One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 563 - Use magic to defeat magic (44 seeking subscription)

Chapter 563 – ? Use “magic” to defeat “magic” [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Your Excellency Zefa, Your Excellency Karp, did my teacher really go to that deep-sea prison today”

The blind swordsman smiled and asked solemnly.

As the voice of a smile fell, the originally noisy meeting room fell silent.

The eyes of the men, women and children in the field all fell on Zefa and Karp.



Under everyone’s attention, Karp and Zefa nodded in unison.


There was an uproar from the veterans in the conference room.

“It’s still the same question, why did the boss go to advance the city?”

“The boss did have some friendship with this Ryder before, but it shouldn’t be so good yet, right!”

“Invaded Propulsion City specifically for the Red Earl Ryder. I would not believe this kind of thing.”

The veterans began to question one after another.

“Yes, old folks, it’s true that Boss Luo Lin didn’t go to Propulsion City for some reason. The Boss went there for other people.”

Mu Lian spoke.

“other people”


“It’s all about this time, so don’t sell it, everyone.”

“Well, we originally planned to wait for the boss to come back and surprise you, but now we can’t hide it anymore.”

Alfred, who also knew the inside story, nodded.

“In fact, the boss went to push the city this time for our partner who was locked in infinite hell, the giant Sauro!”

Former Vice Admiral Alfred spoke solemnly.

“Twenty years ago, Sauro did not die, but was secretly imprisoned in Push City by Kuzan. This is the message brought by the three boys sent by Kuzan this morning.”

Mu Lian added and explained.

As Mu Lian’s voice fell, the huge conference room was quiet again.

Next second.

Cheers full of shock, excitement, joy, relief, and other emotions rang throughout the audience.

“Giant Sauro, is it Lieutenant General Sauro?”

“Sauro is still alive! I thought he was already dead!”

“This is really great! I can’t expect to see Sauro again.”

“Really, Mr. Karp, Mr. Zefa, Sister He, and Mu Lian, you are really not enough, you are still hiding this happy event from us!”

“Hahaha, really worthy of being our boss! It’s really reliable!”

When I heard the good news that my partner Sauro was still alive.

The anxiety and depression in the hearts of the veterans were instantly wiped out.(Read more @

No matter how much irritation I have had before and “Luo Ling’s former subordinate, Sauluo, this name seems a bit familiar.”

Nami frowned slightly.

“Lieutenant-General Sauro, ah, I remember.”

Kerla seemed to have thought of something.

“Navy Giant Lieutenant General Sauro, he is the one who protected Sister Robin in the O’Hara incident twenty years ago. No wonder the instructor is going to take Sister Robin with him.”

“It turned out to be like this.”


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“This is really great.”

Under Kerla’s reminder, the little girls nodded in joy.

“It turned out to be for my own subordinates, I’ll just say, this is that guy’s style.”

Lei Li laughed.

“That… the gentle giant Sauro, it’s really nostalgic, and Ryder…you roar roar, shouldn’t Mr. Rowling bring Ryder out while saving Sauro? .”

Brooke speculated with a smile.

Hear the words.

The smiles on the faces of the veterans who were immersed in the joy that their old friends were still alive suddenly stagnated.

Zefa, Ahe and others shook their heads helplessly.

Because of this, they had already thought of it.

Even if the world government wants to deliberately discredit, it can’t be aimless.

“That guy Luo Lin really doesn’t care about the name of a hero, puff ha ha ha ha, he really deserves to be my best friend.”

Karp couldn’t help yelling.

“One or two are idiots.”

Zefa cursed in a low voice.

“Sister He, don’t be angry, act with your own heart and without restraint, this is the father.”

Gion took Ahe’s arm and blinked.

“Of course I know this.”

Ahe raised his delicate hand and brushed it lightly on Gion’s hair.

Her depression at the moment is not because of this, but another thing.

There was a knock on the door outside the meeting room.

“Come in”

Zefa said solemnly.

The door opens.

The birdman Morgans hurriedly stepped forward.

“Chief instructor Zefa, Sister He, has already found out that it is indeed the world government standing behind those newspapers.”

News King Morgans reported loudly.

“World Government!!!”

“It’s really deceiving!”

“The incident thirty-six years ago, do they want to do it again?”

“Come on, fuck, I will definitely follow the boss’s pace this time! I’m not afraid of being broken into pieces!”

The veterans were filled with righteous indignation.

“Everyone, don’t worry, as a professional public relations staff in Dahuacheng, I already have a countermeasure to deal with the impact of this fishing boat.”

The news king Morgans spoke confidently.

“Silly Bird: You really have a way”

Nami was overjoyed.


Listening to Nami’s “Stupid Bird:” call, Morgans’s confident posture suddenly collapsed, and he staggered and almost fell.

“Morgans, what method did you think of”

Xia Qi asked.


Morgans straightened up.

“The best way to deal with fishing vessels is to create new fishing vessels and use them to defeat fishing vessels.”

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