One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 308 - The sea overlord Locks 34 order

Chapter 308 – ?The sea overlord Locks! ! ! 【3/4 order】

This content was first published on “Tell the world about this fruit!!!”

Hwaseong headquarters building, the highest office.

Luo Lin calmly spoke, and pushed the box with the devil fruit on the table in the direction of Morgans.

“Introduction… Fruit”

Listening to Luo Lin’s words, a big question mark suddenly appeared on Morgans’s face.

Is this my mission this time? Morgans thought.

Subconsciously took out the camera phone worm in his arms.

I snapped a few close-ups at the special devil fruit in the box.

The brow furrowed more and more.

As one of the dark kings of the underground world.

It is naturally impossible for News King Morgans to have not seen the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.

He is even more familiar with the devil fruits recorded in… that book of illustrations.

There is even his contribution in it.

But for… the square devil fruit in front of you.

Morgans hadn’t seen it yet.

It’s no surprise that you don’t know each other.

After all, the world is so big.

The origin, quantity, and type of devil fruits are still a mystery.

Even if it is the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, it only records a small part of it.

But since I want to report this fruit.

Then the basic information about the fruit still needs to be understood.

What’s more, being able to pay special attention to big people like Luo Lin, the fruits of the report are definitely not ordinary goods.

There must be some huge secret in it! Thinking of this, Morgans suddenly looked up with a look of hope.

“Mr. Luo Lin, please also tell your subordinates. Although this Devil Fruit looks similar to the Rubik’s Cube Fruit recorded in the illustration book, it is still very different, so it shouldn’t be that…just right.”

Morgans asked.


Luo Lin smiled mysteriously.

“This Devil Fruit belongs to the Superman family, named Superman Crush Fruit! Everything is crushed!”

“Superman…Crush the fruit! All things are crushed!”

Morgans murmured unconsciously.

“Wow Lala” just chanted casually.

Morgans intuitively felt a strong wind rushing toward his face, impacting his whole body and heart.

“Mr. Luo Lin, this…this crushed fruit, its past…has there been any glory in the past?”

Morgans’s complexion gradually became excited.

As a professional journalist, his instinct told him that Luo Lin suddenly asked him to report the fruit.

There must be a deeper meaning behind it.

“The former owner of this ability is Lockes.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.


Morgans was taken aback.


next moment.(Read more @

Morgans’s voice suddenly increased by more than an octave.

A pair of bird eyes suddenly widened.

The bird’s face was even more shocked and unbelievable. The wings of Morgans fluttered unconsciously.

Taking his body to the sky, he finally hid in the corner of the ceiling.

Shivering! The atmosphere in the office fell into absolute silence.

It’s been a long while.

The shock in Morgans’s heart calmed slightly.


Morgans knelt on one knee.

The body still couldn’t stop shaking.

Regarding… the name ‘Lockes’, others don’t know.



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sp; He Morgans is the clearest.

It’s not just because of the convenience of the news person.

It is even more because that day after recognizing Luo Lin’s identity on Sky Island.

Morgans has been collecting reports on major events of the year from all over the world.

I want to piece it together to complete the history that disappeared from that era decades ago.

In that period of history, the character Lockes could not go around anyway.

Rocks Gibeck, the sole overlord of the sea ten years ago.

The Rocks Pirates under their command dominated the sea. At that time, no one could compete with them…

The more you understand.

Morgans was horrified.

Especially when he discovered that the three of the four sea emperors who dominate the new world today – Whitebeard Edward Newgate, Lotling Ling, and Kaido of the beasts were once the hegemon’s subordinates.

“Now three of the four emperors 3, plus the legendary flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, the greedy Captain John, King Axe…”

Morgans murmured unconsciously the information he had found about the overlord of the sea some time ago.

“Mr. Rollin, Lockes, the one from decades ago… the overlord of the sea, Lockes, he is…relying on the power of crushing fruits to command the monster army?”

Morgans’ pair of bird eyes flashed with shock and excitement.

“It seems that there is no need for me to explain anything. If you already know it, then things are much simpler.”

Luo Lin grinned.

“Go, Morgans!”

“Yes Yes!!!”

Morgans yelled excitedly.


Just today.

He wants this big news that is enough to shake the sea to spread all over the corners of the world!…The sky near Alabastan, ‘Fluttering’.

Countless news birds fluttered their wings, coming and going from the hot air balloon headquarters.

Fly to the world with a piece of report that is enough to shock the world.

Naturally, the people who got the first report are still the people of Hwaseong…

Hwaseong Banquet Dome Restaurant.

The joyous banquet that lasted two days and one night continued.

“Hey, hey, everyone, don’t drink it, look at this and this, the boss has made a big move!!!”

An veteran yelled in shock, brandishing several newspapers that still smelled of ink.

“Let me see what it is.”

The newly joined Colonel Ruffian quickly grabbed the newspaper.

The drunken old eyes swept through the self-report.

Then his eyes suddenly widened.

“Superman crushes the fruit!!!”

“Last time, that… the fruit of the terrifying sea lord Locks…”

“That…the most ferocious superhuman smashing fruit…in the hands of the boss!!!”

The banquet hall, which was originally lively and noisy, fell into a moment of dead silence at this moment.

next moment.

A louder uproar erupted.

“Hahahaha, this is really unprecedented big news!”

“The history that was buried by the government 36 years ago is finally coming to the surface!” ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

“The boss is finally going to announce his return to the world!”

“Of course it is, hahahaha”

Colonel Ruffian Mu Lian couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Boss Luo Lin is a hero! The hero’s appearance certainly requires the most grand stage! The best foil!”

“Thirty-six years ago, the despicable world government buried everything about the boss! Now, the boss is back! What can you do?”

“The legend will eventually return!!!”

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