One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 332 - Shocking Imperial regiment cadres (34 ask for subscription)

Chapter 332 – ?Shocking Imperial regiment cadres [3/4 ask for subscription]

This content was first published on, stimulated by two consecutive days of pirate attacks.

The sleeping Hwaseong Fortress was gradually awakening.

No matter how the wind blows, I will never let it go.

Under such precautions.

The cadres of the two big four-emperor-level pirate groups in the New World came together, and it was naturally a major event.

No need to schedule above.

The guards of Hwaseong Fortress began to act independently.

Ready to welcome the ‘Emissaries of the Sea Emperor’s Arrival…

at the same time.

Hwaseong Dome restaurant.

The three straw hat brothers who had just returned from aid operations in other areas of Alabastan, as well as Sauron, Usopp and others, were still celebrating the victory.

The atmosphere of the banquet was warm.

“Boys, you guys are really relaxing.”

The old man Mu Lian grinned and walked over.

“Mr. Mu Lian”

“Mr. Mu Lian, why are you here?”

“Uncle Mu Lian, come and have a banquet together.”

Sauron, Sabo and other young descendants stood up to greet them.

Straw Hat Luffy is even more enthusiastic.

“Hahaha, you really like a straw hat boy, you really like banquets.”

Mu Lian pressed Luffy’s straw hat head and laughed a few times.

“Well, although I also like banquets very much, but it will not be too late. Now if you want to fight, come with me.”


Sauron’s eyes lit up.

“Who is here this time”

Sabo asked.

“Um… it’s not easy to come this time.”

Mu Lian nodded.

“Mr. Mu Lian, don’t sell it.”

Usopp said anxiously.

“Hahaha, okay, okay, let me tell you all, this time the people who came this time include the captain of the white beard pirates group Marco, and the Jesus Bu and Lazilu under Shanks.”

Mu Lian told.


The young people in the room stared in surprise.

“Jesus Bu and Laqilu are here, so how about Shanks, is Shanks coming?”

The vitality straw hat boy said excitedly.

“Hahaha, I would also like to meet Shanks, but unfortunately, he didn’t come this time.”

Mu Lian, who knew the straw hat relationship between Luffy and Shanks, answered with a smile.

“Marko, is Marco coming?”

Ace stood up suddenly, with shock on his face.

“Oh, I almost forgot, Boy Ace, you are the captain of Baibeard’s second division team, well, I and Baibeard’s original second division captain Mitian are good friends.”

Mu Lian smiled.

“Jesus cloth, Uncle Mulian, is the Jesus cloth…Jesus cloth?”

Compared to the shock of the partners.

At this moment, hearing this familiarity with Usopp, his heart felt infinitely excited.

“Usopp, what’s wrong with you”

Sanji and Sauron are puzzled at the same time.(Read more @

“Do you also know Jesus Bu”

Luffy asked in surprise.

“Knowing, knowing, of course.”

Usopp nodded repeatedly.

“He’s my dad.”

Usopp yelled excitedly.


Hwaseong Crescent Harbor.

A small sloop approached slowly.


The fifty-man phalanx led by veteran generals such as Alfred did not say a word and waited.

Although it’s just a district


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Fifty people in the district.

But the combined momentum is also extraordinary.

The emperor officials on the small sailing boat of Ling couldn’t help but look at him.

“That team is really amazing, Lu, what do you think.”

Sniper Jesus Bu praised.

“Yeah, yeah, it can be called a battle-hardened.”

Little Fatty Lazilu nodded while eating the big flesh and blood.

“Hey, hey, redhead, don’t you see the generals in front of you”

It is different from the calmness of Jesus Bu and Laqilu.

The White Beard Pirate Group’s vice-level Marco, his eyes widened with shock at this moment.

It seems to have witnessed something incredible happen.

“I see, what happened to those old people?”

Little Fatty Lazilu asked inexplicably.

“You… haven’t you met before at sea?”

Marco asked rhetorically.


Jesus Bu and Laqilu looked blank.

“Those old men used to be veteran lieutenants and major generals in the Navy.”

Marco said in shock.

“Why do those generals of the navy appear here? Could it be that the navy has planned everything that happened recently? What the navy wants to do!!!”

Thinking of this, Marco’s expression gradually became shocked.

Jesus Bu and Lazilu were also affected by Marko’s thinking and froze in place.

As the famous powerhouses of the sea, they certainly know how big the incident triggered by the overlord’s ability to smash fruits is.

Almost the entire sea is affected.

Attracted countless strong men from the sea swarming.

If this is really the Navy plan.

Could it be that the Navy wanted to take this opportunity to wipe out all the pirates in the sea? What a joke?

Four emperors! There will be more than one sea emperor! “Hey, the bastard Phoenix of the White Beard Pirates, what are you talking about?”

“Old ladies are not… the navy, you think too much.”

Veteran Alfred and others spoke loudly.

“Not the Navy”

The three of Marco and Jesus were stunned again.

Don’t wait for them to think deeply about the meaning of the veterans’ words.

next moment.

A great crisis suddenly spread from high above the sky.

The expressions of the two emperor officials on Ling’s ship changed, and they dodged to both sides.

‘Swish’ for the next second.

Dozens of powerful golden sword lights fell from the sky.

Landed on a careful dhow.

In an instant, the ship disintegrated and exploded.

A blue flame ignited in the’flaming’ sky.

That is the phoenix fighting form displayed by Marco.

On the other side, Jesus Bu and Laqilu also stepped on the air and landed on the coast.

The two guns were aimed at the direction where the sword qi was cut.

“Jie ha ha ha”

In Marko, the powerful aura of the three of Jesus and Lazilu was locked.

The person hiding in the blazing sun finally moved.

No one was seen.

Hear it first.

However, just listening to the jealous laughter made Marko’s expression change drastically again.

The expression on his face was much more shocking than previously recognized the navy on the shore.

“Jiehahaha, it’s been a long time since I saw Marko under Baibeard. Twenty years ago, I kindly asked you to talk about cooperation, and you even threatened to sink Laozi into the sea. This time I finally got my chance.”

Under the dazzling sunlight, the golden lion Shiji, with a shiny Mediterranean hairstyle, appeared domineering.

“Golden Lion—”

“Shi Ji!!!”

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