One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 8 - The man who caused countless heroes to collapse (8 more flowers evaluation)

Chapter 8 – The man who caused countless heroes to collapse [8 more flowers evaluation]

This content was first published on My name is Luo Lin and I am a traverser.

In the mighty army of traversers, I may not be the strongest, but I am definitely the most turbulent-this is Luo Lin’s pertinent summary of the first half of his life.

Luo Lin, who died unexpectedly because of too much waves in his previous life, passed through after his death!

——I traveled to the world of pirates once obsessed with the second dimension.

To be precise, it is the Pirate World forty-six years ago in the main storyline.

As a senior Haimi, Luo Lin naturally knows the dangers of the Pirate World.

Although this place is not comparable to the prehistoric fantasy world, all kinds of weird devil fruit abilities, vicious pirates, and wicked nobles are also life-threatening.

Luo Lin, who had learned the lessons of the “wave of death” in his previous life, was planning to silently play and grow, but the system did not allow it.

As a qualified traverser, how can you be without a system?

And what Luo Lin is bound to is a system called ‘Dead and Become a God’!

——Want to understand the true meaning of life?

Want to be the strongest in the world?

Want to go to the world outside that world?

Want to completely go beyond the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements?

Want to be a god?

If you want to–

Then go to death!

The ‘become a god when you die’ system helps you become a god after death.

As long as you die, you can become an omniscient and almighty god! ! !

The above is the speech at the beginning of the system awakening.

That guy, impassioned like a professional MLM head.

At that time, Luo Lin’s expression after listening to the introduction of the system was forced to despise and finally lifted the table!(Read more @


God will become a god system when he is dead!

I just died once, and I just made up my mind to never die, and you want me to die again?

Will you become the omnipotent god of all knowledge if you die?

This is too ridiculous!

The ghost knows if this is true or not?

If it is so easy, how can it be hard to make the geniuses in the novel who are exhausted and unable to become a “god”

Since re-lived once again-

I! Rollin! Never die!

Luo Lin eliminated the option of ‘try suicide’ at the time.

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Regardless of the nonsense of the system, Luo Lin began to prepare to exercise, and walked along the coastline by the way, to see if he was lucky enough to pick up a single devil fruit.

However, things backfired.

Even if Luo Lin had already had the spirit of twelve points to live in this cruel world of pirates, the reality was always unsatisfactory.

Three days after the journey, although Luo Lin did not pick up the devil fruit, he encountered the devil-a group of uncivilized savages!

Looks like thin skin and tender meat, the sweet and delicious Luo Lin naturally served as a sacrifice and served on the grill.

The fire was raging.

Just when Luo Lin lamented that his new life was over before it even started, he was surprised to find that he was not dead.

The raging high temperature made every cell in his body seem to be burning, but he did not die.

Not only did it not die, it even developed resistance to flames and high temperatures.

When the rope that bound him broke, Luo Lin directly ‘jumped a di’ on the fire.

A dance of sparks and lightning directly frightened a crowd of primitive savages with big mouths and bowed their heads, treating Luo Lin as a god.

After this experience, Luo Lin somewhat believed that the Roush subsystem said that he would become a god after death.

If others want to’become a god’, they must first live, live to struggle to climb up, and once they die, they will cease everything.

On the other hand, Luo Lin, who has a system of ‘become a god when he dies’, is just the opposite, trying to break through the boundary of ‘alive’.

It is not easy to become a god ‘living’.

In the same way, Luo Lin’s desire to’dead’ does not seem to be so simple.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin’s hard-to-depress the soul of death began to restless again.

After a day and night of mental struggles, Luo Lin, who was decisive and fragrant, mustered up the courage to start his first suicide attempt.

Cut your own throat with the rough stone blade of the savage.

After only a few seconds of blank consciousness, Luo Lin “resurrected”.

The hideous wound on the neck is completely healed, and the vitality is even stronger than before.

Only the stone blade and the warm blood spurted from the ground proved that Luo Lin had committed suicide once before.

The experience of failing the first suicide attempt made Luo Lin completely believe in the nonsense of the system, thus starting his life of becoming a god, establishing his title of king of death in the new world, and becoming the first wave of the sea. Foreshadowing…

Even more so that the tycoons on the sea hide their faces and collapse!

One Piece Roger, Hades, Raleigh, the naval hero Karp, the Zhijiang Warring States, the four queens with white beard, bigmom and the beast Kaido, as well as the sea overlord Locks and even the king of the world!

No one is spared! ! !


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