One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 369 - Meeting of two heroes 44 Seek full order

Chapter 369 – ?Meeting of two heroes! ! ! 【4/4 Seek full order】

This content was first published on There was a deafening blast from the coast of Huacheng.

There was a huge wave in the sea.

The powerful aura covers the world.

The people on the Huacheng Square in Ling’s face changed in amazement.


Next second.

The thunderous roar came from the sea.


People in the square looked at the source of the sound one after another.

next moment.

They saw the magnificent figure that suddenly appeared in the sky.

An old man wearing a dog’s head hat.

In the entire Hwaseong Plaza, the ten largest island venues and two live broadcast islands, hundreds of thousands of people’s eyes fell on the old man with a dog head hat.

Heaven and earth are stagnant…

“who’s that person”

“It looks amazing!”

On the Donghai guest stage, people’s faces were full of shock and confusion.

“Villor Slapp”

“Slap, that’s…”

The villagers of Fengche Village and the bandits of Dadan’s family recognized the identity of the old man with a dog’s head hat in the sky.

One by one, either surprised or horrified, his eyes widened.

“From the Dadan family, do you know that… person”

A Jian from Coco Yaxi Village asked.

“Of course I do.”

Da Dan subconsciously showed a scared expression on his face.

“That’s Karp from our village!”

Slapp held his head upright, and spoke proudly.


“That…man is the hero of the Navy, Lieutenant General Karp!!!”

“Another naval hero has appeared!!!”

The people on the Donghai guest stage shouted in shock.

The news quickly spread throughout the square.

As a result, the entire square was boiling over…

Hwaseong headquarters building, high-rise stands.

Nami, Weiwei, and Keya looked at the old man with a dog-head hat in the sky with puzzled faces.

Robin, Kerra, and the girl Alice were all suspicious.

Magino on the side seemed to realize something, and her fair and pretty face instantly turned red.

“Markino, what’s wrong with you”

Nami asked puzzledly.

“That…that…that…that is Mr. Karp!!!”

Mackinaw spoke excitedly.


Nami, Weiwei, and Keya all prolonged their ending sounds in surprise.

Robin, Kerra, and the girl Alice were all in a sudden.

“It’s really that bastard Karp.”

Xia Qi nodded.

“Ah, it’s Karp.”

Raleigh is sure.

“That’s right… Karp’s bastard is right.”

The murloc Sangbel was worried.

“Yohouhouhouhou, it’s really getting more and more lively.”

Brooke laughed.

“Kapu of the Navy, dare to yell Master Luo Lin so loudly, don’t… forgive me.”

Empress Hancock’s pretty face stuck.(Read more @

The silver teeth clenched.

Chopper, who was frightened aside, shrank his head and stiffened…

“who’s that person”

“Even through the screen, I can feel it! That’s a cruel person!”

“I know! I know who it is”

“That dog’s head hat, yes, it can’t be wrong!”

“That person is…”

When Karp’s figure appeared above Hwaseong Fortress.

When it appears in the sight of a videophone worm.

Countless people were shocked by the ten largest island venues and two live broadcast islands.

A small number of people recognized the identity of the visitor through the screen.

Of course, most people can’t distinguish and know just through the blurred figure on the screen.

But their


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The doubt did not last long.


Following the previous “Luo Lin”.

A ‘Kapu’ resounded across the sky again.

From the mouth of a hero.

That was Luo Lin, who was highly anticipated on the high platform, vocalizing.


People finally know the identity of the person who came.


Vice Admiral Karp.

Another well-known hero-Karp!!! The uproar of the people on the twelve islands rushed into the sky.

“Quickly, quickly, quickly record it!”

“Another hero has appeared!”

“Headquarters, big news, big news! Hero Karp also appeared!”

“The two heroes met!”

The reporters of the two live island squares shouted excitedly.

Report this exciting news to the respective newspaper headquarters.

the other side.

Grassland battle venue.

“Um…oh oh”

“Um…oh oh oh oh”

The low roar that suppressed the endless anger echoed over the island for a long time.

An invisible and powerful momentum continued to rise, stirring up a fierce wind, blowing up countless weeds and mud.

“Grandpa, calm down!”

“Master, calm down!”

The cadres of the Babao Navy, Lao Cai and Abu looked nervously at their grandpa who was approaching the fringe.

“If it weren’t for Karp, the old man’s head…the treasure of the old man…The enemy is right in front of you, you let the old man calm down, the old man would like to kill him now and kill that bastard Karp.”

The pillar of the Eight Treasures Marine Army, the green pepper of the cone opened his mouth coldly, and the anger in his heart has erupted like a volcano…

“Even the hero Karp appeared!”

“It seems that everything in this newspaper should be true!”

“What will happen next?”

The powerhouses of the new world, Bruggely, Destroyer Edeo and others were shocked.

“Uh…hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so envy! i also want to be eye-catching!”

White Horse’s “Lemon Essence” Cavendish made an alternative opening.

Everyone in Ling’s immersed in the shock was speechless again.

I thought there was something wrong with this guy’s head…

the other side.

Four emperor thief station.

“Kapu! It turned out to be that…Kapu!”

“Even the naval hero Karp appeared!”

“It’s really a bad thing now, Brother Perros!”

The officials and ministers of the thief shouted in horror.

“The hero Luo Lin, the former general Zefa, plus the hero Cap…Oh my God!!.”

The long-legged stroke staggered Xing Smuji’s long legs.

“It’s not good, it’s bad, it’s not good”

Charlotte Mondore, the Book Fruit Ability, yelled one after another.

“Is mom contacted?”

“Still: in contact!”

“Hurry up, idiot, you must report this news, otherwise… it’s really going to be bad!”

Charlotte Mondor was in a hurry.

“and many more.……”

At this moment, Charlotte Owen seemed to see something.

An extremely shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.


Mundor didn’t finish speaking, but he stopped abruptly.

Because there is no need to ask again.

The answer has already been given on the island’s live broadcast screen.


All over the island, people’s uproar recurred.

“how so”

“Could it be that the news is fake?”

“Sure enough, there is no other hero at all!”

“Heroic Karp and hero Rolin are fighting…”

“The two heroes are fighting!!!”

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