One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 559 - Make the sea shake again (44 seeking subscription)

Chapter 559 – ? Make the sea shake again! ! ! [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Red Earth Continent, Holy Land, Mary Gioia.

At the same time that the headquarter’s Marshal Sengoku received a report from Propulsion Castle.

The world’s highest power in Marijoa, the five elder stars, was the first to get a detailed report from the government officials stationed in the city.

In the center of the Holy Land, in the White Jade Hall.

The three world’s highest power five old stars sit or stand.

The expressions on all the old faces were as ugly as eating dead flies.

“That madman, really dare to do it.”

The curly-haired noble old star took a breath.

“To dare to commit a bloody massacre in Infinite Hell, this is an rush to hand the handle to our hands.”

The bald birthmark old star sneered.

“Don’t be happy too early. The existence of Infinite Hell is a secret that cannot be disclosed. If you let the news out regardless of it, it may be counterproductive.”

The five old star with long white beard and hair frowned.

“The target of that bastard slaughter is the big sea pirates who do no evil and do everything quickly. At this moment, if it is announced, it may really be turned over by its fishing reel, and it will even further contribute to its arrogance. Is this guy expected to be so unscrupulous in his actions, is it really hateful!!!”

The noble curly-haired old star gritted his teeth bitterly.

“Is it really that? The prisoners of Infinite Hell are the best experimental subjects for scientific research. They were killed by that guy in a large number. We have suffered such a huge loss, and we should continue to watch him arrogantly. Unhappy!”

The smile on the face of the bald-headed birthmark old star is no longer, and his face is full of unwillingness.

“Of course we can’t just leave it alone. The matter of infinite hell is suppressed first. We can go back to the original point and make a fuss about that bastard’s robbery.”

The five old star with long white beard and hair opened his mouth faintly.

“If it’s just a Sauro, it might be a little difficult to erase his hero’s aura, but he was wrong and took another person away.”

“The lonely red Ledfield, that is indeed the wicked party that was as famous as Roger in the last era! Then make a fuss from him!”

The other two five old stars in the hall also nodded.

“Now there is one last question, what is going on with that guy?”

The bald birthmark old star asked questions.

“I didn’t get our permission to go to Pushing City without permission. That’s all. When he got there, he let the bastard Luolin go so easily. If he can fight with that bastard, if he is seriously injured, we There are more articles that can be done.”

The curly-haired noble old star gritted his teeth, his old face was full of dissatisfaction.

“That guy Sora doesn’t want to betray, too. Damn a bastard who really has such a good naval headquarters and advances the city. Now even the commander-in-chief appointed by us personally…”(Read more @

The bald birthmark old star opened his mouth in anger.

The more I speak, the old face


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The anger becomes more vigorous.

“It’s too early to make a conclusion.”

The old star with long white beard and hair said solemnly.

“It’s the same whether it’s the air or the Warring States period. As long as they stay in that position for a day, their inner justice will restrain them, and they won’t turn back because of other people’s words. I’m sure there is no need to worry about this.”

‘Shu’ was shortly after his voice fell.

Light and shadow flickered in the White Jade Hall.

Next second.

The figure of the samurai veteran wearing a white training uniform gradually manifested and became clear.

“came back.”

The three five old stars stood up to greet each other.


Samurai Old Star nodded.

Relying on his own extreme speed ability, the old samurai star walked back and forth between Mariejoa and the city in just three minutes.

“How is it going”

The old star in a dark blue suit asked.

“The infinite hell has lost a lot, but I didn’t get nothing.”

With that, the old samurai star opened the sealed box he carried.

There is a brick inside, a few pieces of soil.

“What does this mean”

The curly-haired old star is puzzled.

“It means unusual blood, can it be said…”

The old star in the dark blue suit seems to have guessed something.

“The bricks are soaked in the blood of that bastard.”

Samurai Old Star nodded.

In the end, a look of anger appeared on his face again.

“That guy is too wasteful. If you don’t want it, you can hand it over to us. Now there is only this.”

The samurai old star shook his head and sighed.

“These…that’s all, it’s better than nothing at all, give a part to Begapunk to study, and then take out part of the soaking water for William to serve…”

“That guy’s most important angel wings were removed, and he couldn’t recover in a short time. It just happened to use the blood of Luo Lin bastard to speed up the healing, but you must pay special attention to shutting him down with Hailou Shi for a few days after he is cured to survive the side effect period. Let it out again.”

The Wu Lao Xing in a dark blue suit said solemnly.

“Then do it!”

“I’ll take a trip to Begapunk!”

“I will take care of the news.”


The five old stars nodded and dispersed.

Only a few hours later.

The story of the hero Luo Lin rushing into the city to rob the prison spread all over the world.

The ocean that made it shook again!!!… Please download the un-underlined version


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