One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 561 - Navy headquarters riots (24 Seek complete customization)

Chapter 561 – ?Navy headquarters riots! ! ! [2/4 Seek complete customization]

This content was first published on Navy Headquarters, Malin Foduo.

As a direct organization of the world government.

This is the fishing reel position that Wu Lao Xing attaches the most importance to.

If the image of Luo Lin in the minds of the marines can be reversed in one fell swoop, it would naturally be better for… the world government.

When the reports that discredit Luo Lin were published, the entire navy headquarters was immediately shocked and aroused huge repercussions…

“Nani! Where is the bastard who wrote these reports, if I catch him, I will never kill him.”

“Nonsense, it’s just… nonsense, scribble! How could Mr. Luo Lin invade Advance City!”

“That’s it, don’t let me catch my grandson who writes these reports, it’s really deceiving!”

“These bastards, it’s best to revoke them for me now, otherwise, I absolutely must let them go around without eating.”

All over the navy headquarters, the marines who had returned from participating in the Hwaseong incident shouted outrageously.

Watching those… discrediting reports on Luo Lin.

These…the young marines who had participated in major events, had close contact with Luo Lin, and regarded Luo Lin as their hero, all of them were full of enthusiasm, and their hearts were so angry that they felt that their eyes were about to breathe fire.

“It is nothing more than to discredit General Sakaski. Now even the hero of our navy, who defeated the villain of the sea twice and made great contributions to Mr. Luo Lin, will discredit him. It is too much!”

“That’s it, it’s okay to discredit General Sakaski, but you can never discredit Mr. Rollin!!!”

I happened to pass by, hearing the conversation of the marines, the general Red Dog’s footsteps, his face suddenly turned black, and he waved his sleeves, and walked away cursingly.Indignation was brewing and spreading throughout the navy headquarters.

Just when the marines spontaneously gathered in the headquarters square, wanting to ask the marshal to ask for orders to punish the unscrupulous media.

Among the sea soldiers, there appeared ‘traitors’.

“Everyone, listen to me, what these reports say may not be false.”

A world government eyeliner pretended to be panicked.

“what did you say”

“It’s not fake! Do you know what you’re talking about”

“If you spread rumors, it will be dealt with by military law!”

“How could Mr. Luo Lin invade Advance City!”

The nearby marines retorted loudly.

“He was right. These reports today are really not rumors, but facts.”

A rear admiral-level government official stepped forward.

The major general is already a general in the navy, and his rank is not low.

His words naturally have a lot of weight.


The faces of the marines who were still aggressive at first were blank and unbelievable.

“What the hell is going on? Does the hero Luo Lin really relied on his own merits to advance the city recklessly, even the death row prisoners inside were taken away! The scripture can be said to be betrayed!”

Another member of the world government planted in the navy shouted loudly.(Read more @

It looks incredible on the surface.

However, every word in his mouth was full of malice.

In the end, Luo Lin was even labeled a ‘traitor’.

There was a muffled ‘bang’.

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An old fist fell on the face of the evil government seaman, knocking him upside down and flying out.

“You bastard, what the hell are you talking about? That’s our naval hero!”

The admiral who threw a punch yelled angrily.

“If the navy hero is really the hero of our navy, why not return to the headquarters, but stand on his own outside, and even abduct 40,000 soldiers of our navy. He is no longer a navy.”

The government seamen that were beaten still spared no effort to provoke contradictions.


“I think you guys really owe you to clean up!”

“Today I am going to replace your chief and teach you a lesson.”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

All of a sudden, there was a mess in the Oaks Square at the headquarters.

“Brothers, beat him up.”

A seaman in the corner shouted loudly, with an inexplicable subtle smile on his face.

He is also a man deployed by the world government in the navy.

Naturally, the incitement at this time was not due to infighting.

Instead, I want to use this riot to raise the nature of this incident to a higher level.

Under the deliberate arching of fire by a group of government marines, the noise in the main square escalated.

The scene seems to be out of control.

But at this moment.

The high-pitched bell of ‘Dang’ suddenly rang from the square.

That was the sound of the Ochs Bell of the Navy Headquarters.

Under normal circumstances.

The Oaks clock will only ring at the beginning of the new year.

But today it is because of this dispute.

Under the influence of the familiar Ochs bell.

The seamen, who had already red eyes, immediately stood at attention.

“Everyone, stop arguing.”

The green-haired Brigadier General Brandiu who received instructions from the Marshal Sengoku raised his horn and said loudly.

“As for today’s… reports, not all of them are false. The hero, Mr. Luo Lin, did go to Push City a few hours ago.”

Green-haired Brigadier General Brandy announced loudly.


The marines on the square were suddenly in an uproar.

The corners of the government officials who were mixed up were proud of their mouths.

But only for a moment.

In the next second, the smiles on their faces suddenly solidified.

Because the green-haired Brigadier General Brannu’s speech continues.

“Mr. Luo Lin did go to Push City for some reason, but these…the reports in the newspapers are all nonsense and malicious smear.”

“In addition, there is one more thing. Not long ago, Mr. Luo Lin, who happened to arrive in Push City, suppressed the prisoner riots in Push City with his own power. He is a hero!!!”

Brandiou said loudly and powerfully, word by word.

Olis Square was first silent.

In the next second, a shout of excitement and joy resounded over the entire navy headquarters…

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