One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 404 - The first chaos in history (34 Seek the full order)

Chapter 404 – ?The first chaos in history [3/4 Seek the full order]

This content was first published on Mixed color bursts!!! One red, one blue, one green, the three colors are intertwined and mixed with each other, crossing the sky.

Everywhere he passed, even the atmosphere made an overwhelming blast.

Amid the violent roar of ‘Boom’, Perros Perro’s candy wall, which was as hard as steel, burst under the combined crit of the three colors.

The dazzling three-color light converged, revealing the three uniquely shaped figures of Killing Matt.

“It’s the guys Germa 66”

A little surprise appeared on Ai Yin’s face.

“What is Germa doing here?”

“It even opened up a retreat for us!”

“Obviously, I also confronted Sanji not long ago…”

Usopp, Binz and others were all confused.

“Don’t get me wrong, we just follow the rules of the conference and come here to harvest heads and advance.”

Spark Red Iji insisted.

Everyone: “…”

“Jerma 66, really looking for death!!!”

“Since it’s here, then you all go to die together!”

“Go on, kill them!”

Perrospero and other imperial ministers, the cadres looked gloomy as if they were about to drip water, and gave orders to obliterate them.

The melee is on the verge!… In the other battlefields not far from’Boom Boom Boom’, fierce battles are also starting.

Appearing in front of Straw Hat Luffy, Pirate Hunter Zoro, and Seaman Shinpei 3 are the team led by the thief general Star Smoky.

“Brother Luffy, Brother Sauron, be careful, the opponent is Smoky, one of the thief’s four stars, and his strength is extraordinary.”

Jinping stared at Smoky solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

Not waiting: Jin Ping’s voice fell, and the figure of Straw Hat Luffy had been shot out, obviously he had never taken Jin Ping’s reminder to his heart.

“That woman, it’s a swordsman, right?”

Looking at the big sword in Smoky’s hand, Sauron’s face suddenly showed a few interesting expressions.

“Luffy, give me that woman.”

While Sauron was talking, his figure rushed towards Smoky.

Jinping: “…”

What kind of people are there, and there is no one who is obedient.

It is indeed a monster from that city! “Two arrogant boys, really looking for death.”

A cold light flashed in Smoky’s eyes, and he stopped paddling.

The big sword in his hand was unsheathed and cut out with one sword, and the earth cracked a huge gully.

“Um…oh oh”

Luffy exclaimed, and quickly flashed sideways.

The sword light that split the earth touched Sauron’s three swords, and the huge force pushed Sauron back ten meters.

“It’s worthy of being a general star, interesting.”

Sauron grinned.

There is not the slightest timidity on his face, but rather high-spirited:.

Seeing this, Smoky’s pretty face grew gloomy.

“Don’t underestimate us, give it all to me.”

Smoky waved his hand and issued an order.(Read more @

next moment.

More than five hundred thieves gathered here will come out, and they will use the tactics of the sea of ​​people on Straw Hat Luffy’s Three.

“…Suddenly, countless voices came from behind.

At the same time, there were people’s screams.


“Asshole Cavendish, what do you want to…”

“Sword and Blue Bird”

Cavendish, who is really innocent to reap the head, makes frequent relentless big moves.

“In the other direction, the blue circle spreads.

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“Trafalgarro, damn it, my body…ah”

“The wave of the times is about to rise. If you can’t ride the wind, you will definitely be swallowed by the waves. I have only one purpose from the beginning to the end. I will use you as my name!”

Trafalgarro said in a deep voice, and the demon sword ghost cried and waved it.

“You are Lake Magician Hawkins! You provoke us thieves, are you bastards looking for death?”

“I have already calculated it, today I am not dead.”

The magician Hawkins calmly said.

“I just came to join in the fun.”

Drake said solemnly…

Third-party battlefield.

Stopped at Sabo, the three of Ace and Krokdal3 were in front of the reorganized beasts and aunts, more than two thousand elite emperors.

Among them, Fosforth, who has six sons of the beasts in the sky, and Sasaki the murloc, are powerhouses close to the level of the Three Disasters.

“The captain of the second and second division of the White Beard Pirates, Huoquan Ace, Qiwuhai Krokdal, and Dragon King Sabo. This is really an interesting combination. I admit your combat power.

Murloc Sasaki laughed.

“That’s really grateful.”

Ace grinned.

“But with the three of you, you also want to fight our army, so don’t leave today.”

A cruel smile appeared on Murloc Sasaki’s face.

“Goohahaha, it’s not…you have the final say.”

Krokodall said with a giddy smile.

“Then try it.”

The sword is stern, it is Fosforth, the strongest of the six volleys, who is shooting the sword.

However, he did not wait for Fosford’s knife to approach.

Suddenly a long knife with electric light sprang out from the diagonal stabbing.

“Who said Ace they only have three people”

Lei Qing, the captain of the New World Pirate with a lightning beard, laughed.

“Macu Guy”

Ace’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help screaming.

“Ace, I am here too!”

Doma, a traveler with a monkey, appears.

“Thomas, why are you here too”

Ace’s eyes widened.

“As you can see, we are also here to participate in the conference. In the next second round, we are opponents.”

Doma, the traveler with a monkey, grinned.


Seeing the two new world pirate captains coming to disrupt the situation, Charlotte Mondalton was full of discomfort.

But if they were just two people, it would not change much for… the situation of the battle.

“In this situation, let alone two people, even if there are 200 people, 200 people will die.”

Mondor whispered coldly.

Just the second that Mondor set it up.

“Eight Chong Boxing Profound Meaning, No Cone Dragon, No Cone Nail”

Large cracks crisscrossed vertically and horizontally in the ‘Boom’, like a spreading spider web.

“Kapu’s grandson-where is it!!!”

That was the roar of Green Pepper, the pillar of the Eight Treasure Marines.


That was the new world fighter Edeo swinging his fist.


The supernova Urgi who was born in Sorashima is also on the stage…

Heroes from all walks of life gathered at the Taikoo venue.

The first major melee in history kicked off.

The time limit is one hour!…Please download to see the underlined version


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