"Lake, it's bad! The stores in Beifeng Port, Yantie Town, and Yinyue Town are all targeted by the local gangs!"

Old John ran in in a hurry, panting.

Lake frowned.

Is it a coincidence that the stores in three places were targeted at the same time? Or is there a big force behind the scenes?

Is it just jealous of the business of Balabala BBQ Bar? Is it really that simple?

Or is there another conspiracy?

It seems that it's time to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, but just kill them all?

Lake thought for a moment, and then said to Old John: "Old John, tell me in detail what happened."

Then Old John told the story.

In the past month, gang members often ate in the stores in the three areas, but conflicts occurred every time. At first, it was just a small fight, and the store clerks tried to calm things down and waived the bill.

But unexpectedly, the other party became more aggressive and worse. After that, gang members made unreasonable trouble every day, and even affected the normal business.

In order to avoid the escalation of the situation, and considering that the other party was a gang member and it was not easy to offend, and not wanting to cause trouble to Lake, they never reported it.

However, what happened later was even more excessive.

The gang members not only ate and drank for free, but also asked for a lot of money, extorting every store, demanding a protection fee of 1 million Baileys every month, and threatened that if they did not pay, they would not want to do business.

Lake's face darkened after hearing this. He understood the clerks' approach of making a big deal out of a small matter. After all, charging less money would not affect profits.

These gangs are getting more aggressive, which is simply seeking death.

How could he tolerate this?

If he tolerated this, then what was the point of his hard work every day?

Isn't it to stop suffering from these cowardices?

A few small gangs are so brazen in collecting protection fees. Isn't this robbery?

No one cares. It seems that there is someone behind them!

However, no matter who it is, he is not going to let it go easily this time.

What's more, he has long been planning to show his muscles to the outside world to deter the villains.

"Old John, you just wait at home. Let me handle this matter."

When Lake said this, his tone was extremely firm.


The old man was worried and hesitated.

"Believe me, just like before."

Lake's eyes were sharp and his expression was calm. He gave people a very calm feeling, as if everything was under control, which immediately made the old man feel an indescribable peace of mind.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety." After hesitating again and again, the old man finally sighed.

"Well, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lake patted the old man on the shoulder and comforted him.


North Wind Port, the northernmost trading port of the Frost Kingdom

Due to the developed trade, the population here is dense, with a permanent population of more than 100,000.

However, behind the prosperity, there are also a lot of filth, and the gangs are the dark side of this prosperity.

At night, the lights are bright, and it is time for people to relax.

The Balabala BBQ Bar is bustling with people, and many guests spontaneously line up outside the store.

Upon closer observation, most of them are young people. It seems that this barbecue is very popular among young people.

Lake looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. No matter in which world, food is an irresistible temptation for foodies. Food is the first necessity of the people, which is indeed an eternal truth.

Just when the guests in the store were enjoying the delicious food, drinking beer and talking about love.

Suddenly, a dozen young people appeared on the street.

They came swaggeringly from not far away, each of them was the kind of non-mainstream who was carefree, and their faces were almost written with "I am a scumbag", which made people feel disgusted.

The people who were queuing saw this scene and quietly dispersed. Obviously, they knew them and didn't want to have anything to do with these thugs to avoid getting into trouble.

After all, gang members are still very intimidating to ordinary people.

I saw more than a dozen people walked into the store together, and the originally lively scene suddenly became quiet.

However, if you listen carefully, you can still hear many people whispering.

"How can I be so unlucky? I can meet the Hague Gang when I have a good barbecue."

"Do you know them?"

"How can I not know them? They have been begging on this street for years."

"Is that so? It seems that this store has been targeted. I don't know if I can eat such delicious barbecue in the future."

"Shh, keep your voice down, if you don't hear it, you're done."

Bill, the person in charge of this Balabala BBQ bar, also noticed it and walked over directly.

"You guys are here again. Our boss is waiting. How about I take you over?"

After saying that, she just looked at him calmly.and waited for their reply.

As for the boss, it was Lake, of course. This was his order. In front of non-believers, unless he instructed them to do so, everyone had to call him "boss".


The leading young man was stunned for a moment. He had planned to eat a free meal and then threaten, but he didn't expect the boss behind the scenes to come in person. For a while, he was a little unresponsive.

For a gangster like him, the big boss of the business was obviously someone he couldn't offend casually. After all, he knew very well that he was just a small role.

Although the boss had said that there was someone backing him up in this matter and told him not to be afraid.

However, he was not a fool, so how could he believe it. Those who could bring younger brothers were also considered a figure on this street, and they still had brains. If they really didn't have brains, they would have been hacked to death long ago.

He knew very well that this was just a verbal promise and couldn't be taken seriously. If these big bosses were really pissed off, they would spend some money and kill him the way they wanted him to.

So, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

These days, he just made some small fights and made some verbal threats, and he didn't dare to do anything extreme.

"Then you lead the way." The young man thought for a while and said, although the matter caught him off guard, he was not without people behind him, and he also planned to meet them first.

Then, under the leadership of Bill, they came to a coffee shop not far away.

At this time, Lake was sitting and tasting the signature cold drink of this specialty coffee shop. For some reason, he was always not very interested in it.

However, Allen and his friends felt that it tasted very good.

That's right, this time Lake came with Allen and his two teams. Since they wanted to show their strength, they naturally needed to bring more.

After the special training in the past six months, their strength has also improved greatly.

Since Lake divided them into the Guardian Knights, their only task is to practice. One by one, they also realized their own responsibilities and trained very seriously.

At this time, Lake estimated that Allen's strength was at the level of a naval lieutenant. After all, he was also somewhat talented.

The other two captains are also second lieutenants in the navy, and the others are just ordinary navy soldiers. After all, they have only been trained for a short time and are only about 17 years old.

Therefore, they are just for show and to show off their power.

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