One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 476 - The Iron Fist of Love Sauron is missing (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 476 – ? The Iron Fist of Love! Sauron is missing? [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Huacheng Gateway offshore.

With the disappearance of the conference, the final prize reappeared.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense again.

The eyes of the more than twenty pirate groups gathered here to take refuge all fell on Bucky’s body.

There are shocks, puzzles, and desire for treasure chests.

Although because of Luo Lin’s presence right now, no one dared to act rashly in this sea area.

But it is conceivable that when they leave this sea area, it will be impossible for everyone to be silent.

It has nothing to do with the martial arts conference.

It’s just a slaying and plundering between pirates.

For… this point.

Baji’s body is naturally more clear.

By now.

He really doesn’t want this domineering fruit that everyone wants.

After participating in the second round of the conference by mistake, he originally wanted to survive.

In the end, I didn’t think about it, but I found the treasure by mistake.

So he wanted to survive and make a small fortune by the way.

Never thought, Xiaocai just got out.

Great fortune actually came with him.

It’s just that this ‘big fortune’ is simply a disaster for a weak chicken like him.

Eating this by himself is not looking for death! He is not stupid, he is already a capable person, and another one will directly die.

It won’t work for a little brother on the boat.

In the future, it doesn’t matter who the boss on the ship is! It’s a good opportunity to make a fortune if you take it outside for auction.

But that has to be fatal! All around these… tiger wolves, which one beats him is not as good as beats his grandson.

Think again and again.

Bucky took a deep breath and seemed to have made a certain decision.

“Mr. Mu Lian, I haven’t seen you for many years, this thing is regarded as a gift from me to honor you.”

Bucky gritted his teeth, and under the gaze of people’s stunned expressions, he generously gifted this infinitely valuable overlord fruit to Mu Lian.


Listening to Bucky making this decision, Bucky’s little pirates who are eager to eat the fruit and turn over to become the masters are all dumbfounded.

The other pirate captains around also gritted their teeth secretly, and said badly.


Mu Lian, who was generously gifted by Bucky, couldn’t help but stunned.

“Hahaha, Bucky, you guys are really interested, but you don’t have to. As a senior, how can I ask for something from a younger generation.”

Mu Lian refused.

“Hey don’t tell me, Mr. Lian, you are not a capable person yet, I am already, you can accept it, if you really feel bad, just cover us in the future.”

Bucky is anxious.

“Hahaha, boy Bucky, don’t be afraid, no one dares to intercept you in the city boundary.”

Mu Lian said, seeing Bucky’s intentions.

“But but…”

Bucky wanted to say something else.(Read more @

‘Wh,’ In the next second, a person appeared on the deck out of thin air.

Seeing the big man who came suddenly, everyone in Bucky held their breath in unison, not even daring to breathe.

“Do you have any opinion on the final prize of the conference I set up”

Luo Lin smiled and looked at Bucky kindly.

“Yes…no…no comment”

Bucky stood at attention quickly with horror.

Where can I dare to make any extra comments?



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nbsp; “If you have no objection, that’s fine.”

Luo Lin smiled and nodded, he also wanted to see how strong Bucky’s overlord luck could be.

“Then, let’s go back next.”

“Okay, boss.”

The opening of Hwaseong and the end of the world-class martial arts conference.

Although there were many changes in the middle, the result was perfect.

One of the biggest gains is the defeat of the two emperors of the sea in the new world.

The four emperors and the beasts Kaido died, and Luo Te Lingling fell into the sea, life and death unknown.

After this battle.

The decline and fall of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group has become a conclusive conclusion.

As for the thief, his vitality is also severely injured, and he cannot make it into a climate.

In the second half of the Great Route, only the four emperors with white beards and red-haired Shanks are left.

It is true that these two people are much more terrifying than Kaido.

But how can they have the strongest hero in the world! “Heroes are invincible!!!”

“Long live!!!”


The marines gathered on the Hwaseong Banquet Plaza were in high spirits:

Now that the hero is reappearing, this chaotic era of great pirates is bound to come to an end.

The marines firmly believed this in their hearts.

With the participation of more than 100,000 marines on the warship, the huge Hwaseong Square finally became less empty.

The young soldiers of Hwaseong also cheered loudly.

Warm atmosphere.

“Brothers, cheers.”

The vigorous straw hat boy raised his glass in his left hand and held the big flesh in his right hand, shouting excitedly.

‘Ka Ka Ka’ suddenly.

There was a sour click in his ear.

That is the sound of people’s palms and fingers.

That was another hero of the Navy, Lieutenant General Karp.

“Lao Lao Lao… Old man, you, you… What do you want to do?”

Ace asked nervously.

“Good day, don’t let it go.”

Sabo also twitched the corners of his mouth.

The vitality straw hat was not there, and the upper and lower rows of teeth trembled.

“Luffy, when you were on that island just now, what kind of king you wanted to be?”

Karp asked kindly.

“Oce… One Piece, I am determined.”

The vitality straw hat boy bit his scalp and shouted.

“Ah oh”

There was a chuckle in everyone’s hearts.

“Bang” “Bang Bang Bang Bang” “Damn old man, why even beat me”

“Master, don’t slap someone in the face.”

Ace and Sabo are also passively involved in Karp’s iron fist of love.

Looking at the three brothers who were beaten again, everyone next to them unconsciously picked up the teeth, and couldn’t bear to look directly.

“Speaking of it, do you… think we seem to be missing someone.”

Sanji frowned and reminded.

“Hahaha, Sanji, what little…”

Usoppton lives.

“It seems to be true…”

Frankie thought.


Everyone shouted in unison…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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