One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 522 - The Eims Order Push open the door of justice with your bare hands 34

Chapter 522 – ? The Eim’s Order! Push open the door of justice with your bare hands! 【3/4】

This content was first published on, directly above the red soil mainland.

Holy Land, Mary Gioia, Central White Jade Hall.

The five highest powers in the world sit, stand, or lie down, each silent.

The atmosphere in the main hall was extremely condensed.

Not long ago, the news that Luo Lin had appeared on Judicial Island with Robin had naturally reached their ears.

“Hmph, that bastard, do you finally know that you are afraid? Is this trying to bring Nicole Robin, son of the devil, to show us that it’s too late!”

The fifth old star with curly hair like a noble snorted coldly.

The remaining four old stars: “”

Even if you think with your feet, it is impossible to draw this conclusion.

Is it possible that except among us… an idiot noticed the subtle sight from our partners, and the face of the old star with curly hair suddenly flashed annoyed.

“Of course I also know that this is impossible. Isn’t this just trying to enliven the atmosphere.”

The five old star with curly hair defended himself.

The remaining four old stars: “…”

“This joke is not funny at all.”

The bandaged old star of the sword-wielding samurai took a breath, and suppressed the pain in his heart.

“Hmph, the Judiciary Island has been razed to the ground last time. If he wants to do anything this time, if he dares to mess up, he will publish everything and ruin his so-called hero.”

The bald birthmark old star said harshly.

“Calm down, don’t make the same mistakes as thirty-six years ago.”

Wu Lao Xing, who had long snow-white beard and hair, and wore a dark blue suit, shouted.

“Now is the period when that guy is at its peak. If you publish everything and completely tear your skin, it will do more harm than good, at least wait for the heat to cool down.”

“Besides, boiling frogs in warm water and cutting meat with blunt knives are always more painful. As I said before, this will be a long-lasting tug-of-war. All we have to do is let him make mistakes and take off his own hero aura. .”

“Of course we know this kind of thing, but it’s really that bastard deceived people too much.”

The five old star with curly hair said with grief.

“Don’t worry, the old man has already learned about the reason for his going to the Judicial Island from Sora.”

“what reason”

“It has something to do with the traitor giant Sauro who was secretly protected by the blue pheasant 20 years ago. Not surprisingly, that… Luo Lin bastard’s goal this time is not Judicial Island, but to advance the city.”

The old star in the dark blue suit said in a deep voice.

“It turned out to be… Pushing the City”

“How could this kind of thing like going to infinite hell to save people let him succeed!”

“If it is spread out, where is our face?”

“It must be stopped. If it doesn’t stop, then put to death the person he wants to save in advance.”

The five old stars spoke in anger.(Read more @

“No way”

At this moment, after hearing that the five old star with curly hair had decided to execute Sauro.

Lying on the hospital bed, the blond old star who was seriously injured had an expression of extreme horror on his face, and his emotions were suddenly agitated.

The hideous wound under the bandage cracked, and the blood stained the gauze.

“Calm down, so


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I said earlier, it would be better for you to rest alone.”

The samurai old star who was sick with the blond old star sighed.

“If you can’t execute that giant, it will completely anger that monster.”

The pale face of the blond old star was full of horror, and he was already shocked.

Seeing the collapse of the old blonde star, everyone in the field frowned.

“Don’t worry, Lord Yim has the order first, so don’t go to full-scale war with him for the time being.”

The old star in a dark blue suit said solemnly.

“Then just watched him fail to take people away from the advancing city”

The bald birthmark old star is angrily.

“It’s just a giant prisoner, so why not let him take it away. The most important thing is how much we can do in this matter… The article reduces his hero aura.”

The old star in the dark blue suit sneered…

at the same time.

Justice Island, Ainiès Hall.

Start from the front gate of the island.

Luo Lin walked slowly with Robin, and crossed the island under the excited eyes of tens of thousands of seamen and craftsmen.

Finally, he jumped down from the waterfall bridge and climbed to the ruins where the original judicial tower was located.

“The Warring States side should already know that I’m coming.”

Luo Lin thought to himself, the corners of his mouth raised an arc.


Robin opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Luo Lin with a puzzled face.

“Let’s go, let’s speed up a little bit.”

Luo Lin grinned.

After a while.

Luo Lin took Robin onto the bridge of hesitation.

“That is the gate of justice!!!”

Looking at the huge portal that can’t be seen at a glance.

Robin couldn’t help being nervous, holding his breath in shock.

“Hero Luo Lin, please stop!”

The navy colonel in charge of guarding the gate saw Luo Lin’s arrival, but he was excited but did not forget his mission.

“The front is the gate of justice. If Mr. Luo Lin is here for sightseeing, it will be enough to walk here.”

The navy colonel in charge of the goalkeeper spoke with a serious face.

“Hey, what if I say I want to go and see it.”

Luo Lin smiled.

“This, this… Please don’t embarrass us, Mr. Luo Lin, without the above order, the gate of justice will never be opened.”

A fine cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the navy colonel, and he bit his head.

“Don’t be afraid, you won’t be embarrassed. I didn’t want you to open the door for me.”

Luo Lin smiled.


Hearing this, the face of the goalkeeper colonel instantly showed joy.

However, in the next second, the smile that appeared on his face was frozen, and then turned into shock, which was beyond words.

“I just push it away by myself.”

Luo Lin grinned…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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