One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 350 - Poisonous tongue sister Wulu q cried (14)

Chapter 350 – ? Poisonous tongue sister Wulu? q cried [1/4]

This content was first published on “The gossip between kid Kaido and the mad woman, oh…!!!, girl, can you tell me in detail, I’m quite interested.”


Listen to the sudden voice.

Wu Luti, the poisonous tongue sister who was originally boring with her hands on her cheeks, stood up suddenly.

His eyes are like electricity, and the forest is cold and cold.

Firmly lock the direction of the sound source.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the original dense forest.

After a while.

One end… a fierce tyrannosaurus appeared in Wuluti’s line of sight.

At the same time, there was also a young man lying on his back on the back of the Tyrannosaurus.

“Which bastard you are, why did you appear here, don’t you know that this island is now owned by our Beast Pirate Group”

The poison tongue sister Wu Luti’s eyes firmly locked Luo Lin on the back of Tyrannosaurus.

The tender body leaned forward slightly, ready to kill at any time.

“This is the site of your Hundred Beasts and Pirates. You are mistaken. If I remember correctly, this should be the island of the Chinese organization. Anyone can come and settle down as long as it is a contestant.”

Rollin smiled and retorted.

“Shut up, what I said is mine is mine.”

Uluti’s domineering opening.

“What a domineering little girl.”

Luo Lin shook his head.

“Leave me alone.”

Wuluti was not polite.

“Furthermore, I’ve been a little girl from just now. My old lady is almost thirty years old. You are a little kid, little kid, little kid.”

Wu Luti’s small mouth went wild like a cannon.

“Heh, this is the first time I have met a young girl who is proud of her age.”

Luo Lin chuckled lightly.

“No way, don’t care so much, are you my grandfather?”

“All right.”

Luo Lin was also amused by Hundred Beast’s words that he took gunpowder, and he was not arguing with him.

“Then let’s go back to the previous topic and talk about Kaido’s gossip.”

Luo Lin smiled.


After Luo Lin’s reminder.

Wu Luti also reacted.

A pair of beautiful double pupils are filled with fierce light.

“Even if Kaido is a stupid, but not just anyone can insult, you are already dead.”

Wu Luti said viciously.

The slender right leg took a step back suddenly.

The rugged body exudes a powerful sense of strength.

There is also an unspeakable ferocity.

The ancient raptors crawling around Ling were trembling.

Even the Tyrannosaurus leader, at this moment, under the aura of Wu Luti, he unconsciously retreats.

“I will tear you to pieces.”

Wu Luti declared.

The white and slender hands turned into a pair of sharp claws.

His toes stomped heavily on the ground, and his body suddenly disappeared.

The reappearance is already on top of Luo Lin’s head.

The sharp claws gleamed with a dark cold light, which was sharper than the blade.

The strength contained on it makes no doubt that this claw can open mountains and crack rocks.


Uluti said fiercely.

The sharp claws relentlessly directed towards Luo Lin’s neck.

‘Keng’ is like a handover of gold and iron.(Read more @

Wu Luti’s sharp claws were on Luo Lin’s neck.

However, it didn’t hurt any of them.

“This kind of thing… how is it possible!”

Looking at Luo Lin unscathed.

Wu Luti’s beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

The pretty face is full of shock and disbelief.

Monster! I met a big one! This thought flashed through Wuluti’s mind.

A little bit on the back of the tyrannosaurus with your toes and you will back off

at this time.

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A big hand turned out.

It clasped her slender left ankle firmly like a vise, and lifted her upside down.

“What a cruel girl.”

Rollin smiled.

“Asshole, let me go.”

Wuluti was furious at once.

His right foot slammed towards Luo Lin’s front door.

Unexpectedly, he was captured again.

The whole body is in a large upside-down font.

“The soul is light and the soul is light and the soul is light, let me go quickly.”

Uluti yelled in embarrassment.

“Oh” Luo Lin let go.

Wu Luti, who didn’t expect the other party to really let go, was taken aback.

The head fell to the ground.

The sharp corners of the head pierced straight into the ground.

After a while.

Wu Luti reacted and quickly turned over and leaped up.

“I was careless before, but now it has just begun.”

Wu Luti refused to admit defeat.


After another moment.

Luo Lin grabbed the double horns on Wu Luti’s head and lifted her whole person.

“Damn it, where are you monster?”

Uluti used both hands and feet together, struggling violently.

‘Crack…’ There was a crisp sound.

Wu Luti’s body fell straight again.

But this time it wasn’t because Luo Lin let go.

But… looking at the bloody horns in your hands.

Look again at the blood arrow shot from Wuluti’s small head.

Luo Lin couldn’t help but look weird.

“Your corner:…not an ornament”

Luo Lin asked rhetorically.

Looking at the sharp horn in Luo Lin’s hand, Wu Luti, who was sitting on the ground, was also stunned.

After a while.


The harsh screams resounded throughout the mountain forest.

The pain struck.

The painful Wu Luti’s eyes were red.

Tears flowed unconsciously.

On the back of Tyrannosaurus, Luo Lin looked strange.

Her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of Wu Luti in the blink of an eye.

“Asshole, what else do you want to do”

Looking at Luo Lin who suddenly appeared next to him.

Wu Luti couldn’t help her pupils shrink suddenly.

Qiao’s face no longer had the initial arrogance and pride.

All that is left is fear.

Although it was only a brief fight.

But it was enough for her to feel the gap with Luo Lin.

This young overbearing man is a real monster! “Sorry sorry”

Under Wuluti’s horrified gaze.

Luo Lin smiled embarrassedly.

Put the broken corner of the hand on the wound on Wuluti’s head again.

Then he took out the ‘omnipotent ointment in his pocket, and gently smeared it on the wound.

“It’s okay.”

Luo Lin grinned.

“Today I just took a casual look, since kid Kaido is not there, then forget it.”

Luo Lin waved at Wu Luti who was stunned, and disappeared into the depths of the dense forest on the Tyrannosaurus mount.

In about a few minutes.

“Lulu Sauce”

One of the six volleys, the giant beauty Black Maria followed Uluti’s screams and arrived first.

“Sister, what happened, are you okay?”

The second one arrived was a spiny back: a dragon.

“Uluti, what happened?”

Immediately afterwards, Sasaki, the murloc of six volleys, Fosford and others also arrived one after another.

“Yo, someone is crying.”

Quinn, the champion of the singing and dancing of the beasts, who has been practicing for decades, appears…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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