One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 473 - Overlord color luck is terrifying (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 473 – ?Overlord color luck is terrifying [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on A navy ship that looked like a prehistoric behemoth passed through the portal island, wiping the side of a group of refuge pirate ships, and finally anchored on the coast of Hwaseong Fortress.

In addition, the four ships belonging to Kapu, Gion, Flying Squirrel and Ahe in the harbor.

A total of 21 navy’s top warships guard Hwaseong Fortress.

This scene is spectacular.

At first glance, people who didn’t know thought this was the navy headquarters.

“Tsk tusk tusk”

“It’s really spectacular!”

“Is it this part of the Navy?”

“This is also worth reporting!”

The reporters on the portal arch bridge couldn’t help but be amazed, pressing the shutter continuously to record this spectacular scene.

It took a long while, until the last behemoth warship passed by and arrived at Hwaseong Fortress.

The tight heartstrings of the twenty-odd pirates who took refuge in the’door’ were finally relaxed.

“Finally… is it over?”

“It’s terrible!”

“The naval branch warships we have encountered in the past cannot be compared with them!”

“When encountering such a behemoth at sea, with our broken ship, the naval battle will be defeated!”

“so far so good”

The pirates have lingering fears, and their faces are full of fear.

“Captain Bucky, we survived.”

Bucky Pirate, who was rather humble among the large group of large pirates, spoke with excitement.

“Ah, I survived, but…”

Bucky’s eyes widened.

“But wanting to leave, I’m afraid it’s not that simple!”

Trafalgaro said solemnly.

A breath of ‘boom’ as vast as the sea suddenly came, making the relaxed heartstrings of the pirates instantly tense.

A look of horror appeared unconsciously on his face, and he looked up at the people in the sky.

“Hero Luo Lin, what else do you have to do”

“If the conference is over, we can go!”

The pirates who are incomparably powerful on weekdays, all of them are shrinking their heads and speaking weakly at this moment.


Mu Lian laughed and stepped on the moon step past Luo Lin, and came to the top of the group of pirates.

“Little ghosts of the new era, can you just come and go as long as you want to see where we are?”

Mu Lian said’viciously’.

“Ugh–“(Read more @

“What does it mean”

“Are you going to shoot against us contestants?”

The pirates questioned in horror.

“Participants, at least not now, if you are outside, we can’t control it, but this is the boundary of our Hwaseong Fortress…”

“Here, the navy can’t move you, but it breaks into our territory without authorization. You have to pay a price if you want to go. Later, you will line up one by one and come to me to receive your mission.”



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Luo Lin was also very pleased with this.

“It’s just a mere devil fruit, don’t care about trivial matters.”

Luo Lin grinned.

But… that… where did the crushing fruit go, then the navy’s masterpiece of the slaying demon order.

The whole sea is a mess.

Even the five old stars, the blonde angel, made the scene more chaotic.

However, the blond angel old star only held it for a moment, and was broken by Luo Lin who rushed to it afterwards.

The crystal box containing the crushed fruit was taken out of his hand and fell into the storm-ridden battlefield.

What happened after that, Luo Lin was also not quite clear because of the pursuit of the five old stars.” ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Could it be that… the crushed fruit has sunk into the sea along with the island, isn’t it?

The crushed fruit is here!!! Luo Lin closed his eyes, using his crushing ability as a guide, trying to resonate.

After a while.

Luo Lin opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes fell on the Bucky Pirates not far away, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“This is the luck of the overlord, it is really terrifying!”

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