One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 531 - Rolin, Robin and Sauro (44 seeking subscription)

Chapter 531 – ?Rolin, Robin and Sauro [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on The deep sea prison advances to the four underground floors of the city, scorching hell.

The elevator shaft that goes straight to the first floor of the sea runs at high speed.

After a while, the elevator stopped on the fourth floor underground.

“So, I said earlier, it would be better if the elevator goes straight to the infinite hell, Magellan, this is your negligence.”

Deputy Administrator Hannibal took the opportunity to question.

“It’s my shit, Hannibal, if you really want to blame, go to the former designer of the Great Prison.”

Magellan choked back rarely.

“what did you say”

“Alright, director, deputy director, you all give me some time to stop, now the top priority is infinite hell, hurry up and go to the elevator in the director’s room to the sixth floor underground.”

Domino separated the two strongly.

“Director Magellan, there is a situation, the six underground levels of Infinite Hell… There are some abnormal situations in the Infinite Hell.”

Shortly after Magellan walked out of the elevator, a jailer guard ran and rolled in front of the crowd, yelling with anxiety and panic on his face.

“Stand up and speak slowly, what happened?”

Magellan asked with dignity.


The jailer stood up and said, “Just now, the loud calls of the prisoners came from a listening phone bug in Infinite Hell, it seems…”

“It seems that some intruders are already operating in Infinite Hell, and those prisoners are asking for help from that person. If all the doors of Infinite Hell are opened, all the prisoners will be free again…”

Speaking of this, the voice of the jailer and guard stopped abruptly, obviously because of the terrible event that might happen and was so terrified that he couldn’t tell.

“Don’t think too much, jailer, the things that are in your mind will never happen!”

Magellan’s expression was firm, and he spoke decisively.

“How can you be sure that it won’t happen? Even if it is a hero, for us to advance the city, he is… an intruder!”

Hannibal scolded loudly.

“If something goes wrong in Infinite Hell, it’s none of my business, it’s all your responsibility, Magellan, after all, I don’t know that person.”

Hannibal spoke repeatedly, trying to separate himself from the incident.

“But having said that, if something really happens, isn’t the position of the director belonged to me? Think about it, I still have a little look forward to it.”

Hannibal thought in his heart, and said honestly what he felt at the moment.

Magellan: “…”

Domino, Satie and others: “…”

“Ah, no, I accidentally said it again.”

Hanni, who reacted in hindsight, quickly raised his head and covered his mouth.

However, it was too late.

A puff of lavender poisonous gas heated up into Hannibal’s mouth.(Read more @


Under the effect of the poisonous gas, Hannibal’s expression was painful and retching.


Magellan suddenly laughed happily like a child.

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This is a daily little game between him and his brother Hannibal who covets his position.

Even at this critical moment, it can always ease his inner anxiety and anxiety.

Domino: “…”

Are these two children kids? It’s really a relief! “Director Magellan”

at this time.

Another jailer rushed towards Magellan and the others.

“what happened again”

Magellan straightened his face and asked in a deep voice.

“The big thing is not good, Director Magellan, just now, all the types of phone bugs in the sixth underground floor of Infinite Hell were lost.”

The jailer yelled and reported nervously.

“what did you say”

Magellan was shocked.

“More than that, there may be even worse things happening. The information from the friends on the six stairs, the whole of Infinite Hell is at the epicenter of the drama.”

The jailer yelled in horror.

“There is no time to waste here anymore. Now everyone is going to the infinite hell, ready to deal with the impact.”

Magellan waved his hand and gave the director’s order.

“Ah, Magellan, it’s all because of your previous poisonous gas. My stomach hurts now I’m going to be big.”

Hannibal clutched his stomach and prepared to drive away.

“The ghost knows what’s going on in the infinite hell now. Lao Tzu should pretend that his stomach hurts first, hide and see what’s going on.”

As Hannibal thought about it, he subconsciously said it again.

next moment.

A big hand grabbed his back collar and picked him up like a chicken.

“Hannibal, don’t want to drive away. You are also a member of the big prison. Of course, you have to bear the burden together.”

Magellan smiled and opened his mouth, grabbing Hannibal and walking towards the elevator shaft…

at the same time.

Promote the six underground floors of the city.

In the vast infinite hell, the footsteps are clearly audible.

This time I saw…the figure moving freely outside.

The murderers in the cage did not dare to have any more disrespectful and provocative words.

All of them clipped their tails, silent, and did not dare to make any noises.

This is the deterrence from the overlord! Three minutes later.

Luo Lin led Luo Lin to the depths of infinite hell.

“Falling Thunder”

“Falling thunder hee hee hee”

Suddenly, there was a special burst of laughter.

Listen to that unique laugh.

The corners of Luo Lin’s mouth raised an arc unconsciously.

As for Robin, the look on Qiao’s face was even more dazed.

It seems to have heard the most incredible voice in the world.

“Is this voice… Sauro?”

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