One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 355 - Uncover a dusty history (24 order)

Chapter 355 – ? Uncover a dusty history [2/4 order]

This content was first published on “You all remembered it for me this time, don’t forget, my boss, the naval hero 36 years ago, has returned!!!”

The old man Mu Lian’s impassioned roar echoed in everyone’s ears in this sea area.

Shocking! The top ten martial arts venue islands and the two live watching islands all fell into absolute silence.

I don’t know how many people stared at this moment, shaking their voices.

After a brief silence, the most violent uproar erupted…

“What kind of joke the hero will admit!”

“That’s right, a boy with such a young hairy head turned out to be a naval hero”

“Even if you want to tell a lie, you have to be a little decent!”

“That… the old guy who didn’t know where it came from actually said it was… the hairy boy ended the sea overlord Locks! Is it possible to laugh off my big teeth.”

The pirates at the grassland venue gathered in twos and threes.

Wanton judgment, mocking.

“To shut up!”

At this moment, a domineering shout suddenly sounded on the grassland.

next moment.

The powerful overlord color swept the audience.

The pirates near Ling’s eyes rolled white and fell to the ground in a coma.

After the impact of the overlord color, the only ones who can still stand are the relatively powerful pirate captains.

“Hey, hey, green pepper, what are you going crazy suddenly!”

A pirate captain asked solemnly.

“Grandpa, we…we are down too!”

“Don’t be overbearing, sir.”

Lao Cai and Abu complained.

Regarding… the grievances of grandchildren, the green pepper of the cone at this moment is unheard of.

At this moment, his bushy white beard is standing upright.

The whole body is steaming.

It represents the anger in his heart at this time.

That’s the anger caused by the pirates wanton judgment and vilification of the hero.

Only that…hero is special.

After all, that was his former lifesaver!!! “Why does the hero Luo Lin need you to admit it!”

The green pepper of the cone rushes with an angry beard.

“Eight Punch Boxing Profound Meaning-No Cone Dragon and No Cone Nails”

‘Boom’… “Hey, hey, hero Luo Lin! I have never heard of this!”

“Isn’t the naval hero that bastard Karp is right? Why is there one more”

“Navy heroes have two such things impossible.”

In other island venues, the corresponding doubts came one after another.

“What’s impossible! Hero Luo Lin! It’s him!”

Of course, elders like Qingjiao and strong people from the sea also make occasions…

“Damn it! There are still men who can match my handsomeness in this world! I’m so unwilling to be a hero, I really want to stand there and accept the attention from the world.”(Read more @

White Horse Cavendish whispered unwillingly, and the handsome face looking at the big screen was full of envy and envy.

Compared with the mainstream voices in the venue, Cavendish’s attention is simply different.

“Hero…Luo Lin”

Magnificent, known as the “killer dominator”

Pioneering adventurer, “The Great Ship of Jota Maria”

The admiral frowned thoughtfully.

“Olumbus over there, do you know anything”

New World Bounty Hunter Gene Ungo asked.

The adventurer Orumbus nodded and shook his head, the doubt between his eyebrows and eyes even worse.

However, I couldn’t think of the source of that mysterious familiarity.

“Speaking of which, who is the old man who… just now”



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sp; The fighter from the New World, the long-legged clan Brukili asked puzzledly.

“Indeed! If it was that…former general Hei Wan Zefa, I would believe it without saying a word, but who is the old man and who is qualified to say this?”

The long-handed fighter, Edeo, who is known as the destroyer, also echoes.

“Ha ha”

A voice with a faint sarcasm came from not far away.

Ling’s Bruggie and Edeo both changed slightly.

“You are Lei Qing Makugay.”

When recognizing the identity of the mocker, Edeo’s expressions suddenly changed.

“Of course that old guy is qualified to speak up.”

Lei Qing Makugei, the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group, stroked his beard like lightning.

“Who is he”

Everyone asked.

“The old guy who spoke before is a member of the Pirate King Roger Pirates-Mu Lian Dazuo, a defector from the Navy! It is one of the living legends!”

Lei Qing Makugey exclaimed.

“what did you say!”

“It turned out to be a crew member of One Piece!”

“The defector of the Navy… Then is everything he said true?”

Everyone shouted in shock…

“Another…Navy hero! If this is true, it is really an epic event!!!”

Trafalgarro, the death surgeon, looked almost stunned.

The white bear Beibo, Shaqi, Pekin and other members of the Heart Pirate Group were all on the spot.

Another place.

“Hey, hey, is this really possible? According to the person below, that… the hero named Luo Lin was a veteran of the Navy decades ago! How could he be so young!”

Haiming Skulachman App exaggeratedly exclaimed.

“If he is the same as those old guys, I can barely believe it.”

This time, Ding Ding Yin Apu finally got a response from Hawkins and others.

“There is another question, if that man is really a hero who can be parallel with that…Kapp, then about his past, about the deeds of that era”

“How can such a big man remain unknown, even his name is unknown, everything about him is blank, just like a hundred years of blankness.”

The magician Hawkins has always had the face of Gujing Wubo, but at this moment it is occupied by a deep shock.

Everyone was speechless.

From the mouth of the old man Mu Lian, they learned that Luo Lin was once a naval hero.

But then, they still don’t know anything about…that…the ‘hero’ that suddenly appeared.

Thirty-six years ago, many of them were just a drop of liquid.

If he is really a ‘hero’, why have they never heard any legend about Luo Lin since they were young?

I haven’t seen any old news records.

It was as if everything about that man and everything about Luo Xiu was buried and hidden by an invisible big hand.

“The world government… As long as the world government intentionally buries it, no matter what history it will disappear without a trace!”

Chiqi Drake seemed to realize something, his face was covered with a deep haze.

“As long as the world government deliberately buries it, no matter what history will disappear without a trace! What happened thirty-six years ago is the real key!”

Drake whispered to himself.

“Captain Drake, look at the sky!”

“Something has fallen!”

Over the top ten martial arts venues, newspapers were pouring and falling.

Brings answers to people in confusion.

Revealed that dusty history!!!…… Please download to see the underlined version


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