One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 505 - Brachiosaurus bomb Tame aunt (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 505 – ? Brachiosaurus bomb! Tame aunt! [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Puff Tower! Give me the Caramel Puff Tower!!!”

Not waiting: The ministers and cadres of the thief were excited for Charlotte Lingling’s awakening.

The terrifying strange sound mixed with powerful domineering sweeping the audience.

The people in Ling’s field all showed pain on their faces in unison, covering their ears tightly.

“This is my mother’s weird noise!”

“Not good! Is it because my mother’s esophagus has attacked?”

“It’s the worst, so I can’t die, why is it this time!”

“Head chef, think of a way!”

The cadres of the aunts kept their heads in a squatting posture, screaming in panic in their throats.

However, without waiting for their voices to spread far, they were completely overwhelmed by the sharp and strange sounds of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling.

“Jiehaha, I haven’t heard Lingling’s weird cry for decades.”

The golden lion Shiji was also covering his ears and grinning, which was obviously uncomfortable.

Luo Lin alone was the only one who remained calm as ever.

Even the strange sound mixed with the domineering look of the overlord did not change the expression on his face.

It’s been a long while.

The ‘strange sound’ enveloped in the cabin finally eased.

However, the situation has not improved at all because of this, but has worsened.

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling in the state of schizophrenia is like a crazy destruction machine.

Before you eat what you want to eat, your desire for destruction will expand indefinitely.

‘Boom’ the mother ship, the Queen’s Mother Anthem was shaken at this moment.

at the same time.

Outside deck.

It took a long time for a group of sub-combatants to finally recover from the domineering shock of the hero Luo Lin.

But don’t wait for them to breathe.

Sharp and strange noises followed one after another.


The screams of screams came and went again.

“This is my mother’s weird noise!”

“What’s going on inside!”

The aunts and pirates on the deck held their heads in their hands and screamed in horror.

Under the strange sound of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, the beasts stationed a hundred meters away were naturally not immune.

“Fuck, what kind of sound is this so terrible!”

Plague Quinn held his head and vomited.

“She actually woke up!”

Yan Calamity Jin was also shocked.

‘Boom’ was shortly after Yan Calamity Jin’s voice fell.

The fancy aunt mothership shakes.

A dense cobweb-like crack appeared on the ship’s body, and then it burst with a crash.

Countless planks, sawdust soared into the sky and a huge gap appeared on the mothership.

A pair of scarlet lights lit up in the darkness of the gap, exuding a terrifying oppressive force.(Read more @

A pair of fat hands first appeared in people’s sight.

Immediately afterwards.

Along with the swaying footsteps of the earth, the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s crazy posture appeared.

“Caramel Puff Tower!!!”

Charlotte Lingling raised her head and screamed.

One step down.

The desolation cracked a huge gully.

“Fuck, fuck, that… the aunt is finally crazy!!!”

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Plague Quinn called strangely.

“This is really bad!”

The giant beauty Black Maria stared at her eyes.

“Do we have to run, Mr. Jhin!”

Peggy Wan proposed in a flustered expression.


Yan Calamity Jin said concisely, screamed, transformed into a toothless pterosaur, and rose into the sky for the first time.

See it.

All the beasts couldn’t help but stunned.

Even Peggy Wan, who suggested running away, was stunned.

After all, he is…so casually.

According to Yan’s strong character in the past, how could he run so decisively?

“Hahahaha, idiot Jhin, you also have…”

Plague Quinn just wanted to taunt when he caught the flame ember.

next moment.

The unfinished ridicule was choked, and then turned into a crouch, echoing above the wasteland.

Because the mad four emperors Charlotte Lingling came towards them.

“Ah ah ah ah ah”

The screams of the beasts and pirates one after another.

“Caramel Puff Tower”

The four emperors Charlotte screamed.

“Lao Tzu only has xiaodoutang, no puff towers, you go after others.”

The plague Quinn Saya, who was unfortunately targeted, ran wildly.

“Caramel Puff Tower”

The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling still screamed.

“You crazy old woman, do you only say this one thing?”

“Caramel Puff Tower”

“If that’s the case, don’t be a monster. You are welcome.”

Plague Quinn gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

The ancient giant brachiosaurus form of dragon dragon fruit.

“Brachiosaurus bomb!!!”

Plague Quinn’s powerful head hammer exploded with one blow.

“Caramel Puff Tower”

Charlotte Lingling opened her sturdy arms and hugged Quinn’s brachiosaurus head.

There was a loud bang.

The huge brachiosaurus weighing several tons was attacked by the’Caramel Puff Tower’ and fell on all fours.

He rolled his eyes and fainted.


“Even Master Quinn…”

“Don’t come here, you monster!”

“Go to the other side soon!”

“Auntie bastards, you guys must think of a way!”

All the beasts shouted in anger.

“Long loaf, think of a way, if there is no puff tower, mother will never be sober.”

Perrospero yelled in horror.

“I know, but the kitchen materials are almost exhausted, I can’t help it.”

Long Bread said anxiously.

“Mr. Shiji, please help us prepare some dessert ingredients, please.”

Bree looked at Golden Lion Shiji earnestly.

“Jiehahahaha, my eldest brother is here, you can watch what puff towers are needed, and the next thing is… Witness the miracle moment again.”

Golden Lion Shiji laughed confidently…

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