One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 503 - Explore the secrets of the aunts soul The nun seized her home 44

Chapter 503 – ?Explore the secrets of the aunt’s soul! The nun seized her home? 【4/4】

This content was first published on, inside the cabin of the Mother of Thieves, the Queen’s Mother Anthem.

The luxurious palace-like room is the captain’s room where the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling is located.

“Jiehahahaha, long loaf, get out of the way, I don’t know how to do anything based on my past feelings.”

Golden Lion Shiji looked at the chef who finally stopped outside the captain’s room.

“Shi Ji, and you…”

The little chef looked at Luo Lin with a long loaf of bread, his old eyes suddenly shrank.

A look of extreme horror unconsciously appeared on an old face.

“Ski, why on earth are you mingling with’enemy.”

Long Bread asked Golden Lion Shiji with an incredible face.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, long bread, the times have changed, now my brother and I are not…the enemy.”

The Golden Lion laughed.

“Big big… big brother”

Staying in the cabin, the long loaf was stunned by…what happened outside.

Listening to the name of the Golden Lion Shiji to Luo Lin, the whole person seemed to be struck by thunder.

Lei’s is called a Wai Jiao Lin Nen.

Just when Long Bread was about to continue to question, his eyes suddenly flickered.

Next second.

Luo Lin, who was originally in his sight, disappeared.

“not good”

The long loaf turned around abruptly.

Looking at Luo Lin, who was standing in the sky above the head of the seriously injured and unconscious Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling, a look of anger suddenly appeared on the old face of Long Bread.


The golden sword light shines.

That is the famous sword Sakuragi on the right foot of Golden Lion Shiji.

“Long loaf, you just have to look at it next. Big brother is just trying to find a secret this time.”

Golden Lion Shijidao.

“What’s the secret”

Long Bread asked in a deep voice.

“It’s about Lingling when she was a child. Where did the nun in the photo she collected last go and how did Lingling obtain the soul fruit ability that originally belonged to the nun?”

Golden Lion Shiji spoke in surprise.

“To be honest, I was shocked when I heard my eldest brother talk about this… secret. I didn’t expect Lingling to have such an interesting secret hidden in her body.”

“Nah…!!!, Long Bread, Lingling has been with you since she was a child, do you know what bizarre things happened more than sixty years ago”

Golden Lion Shiji smiled and looked at the long loaf.

“When… things happened in…”

I heard Golden Lion Shiji talk about that year.

The forehead of the long loaf was covered with cold sweat for a moment.(Read more @


It happened on that island.

That… the terrible incident of the birthday party in “House of the Sheep”.

He was the only witness.

Even in the past so many years, whenever he thinks of that scene, he will shudder.

“Then next, let me see.”

Just when Long Bread was pale, still immersed in a terrible memory of the past.

On the other side, Luo Lin’s palm covered Charlotte Lingling’s forehead, who was in a coma.



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bsp; Advanced ability to read the mind, see, hear, and color, and start memory reading.

The life of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling was like a revolving lantern, flashing past Luo Lin’s eyes.

With a move, Luo Lin selectively skipped the scathing and bloody entanglement between Charlotte Lingling and her dozens of husbands.

Fix the memory on the day of his sixth birthday.

The blood covered Luo Lin’s “sight”.

The’devil’ whispered in Luo Lin’s ear.

The reading of the memory is just a moment’s effort.

Next second.

Luo Lin retracted his right hand.

One of the mysteries in his mind was revealed, and he had seen everything.

‘Huh’ Luo Lin opened his mouth slightly and exhaled a long stale breath.

A drop of cold sweat slipped down his face.

The strongest person like him who stands at the top of the world, no matter how terrifying things he faces, he can’t shake his mind.

However now.

Rao is like Luo Lin, and after seeing such a scene with his own eyes, he shuddered.

Superman soul fruit.

The devil fruit ability that involves the most mysterious soul level of the human body is really extraordinary.

Even this kind of thing can be done.

Rebirth! Abandon your old body, leave only your soul, invade and control another… a body with unlimited potential.

The plot that originally thought would only happen in the fantasy story will also appear in this world.

Even Luo Lin couldn’t help being shocked by this kind of operation.

But what Sister Carmelite didn’t expect was that Charlotte Lingling’s talent was too high.

Even when he was a child, his soul strength far exceeded that of others.

She was actually in a disadvantaged position and was almost wiped out.

In the end, I had no choice but to choose the coexistence route.

Use your own spirit to influence and manipulate Charlotte Lingling’s naive thoughts.

But sometimes.

Charlotte Lingling’s own consciousness will also overwhelm the soul of Sister Carmelo.

It’s like when thinking about eating disorder, or after being seriously injured and falling into the sea.

“Jiehahahaha, brother, do you know what’s going on?”

The golden lion Shiji flew to Luo Lin’s side and asked with a laugh.


Luo Lin nodded.

Grab it at your fingertips.

A dagger appeared in his right hand.


The chef’s long loaf changed in amazement.

“What are you going to do to mom”

Smoky, Perrospero and others who followed with courage all changed their faces and lost their voices in horror.

Next second.

Under the shocked and stunned eyes of the golden lion Shiji and the aunt.

Blood spattered.

But it wasn’t Charlotte Lingling.

“Tick Tick Tick” was the sound of Luo Lin’s blood dripping onto the four emperors Charlotte Lingling.

“Sister Carmelo of Soul, Soul and Fruit Ability, I want to see what other storms you can make.”

Luo Lin grinned…

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