One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 428 - Kaido Just greeted and warmed up just now (34)

Chapter 428 – ?Kaido: Just greeted and warmed up just now [3/4]

This content was first published on, an island of the Jedi venue at an altitude of one thousand meters.

On the mountain more than a thousand meters away from the battlefield of the top powerhouse of the sea, the top of the forest tree… Straw Hat Luffy, Fire Fist Ace, Phoenix Marko, Jesus Bu, Lazilu, Death Surgeon Trafalgar Luo, the magician Hawkins, the white horse Cavendish – as well as Uluti, Quinn of the Pirates of Beasts, Smoky of the Thieves, Mondor and so on… Cadres… The contestants of the second round arrived one by one and showed up.

Near the most central battlefield of this island.

If it is in accordance with normal circumstances.

Even if the participants in the second round are all good players on the sea, it is absolutely impossible to successfully break through the barriers of the island’s overlord beast in such a short period of time and come here.

The reason for this phenomenon is naturally the arrival of the two emperors of the sea, Kaido and Lotlingling, especially the four emperors of the dragon Kaido.

The invisible dragon power that permeated the beasts on the island was terrified, and they did not dare to move.

Even if the strength is comparable to that of Luffy in four gears, Qiwuhai’s overlord-level fierce beast, after all, is still a beast thinking.

Facing the upper dragon Kaido’s Long Wei, he also dormant secretly.

It is precisely for this reason.

The threats faced by the contestants on the island are greatly reduced, and the road is unimpeded.

Only then was it possible to rush to the center of the island in such a short period of time to watch this epic battle up close.

It is true that it is dangerous to watch the peak matchup in the sea from close range.

But witnessing directly with your own eyes is more than ten times more shocking than viewing through the large screen of the image.

Regardless of……

In the end, can you win the overlord level fruit?

Just witnessing this battle with their own eyes-witnessing the opening of a new era-they are worthy of their trip! … “Captain Captain, let’s go back a little bit, we can’t go on, it’s too dangerous, ahead It’s hell.”

The great pirate Baixiong Beibo, who is offering a reward of five hundred Baili, was panicked.

Looking at the scorched earth growing in the gully ahead, he shook his head in fear.

“Don’t be afraid, Beibo, this level of war can’t be seen at all times. If you miss this time, maybe you won’t have a chance to meet again in this life.”

Trafalgarro, the death surgeon, had tension on his face, but more of it was excitement and fanaticism.

“I have seen it, a new era is about to begin!”

Not far away, the magician Hawkins was fiddling with the tarot cards in front of him, his hands and his body trembling uncontrollably.

“What will be the outcome of the greatest battle in the sea, will the hero win?”

Drake whispered to himself, clenched his fists unconsciously, and a confident look appeared on his firm face.

Isn’t it a matter of course that the hero will win! “Daddy, daddy, look and see, my boss is the strongest.”

Long-nosed Usopp exclaimed “Ah” excitedly

Jesus Bu and Laqilu, the two red-hearted cadres looked at each other.

They all saw a strong shock in the eyes of the other party.

Although the hero Luo Lin has long been known to be very good.(Read more @

But they didn’t expect it to be so strong.

A slap shot the strongest creature Kaido into the ground, and he couldn’t recover for a long time.

This can no longer be simply described as horror.

“After today, the world is really going to change drastically.”

The White Beard Pirates


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Team captain Marco murmured unconsciously.

“Mr. Kaido, at this level, you shouldn’t be able to die.”

“Kaido, it’s so ugly, stand up!”

Plague Quinn and the poisonous tongue sister Uluti gritted their teeth and yelled.

“Kaido, when on earth are you going to sleep!”

Luo Te Lingling, another sea emperor not far from the battlefield, also gave a sigh.

Under the call of his subordinates and allies.

The dragon that pierced the earth like a javelin, its huge dragon body trembled slightly.

The land of the island of ‘Ka Ka Ka’ also trembled.

The horror cracks became denser.

Under the nervous gaze of countless people.

The body of the dragon of more than a thousand meters shrank rapidly.

The four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido put away the dragon and transformed into a human form again.

The island land of ‘Kaka’ and ‘Boom’ cracked again.

Finally, there was a bang.

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido broke free from the shackles of the earth, and finally stood upright again.

It’s just that shaking his head and shaking his head, stumbling like a drunk gesture, completely shows that he still has not completely escaped the influence of Luo Lin’s slap.

Under Luo Xiu’s slap, Kaido, the four emperors and beasts, was almost beaten.

The brain is still there today: buzzing, even standing is difficult.

What makes people even more shocked is Kaido’s almost deformed face at this moment.

The original muscle lines are no longer clear, and replaced by the embarrassed face with the facial features almost squeezed together.

The cheek on the left is even more swollen, as if a sandbag was stuffed in it.

Just look at Kaido’s current face that is funny and without a trace of deterrence. Who can connect him with the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air. “Well, Kaido, it’s really ugly. If you want to help, just now Speak.”

Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling ridiculed relentlessly.

“Don’t be long-winded, stinky old lady, who are you when I am Lao Tzu, but I singled out the strongest beast Kaido! I just warmed up a little and said hello.”

Kaido stepped drunkenly and staggered, opening his mouth stiffly.

Everyone on the sidelines: “…”

This is not the first time everyone has heard the words hello to warm up.

So far, they have personally seen the greeting between Rollin and Karp.

I have also witnessed the warm-up battle between Luo Lin and Yingyan.

Either game is surprisingly excessive.

It was just the greetings and warm-ups in the past two games, but no one was beaten to the embarrassment of stumbling and swollen nose! The so-called warm-up and greetings of the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido are really far-fetched.

Not at all convincing.

Regarding…people’s inner slander, the Four Emperors Kaido has no leisure to pay attention to and liquidate.

There was a muffled sound.

Bai Beast Kaido took out the wolf-toothed stick pinned to the back of the waist.

He looked towards the ten o’clock, empty sky.

“Come here, bastard Luo Lin, let’s play another 300 rounds!”

Kaido shouted domineeringly.

Everyone: “…”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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