One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 478 - The five old stars are amazed (34 ask for subscription)

Chapter 478 – ? The five old stars are amazed! ! ! [3/4 ask for subscription]

This content was first published on Holy Land, Mary Gioia.

‘Swish’ suddenly there was a rapid piercing sound in the sky.

The atmosphere, the void is slightly distorted.

In a blink of an eye, it is back to the same time.

Only a few points of blood remained in the air, dripping slowly.

This inconspicuous change did not cause much commotion in Mary Joa, who was everywhere.

Only those government powerhouses who… lurking in the dark and guarding the Holy Land can perceive one or two…

As a result, there was a look of astonishment on all the faces.

The five old stars are back!!! I was wounded on my body!!!…At this moment.

The Holy Land Mary Gioia, the central area of ​​Pangu City.

A faint blood-colored long rainbow crossed the sky and directly fell into the central luxurious white jade hall.

Perceive the familiar fluctuations from the sky.

The three five old stars in the hall changed their complexions and quickly got up to greet each other.

“come back.……”

“It doesn’t matter if you fail, as long as people…”

“We already know the details…”

The five old stars who also received the naval war report successively offered comfort.

However, the words didn’t finish, but they stopped abruptly.


Vomiting sounded.

The white marble floor was stained blood.

“Hey, hey, how did this happen?”

“This kind of thing is not mentioned in the report!”

“Why is this!”

When you see clearly the embarrassing appearance of the old star of the sword-wielding samurai and the blond angel old star.

The other three Five Old Stars who were on standby in the Holy Land were all shocked.

In the Navy’s report, there was no emphasis on the two mysterious powerhouses that appeared last.

Because the battle level is too high.

It is impossible for ordinary marines to see the doorway.

In the end, it was only described with the term evenly matched.

The three five old stars were also bewildered by the word description reported.

Thinking that their analysis was correct.

The old samurai star relied on his extreme speed, even if he couldn’t win, he could definitely hold down Luo Lin.

On the other side, there is no problem if there is no gold veteran star on Luolin.

Even if it fails in the end, it will not be too embarrassing.


After seeing the two returning partners with my own eyes.

The three five old stars were shocked.(Read more @

This miserable situation is no longer a question of embarrassment.

The situation was more than ten times worse than they expected.

“Don’t be stunned, fix it quickly”

The old star of the samurai with the sword handed the broken arm and the broken wings of the angel old star to the other three.

He is also sitting on the ground as if he has lost his strength.

Although his injury is not as serious as the golden old star who was affected by the crushing force, it is not easy to bear.

Because he used his full speed ability and led others to flee across half the ocean, his physical strength has been exhausted.

Waves of weakness came to his mind along with pain.

“Hey, your condition is not good, how did you get this stab wound?”

The old bald star said anxiously.


The samurai old star clenched his teeth and forced himself


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Depress the pain.

“That bastard’s sword is really getting sharper and sharper. I shouldn’t compare swords with him.”

Looking at the scary scars that almost cut his body diagonally.

The old samurai star couldn’t help being afraid for a while, and at the same time regretting it in his heart.

I regretted why I had to do it for a while….He was brave, and finally went to compare swords with that monster.

Obviously, he had lost once thirty-six years ago.

“The world’s No. 1 swordsman, he has already reached the pinnacle of his kendo skills!!!”

The five old stars with curly hair like aristocrats gritted their teeth.

“Don’t worry about this now. The next thing is destined to be a protracted game. With 800 years of age, why should we be afraid of a little devil who is only a few decades old.”

The old star in the dark blue suit looked indifferent and proud.

“We just need to wait for the moment to build his reputation and defeat the power in one fell swoop!!!”

“That’s right, we are the real overlord of this sea! Great Eim is the real king of the world!”

New world, happy street.

This is the base camp of the famous Dark World Queen of the New World, Stutsi.

At the same time, it is also a paradise for men.

Early in the morning.

The predators of the dark world, such as Lufield, the king of loan sharks, and the hidden teacher Gibbson, came in groups.

Be annoying in advance.

Celebrate the fall of Hwaseong Fortress.

However, they didn’t wait long for them to be happy.

The following news report of the big event, the big news about the reappearance of the hero who defeated the sea lord Lox.

All the dark predators who made Ling were panicked.

But at that time, there was hope in their hearts.

They believe that even the legendary naval heroes can never resist the invincible alliance of the two sea emperors.

However, the reality is a big joke with them.

Their biggest backer-the invincible Four Emperors Alliance in their hearts-was actually defeated!!! The four emperors Kaido and Lotling Ling both lost! This is nothing short of a fantasy.

Unacceptable! How to accept it.

“What a joke! I won’t believe this kind of thing!”

Lufield, the king of loan sharks, tore the newspaper in his hands to pieces.

“Conspiracy! This must be a conspiracy!”

The organ dealer Jigula yelled hysterically.

“I don’t believe it! How could such a terrifying Four Emperors Alliance lose!!!”

All the dark kings who call the wind and call rain on weekdays, stomping and stomping can make the underground world tremble, at this moment, they are all crazy, rolling and ugly.

However, their slaying did not last long, and they were deterred by the group of heavily armed women and the strong army.

“Stucci, what do you mean!!!”

Lufield, the king of loan sharks, glared at Stushi with bloodshot eyes open.


Stushi, known as the Queen of Happy Street, clapped her hands.

“That’s the end of the fun, everyone, take them down.”

Stucci ordered.

In the clanging sound of swords and swords.

The guards of the dark predators shed blood and fell to the ground.

“Since I have received the above order, there is no way, let me meet you next, Mr. Hero.”

Stushi smiled charmingly…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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