the excitement.

His lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something.

“Doctor Andrew, what’s the matter with you?”-The naval medical nurse stepped forward anxiously.

“That’s a hero, that’s a miracle of our navy, he really came back!!!”

In the end, the most respected old man in the Naval Hospital was already crying and knelt down deeply.

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