One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 552 - He is our revolutionary teacher (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 552 – ? He is our revolutionary teacher! ! ! [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Promoting underground 5.

5-story shemale paradise.

With the return of the thieves, stacks of newspapers recording shocking events were brought to this secluded paradise.

The hot-eyed ladyboys headed by the ladyboy king Ivankov rushed forward.

Received the messy news report from the thief.

As a result, the noisy Shemale Paradise was quiet.

After seeing all the reports about major events in the newspaper, everyone in the room was involuntarily widened with shocked eyes.

The faces were extremely shocked and unbelievable.

These… the events reported in the newspapers are too unbelievable and unbelievable.

It’s almost like a fairy tale, it’s unacceptable.

The emotional moment called shock dominates the whole body of the ladyboys.

As a result, there was even a single sentence for a time, and there was no sound at all.

The deadly atmosphere of Shemale Paradise lasted for a while.


I don’t know who yelled, breaking the dead silence in the room.

next moment.

A shocking uproar filled this underground all at once. 5.

5th floor.

“What the hell is the hero Luo Lin, I have never heard of such a person in the Navy!”

“Yeah, yeah, alongside that… Karp, another hero of the Navy, such a big man, how could there not even be a sound of wind above the sea!”

“This news report is fake, right”

Some ladyboys took the lead in questioning.

“Are you idiots, don’t just read a report and make a conclusion!”

“That’s…, look at this article, it was Karp and this hero Luo Lin who defeated the sea lord Locks thirty-six years ago!”

“Although I don’t know who the sea lord Lockes is, it must be the same as the current four emperors, or even more powerful than the four emperors!”

“The identity of this hero named Luo Lin has been confirmed by the world. Look at the characters appearing in this Hwaseong Fortress–“(Read more @

“Navy hero Karp, former general Zefa of the general staff, and so many people, they are all the most powerful evidence!”

“This man is really a navy hero! It’s just that dozens of them disappeared from the world for some reason!”

More shemales spoke fiercely to the doubters’ suspicions.

“Hey hey hey, I said you guys, don’t worry about other things, the point is this ah this -”

A ladyboy pointed to the headline of a certain newspaper, with an expression of extreme horror on his heavily make-up face.



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nbsp; “The four emperors… the strongest creature, the four emperors and the beasts, Kaido is dead!”

“Not only the beast Kaido, but also the four emperors Luo Te Lingling was defeated by that…hero!!!”

“The alliance formed by the two big four emperors was defeated by one person. This is really terrifying!”

“It’s an exaggeration, hey, those are two four emperors!”

“Is this hero Luo Lin’s strength far superior to the Four Emperors”

“That… how does the white beard compare to it?”

“Not just the world’s number one swordsman, but the world’s strongest throne will also change hands?”

“The two Four Emperors were pulled off their horses, what is the chaos of the sea outside now!”

Shemales, every word you say to me is all yelling with all your energy.

It seems that he wants to spit out the shock in his heart along with the words.

“Master Ivankov, you are… just say a few words!”

I was shocked.

A ladyboy noticed the ladyboy king Ivankov who was motionless like petrified.

According to the noisy character of their queen in the past.

Seeing such a big event happen, it will inevitably yell at the first time.

However, since just now, Ivankov has just opened his mouth from beginning to end, without making a sound.

This is naturally very unusual.

“Ivankov, what’s wrong with you”

The half-orange and half-white shemale Lightning frowned.


Under the concerned gaze of the ladyboys, the petrified ladyboy king Ivankov finally had some reactions.

A series of nonsense sounds like Caton came out from the wide open mouth.

“This person…this person is…”

Ivankov pointed to Rollin on the headline of the newspaper and was suddenly excited.

“What happened to this hero?”

The shemale Lightning asked nervously.

“I know! I know him! He is not only a naval hero, but also…or…”

Under the stimulus of extremely shocking emotions, Ivankov couldn’t even speak for a while.

“Who is he still”

“Master Ivankov, don’t sell it, just say it!”

The ladyboys urged.

“He he he… this person is the dragon’s enlightenment mentor, and at the same time the mentor of everyone in our revolutionary army!!!”

Ivankov finally broke through the shocking obstacles, screaming…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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