One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 198 - Mu Lian Da Zuo Luo Lins disciple and cadre of Rogers regiment

Chapter 198 – Mu Lian Da Zuo! Luo Lin’s disciple and cadre of Roger’s regiment!

This content is first published on Don’t want golden treasures.

Don’t want the famous swords that swordsmen flock to.

Even the cherished devil fruit can be ignored.

The girl in the peaked cap, Alice, wanted only to give freedom to the people on the ship who were about to become slaves.

For such a kind girl’s request, Luo Lin has any reason to refuse.

“Sure, Mr. Luo Lin.”

The peaked cap girl Alice looked at Luo Lin hopefully with her big shiny eyes.

“Of course.” Luo Lin smiled and nodded.

“Agaga, thank you very much, Mr. Rollin.

The peaked cap girl Alice stood at attention, bending over to salute Luo Lin. Then happily ran to the bottom of the transport ship.

As the largest intermediary in the underground dark world, Nanbu Haido Flamenco and his subordinates, Don Quixote family, have a wide range of business.

In addition to its own man-made devil fruit reselling, there are also other dark transactions in all walks of life.

Especially in the industry of population trading.

The Don Quixote family opened many population auctions all over the world.

The most famous of these is the population auction site of the Chambord Islands, the islands of Chambord that has the most traffic, and the auction site of the City of Pirates, which was destroyed during the naval raid.

The 227 auction deal originally scheduled for Qianfan Island was interrupted due to naval operations.

Therefore, Diamanti chose to take the goods on board to the Chambord Islands for subsequent auction processing.

It’s just a pity.

He was stared at by the scariest man in this sea.

Then everything is doomed.

When the peaked girl Alice hurried to liberate the slaves on the bottom of the cabin, Luo Lin put the crushed fruit back into the box.

He turned to look at a knife displayed on the knife rack.

It’s not the big knife that ranks 21st.

It is the very old and humble-looking Liangkuai Dao at the very edge, one of the 50 works of Liangkuai Dao, the name of the sword is Cangyan!


Cangyan was out of her sheath, and the sharp blade was reflected in Luo Lin’s line of sight.

as always.

Compared with 40 years ago, there is not a little improvement.

Because its previous owner was not an orthodox swordsman.

It was just because I looked up and imitated my teacher that I put a knife on my waist to pretend to be!

More than forty years ago, one of the fifty workers, the Liang Kuai Dao Cangyan, was owned by Mu Lian, and Lieutenant General Luo Lin was directly under the command of the Navy Headquarters Colonel.

Except for the two official disciples Long and Huang Yuan.

In a sense, all the seamen on the Luo Lin ship have also received his teachings and are his disciples.

The navy colonel named Mu Lian is no exception.

And among the crew, Colonel Mu Lian can be regarded as the most prominent one. Before boarding Luo Lin’s warship, Mu Lian Zuo of the Navy Headquarters was a famous thorn and ruffian.

His various behaviors make him look like he is not a justice navy at all, but a street ruffian.

Regarding the chaos of style, Mu Lian Dazuo is the gangsters of the current navy g5 branch and said the existence of the predecessors.

This situation continued until Mu Lian boarded Luo Lin’s ship, and finally changed.(Read more @

But in just one month.

Colonel Mu Lian, who once expressed a high profile about what he wanted to do on the ship, was completely changed.

Like the other crew members on the ship, he became Luo Lin’s most solid supporter. He even learned Luo Lin’s appearance, and pinned the good fast knife Cangyan on his waist.

Although he himself didn’t even know how to hold the knife.

“Mu Lian, you bastard shouldn’t have died yet. With my back to join Roger’s pirate group, I have to talk to you.

Luo Lin’s mouth was slightly curved, and a trace of nostalgia appeared on his face.

About ten minutes later.

The hundreds of cargoes held in the dark cabin at the bottom of the transport ship were all liberated by the peaked girl Alice.

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Most of them are rare races from all over the world.

For example, the small people from Grimbit, a small island near the Sa Kingdom in the new world of Baec, the long-handed tribe of the great route, the long-legged tribe, the rare mink tribe and the snakehead tribe, strong young fish, and All kinds of strange beasts and so on.

Of course, humans are also in the population business list of the Don Quixote family.

Especially the beauties of the indigenous tribes everywhere, and those who are small in the sea-

These reputations, powerful pirate captains who are rewarded by the navy and government.

Most loved by the nobles in the world.


With a bright smile on her face, the girl in the peaked cap Alice clapped her hands suddenly, attracting the attention of the desperate and sluggish people.

“Everyone, the people of the Don Quixote family have been defeated. From now on, you are all free.”

The girl Alice announced loudly.


“Are we free?”

“Is all this true?”

“We really don’t have to be auctioned and become the playthings of the nobles?”

The bottom of the cabin, which never saw the sun, returned to the light.

From the desperate abyss of becoming a slave and plaything of others, to regaining the luxury of freedom.

People of all races gradually gave birth to some different looks on their dull and sluggish faces due to despair. After a while.

The desperate and sluggish expressions on people’s faces have been replaced by the joy of new life.

Tears of joy and excitement overflowed people’s eyes. “Miss Alice, thank you so much!”

“Miss Alice, thank you for saving us from the abyss.”

“From now on, my life is yours!”

“me too!”

People shouted loudly.


No matter which race it is, it is the same.

“Agaga, no, no, I don’t need you to repay me, and it’s not me who really saves you.”

Faced with people’s enthusiasm, the peaked cap girl Alice waved her hand again and again.

“I know that many of you are already homeless, but don’t worry, I can help you arrange.”

Alice promised, patted the dried bear.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

Sure enough, when I heard Alice’s words.

The people on the ship who were still at a loss for the future suddenly became excited.

Looking at the Agaga girl surrounded by enthusiastic people and Luo Lin on the second deck, the corners of her mouth also made a smile unconsciously.

It is precisely because of these kind and lovely little girls that this world is not desperate.

and so.

Luo Lin will never let others trample on the kind hearts of the little girls wantonly.

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The sharp long knife was out of its sheath.

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