One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 534 - He is a naval hero who defeated the overlord of the sea (34)

Chapter 534 – ?He is a naval hero who defeated the overlord of the sea [3/4]

This content was first published on, “Helius, kid, let me be a little more awake.”

Luo Lin looked indifferently at Xiliu of Rain, who had fallen into a daze.

It seemed as if there was a bright sword light flashing in his eyes.

‘Keng’ next second.

Clang sounds like a real sword unsheathed in this infinite hell.

Immediately afterwards.

Senran, fierce, and horrible sword intent and sword power that were so sharp that he could cut through the sky burst out from Luo Lin’s body.

In an instant, it swept away in all directions.


The screams suddenly screamed.

It’s not just Xiliu who faces Luo Lin’s body with the ultimate sword intent.

There are other murderers in the nearby cage.

Just like the previous domineering storm of overlord color.

The fierce sword intent raging this time is still an indiscriminate impact.

The ethereal intangible sword intent is flying around like catkins.

Quietly, he cut off the cage and chain made of mixed Hailou stone.

But the prisoners among them couldn’t be happy anyhow.

Because their bodies were also cut apart.

Blood spattered one after another.

The earth is soaked with blood.

for a long time.

The sharpest sword in the world that burst out from Luo Lin’s body converged.

Yu Zhiliu’s clothes in the cage are tattered.

Zhou didn’t know how much he was cut open by that terrifying sword intent… Daokouzi.

The blood was dripping, and it almost stained him into a bloody man, looking extremely oozing.

However, compared to the pain from the body.(Read more @

The shock and horror that originated in Xiliu’s heart still governed his whole body.

As one of the great swords on this sea.

Xiliu felt deeply about how terrifying the sword intent Luo Lin had shown before.

This horrible sword intent is already above him for a little bit.

In front of Luo Lin’s sword intent, a so-called great swordsman is like a three-year-old and three-year-old child holding a sharp blade.The gap cannot be calculated by reason.

No matter how he resists, it is like duckweed in a storm, wandering.

Just like when he first met Lieutenant General Luo Lin thirty-eight years ago.

Obviously, in the past few decades, he has also become stronger.

Become: Not much weaker than Magellan who was favored by Luo Lin.

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But in front of the legendary hero, nothing seems to have changed.

“Hero Luo Lin, are you number one in the world now?”

In the cage, Yu Zhiliu, who was covered in blood, smiled miserably.

Opened his arms and fell into a big font and fell weakly.

“You’re still far away, kid.”

Luo Lin ignored Xiliu in the cage and turned away.

It was a long while after Luo Lin left.

This piece fell into absolute silence, and the tight heartstrings of the prisoners in the area where the needle dropped could be heard finally eased.


‘Gudong’, the sound of people’s apple jelly knots rolling hard one after another.

“Where is he sacred!”

“Not only domineering, but also unfathomable great swordsman!!!”

“First, that… the special overlord look as strong as the monster! Now it’s the same terrifying to the extreme… Sword!”

“It’s terrible! That man’s sword! Is he the world’s largest swordsman”

“No, no, the world’s number one swordsman before I went to jail was that… Hawkeye Mihawk, where did he come from?”

The prisoners in each cage screamed uncontrollably in shock.

“I seemed to have heard that bastard Xiliu call him Lieutenant Admiral Luo Lin! Is he a Lieutenant Admiral of the Navy Headquarters”

Another pirate suddenly spoke.

“Is there such a terrifying lieutenant in the navy headquarters, can he be more terrifying than that lieutenant Karp”

“Hero Lieutenant General Cap Hero! Luo Lin! It turned out to be him!!! How could this be possible!!!”

The evil king Abarro Pizarro seemed to have thought of something.

The green light flourished in a pair of cat eyes.

The hair all over his head is also due to extreme shock and horror, but the roots stand upright.

“The evil king, what do you know”

“Who is that man, hero Luo Lin, I have never heard of such a man in the Navy!”

The nearby big pirates noticed the gaffe of the evil king Abalo Pizarro and hurriedly asked.

“That man… that… the bastard named Rollin, like the bastard Karp, is the naval hero who defeated the sea lord Locks thirty-six years ago! He actually appeared alive!!!”

The evil king Abalo Pizarro could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and yelled.

“what did you say!!!”


Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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