One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 501 - Speak the most ruthless words and do the most insulting things (24 for

Chapter 501 – ?Speak the most ruthless words and do the most insulting things [2/4 for subscription]

This content was first published on, the mother ship, the fancy dessert ship Queen Mother Anthem.

All the ministers and cadres of the aunt were still immersed in the shocking emotions, and they couldn’t help themselves.


They only felt their gaze towards the sky flickered.

Next second.

Luo Lin, who was supposed to be at a height of 100 meters, suddenly disappeared from their sight.

This sudden situation made the cadres of the aunt on the ship stunned.

Immediately, an inexplicable premonition emerged from their hearts irresistibly.

It has nothing to do with foreseeing the future.

Just instinct.

Intuition tells them that something bad seems to be about to happen.

Just as the ministers and cadres of the thief were shuddering.

There was a soft ‘ta’.

Footsteps sounded from the center of the deck.

The aunt cadres who originally looked at the sky subconsciously tilted their heads and looked at the source of the footsteps.

Waiting to see the figure that suddenly appeared among them.

The atmosphere on the deck suddenly stagnated.

The air seemed to freeze.

Perrospero, Owen, Daifuku, Smoky, Dandan Baron, Flampe, etc…

The cadres of the aunts were all like the slow light of the silver fox Fox, their eyes and mouths widened at a slow speed visible to the naked eye, Zhang Yuan.

The footsteps also retreat at an extremely slow and gentle speed.

The sound of neat and uniform footsteps fell.

It broke the solidified atmosphere in the field.

It’s like the aging of slow light passes.

The cadres of the aunts in the middle of the deck of “Hulala” broke up.


“It’s going to die, it’s going to die!”

“That… the hero has found us!”

“Brothers, protect your lovely sister!”

The shrill shouts of the girls came and went one after another.

It was Framper and other young thief girls who were seriously frightened screaming.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

There was a muffled sound.

That’s Luo Lin stepping forward.

It was like the heartbeat of the earth.

The huge mothership Queen Mother Anthem shook for a moment.

So the panic and screams of panic on the deck came to an abrupt end.

The pirate who was a hundred meters away was also quiet.

“Is this the might of Luo Lin, the hero above the Four Emperors”

Flame Cinder clenched his teeth.

A drop of cold sweat started from the forehead and dripped from the edge of the mask.

“call”(Read more @

Aside, Plague Quinn exhaled.


Fortunately, the Killing Star did not come to our side.”

Quinn said with a grateful look.

Fosford, Sasaki the Murloc, Peggy Man and others nodded in sympathy.

at the same time.

On the deck of the Queen Mother Chant.

The thief’s ministers and cadres formed a huge circle.

Luo Lin is naturally the only person in the center of the circle.

And right in front of Luo Lin.

Smoky, Perrospero, Baker Mouss, Dan Dan Baron, etc.


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The entrance of the cabin was blocked tightly.

A look that would never let Luo Lin set foot in it.

“Heroic Luo Lin, you are… on our ship, what do you want…what do you want to do”

As the eldest son of the family, Perrospero naturally wants to stand up.

“Never let you get close to our mother anymore.”

Tai Fook and Owen also stepped forward together, opening their mouths in a stern and introverted manner.

“Mom has been severely injured by you, what else do you have to do”

Smoky scolded.

“If you want to do something to the seriously injured mother, let’s step over our corpse first.”

Dan Dan Baron resolutely said.

“That’s right, huh…oh!”

Pea-eyed Lion Fur Baker Mousse echoes.

The faces of the core combatants and ministers of the aunts all have a firm color that regards death as home.

Luo Lin glanced calmly across everyone in front of him.

The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a subtle and weird arc.

These one by one.

What he said was…tough.

It’s just something else that I thought in my heart.

“Fuck, fuck, you guys don’t want to die if you say anything!”

Perrospero’s eyes widened in horror, thought to himself.

“Come on, Brother Perros, we will come again later.”

Daifuku and Owen looked at each other, nodding their heads intently.

“Damn it, who will stop the hero Luo Lin!”

The long-legged stroke made Star Smoky’s silver teeth clenched and shouted in his heart.

“It’s enough to step over their bodies, I’m just a chicken.”

Baron Dandan thought.

In the end, Luo Lin’s gaze fell on Bakermuth.

Perceiving the line of sight from Rollin, Bakermuth couldn’t help but shrink his head.

But immediately it was a bear with his head held high, and he looked like death at home.

Hmm! It doesn’t look too smart.

It deserves to be the same stunned green type as Straw Hat Luffy.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin couldn’t help being amused by Beckmuth’s straightforwardness.

Shaking his head and laughing lightly, Luo Lin stepped straight towards the cabin.

“I’m here, I can’t stand it anymore, so I will withdraw first.”

Perrospero looked terrified, and quickly dodged aside.

“Fuck, Brother Perros ran away, we also withdrew.”

Owen and Dafu looked at each other, and walked away from each other.

“Everyone is good, help us block him.”

Smoky yelled in his heart, and his long legs walked to the side honestly.

“I lost it, so fast.”

Baron Dandan cursed in a low voice, and the foot long clan’s talented compasses ran out a dozen meters in three or two steps.

The main players in front ran away.

The secondary cadres at the back naturally couldn’t stand still, and ran away again with a scream.


Only the straight peasy lion fur Beckmus was left in front of the cabin door.


Bakermuth looked left and looked again.

Looking at the empty side, the peasy eyes under the sunglasses are full of surprise, and the whole lion is stupid.

“Little lion, are you going to stop me”

Luo Lin grinned…

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