One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 574 - Touched reunion Giants and partners Subscribe for subscription

Chapter 574 – ? Touched reunion! Giants and partners! 【Subscribe for subscription】

This content was first published on “Nani! The boss is back!”

“Sauro must be together too!”

“Quickly, quickly, get ready for the welcome banquet!”

“I can’t wait to see them!”

When the news of Luo Lin and his party’s return reached the main city, the entire Hwaseong Fortress was shaken instantly.

“Everyone, let me go one step ahead.”

A veteran who couldn’t wait greeted him, and then he hurriedly stepped on the moon step to rush overseas.

“I am going too!”

“Wait for me!”

“Me too!”

A group of old guys wailed their throats, rushing to the sky on the moon step to welcome Luo Lin and his party’s return.

at the same time.

Hwaseong gateway island.

Arriving at the destination, the task of the five-thousand-meter-class black snake’s trip was completed.

Following Luo Lin’s order, the little black snake’s body gradually sank into the sea and quietly retreated.

Under Luo Lin’s power and control, the large warship slowly passed through the portal.

“Hey, Sauro!!!”

“Sauro, do you still know us?”

The two giants on the portal arch bridge, Cassie and Oimo, waved hello.

“You are Cassie and Oimo.”

Looking at the familiar figures of the two giants on the arch bridge, Sauro on the deck of the warship was first taken aback, and then yelled in surprise.

As a contemporaneous person from Elbaff, the kingdom of giants, how can Sauro remember these two childhood friends?

“Gujiajiajiajia, Sauluo boy, do you still recognize me?”

“Gabababa, see you again, Sauluo!”

The blue ghost Tori and the red ghost Broki came from the shores of the two islands and greeted with a big smile.

“Mr. Dongli and Mr. Broki, your duel is finally over! This is really great!”

Sauluo’s eyes widened again, looking at Dongli on the left hand, and Broki on the right hand, a giant face could not hide the joy.

More than a hundred years ago.

The two strongest in the village of Elbaff, the giant kingdom, and Broki formed the giant pirates and headed to the sea.(Read more @

Received a enthusiastic response from a group of young giants.

Among them, Cassie, Omoy and others followed.

At that time, Sauro was also one of the best in his contemporaries.

It’s just because of his personal temperament that he is too gentle, so naturally he won’t join.

Even if they were invited by the two giant captains, they were all rejected by Sauluo.

Later, because of the contradiction between the two giant captains, the giant pirate, who had been brilliant for a few years, was disbanded.

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The giants and pirates without a leader, including West and Omoy, were captured by the navy and are about to be executed.

At this moment, the young ‘good’ nun who made the four emperors Luo Te Lingling cherish his heart appeared.

Through the arrested giants, he played a play with the world government.

It built a bridge and bond between the navy and the kingdom of giants.

Under the guidance of the nun Carmelo, send powerful giants to the navy.

that time.

Sauuro, who is physically strong, is naturally at the forefront of the candidate list.

It was only because of his own mild personality that Sauro chose to escape again.

Live a peaceful and quiet life in Elbaff.

Until more than forty years ago.

On vacation, Lieutenant General Luo Lin went to the giant country Albuff for a tour and accidentally ran into Sauro, the character in the plot.

Suddenly, on a whim, Fudge Saulo got on his boat.

Sauro, who was just holding it out for a walk, couldn’t get off the boat again.

Because Sauro was really overjoyed with the atmosphere on…Rolin’s boat.

This is a novel and interesting experience he has never had in his boring life in the past few decades.

In addition.

Those years on the Rollin boat.

Luo Lin took him north and south.

I went to the Devil’s Triangle to find the skeletons, and I heard the wonderful golden bell in Gaya that I had never heard before, and I was still there: I saw two seniors Dongli and Broki in the small garden of the ancient island… These… all of them. The most precious experience in Sauro’s life is worth remembering all his life.


“Sauro, meet again!”

“Hahahaha, Mr. Sauro!”

“Long time no see, sir Sauro!”

“It’s great to be alive and see you again! Sauro!”



Just when the giant Sauluo was immersed in the good memories of the past and was grateful for everything so far.

Suddenly there was a nostalgic call from the sky.

Even in the past two decades, it is still so familiar and kind.

Just listening to those voices, Sauro’s mind unconsciously clearly showed the past scenes, those… familiar voices and smiles.


Sauluo took a deep breath, suppressed the emotion and joy in his heart, and then suddenly raised his head.

Looking to the sky, although old, but still familiar and familiar faces, his eyes are unconsciously ruddy.

“Everyone, thank you, I am so happy to see you again!!!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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