Watching the raging flames devouring everything of the Mab family, Lake's whole body seemed to be lighter at this moment, as if a heavy shackle had been removed.

He knew that it was not the remaining consciousness or obsession of the original body that interfered with his control over his body, but because he finally avenged the original body's family, which made him feel that he had given an explanation to the original body.

From now on, he is the real Winks Lake. And he has a clear conscience and peace of mind.

Soon, a week passed.

The social impact of the destruction of the Mab family is gradually subsiding. At the beginning, the incident occupied the headlines of newspapers and was hotly discussed by people, but just like the inertia of social public opinion, it will always be slowly wiped out by time.

After all, things that have nothing to do with oneself are always the easiest to forget.

And civilians have worked hard enough to survive, so how can they continue to pay attention to things that have nothing to do with themselves?

The security team also conducted an in-depth investigation into the incident. However, as the investigation deepened, the crimes of the Mab family, such as colluding with pirates, eliminating competitors, and producing banned weapons, gradually surfaced.

Investigators even found that the burning of the members of the Hague Gang in North Wind Port was actually related to the Mab family. They found that the Hague Gang was directed by the Mab family to target Lake.

In addition, they also found that more than one gang had taken action, but Lake's methods shocked them, so the matter was settled.

It just so happened that the Creek Pirates had recently traded a large number of weapons and equipment with the Mab family, and they learned that Creek had brought an elite team to find trouble with Lake.

Therefore, they were sure that this was also related to the Mab family, otherwise how could the Creek Pirates find trouble with Lake for no reason?

Although they did not know the specific outcome of the matter, they speculated from the fact that Lake was intact that Lake must have mastered the power to shock the pirates.

After all, Creek is not an ordinary pirate, but a famous pirate in the East China Sea. It is impossible for him to do something that starts well but ends badly.

After analyzing this, they all thought that Lake, who could compete with Creek Pirates, was obviously not simple. They stopped the investigation and reported the existing conclusions.

Therefore, the king, who learned of the situation, directly defined the Mabu family as a sinful gangster family. Considering that Lake's Creation God Church helped orphans and spread the concept of benevolence, it can be regarded as maintaining social stability.

In the end, the king ordered that the destruction of the Mabu family was defined as a gangster interest vendetta, and the case was closed and no further investigation would be carried out.

As a result, the Creation God Church really entered the vision of the kingdom's dignitaries. In addition, they also knew that Balabala Barbecue Bar was the industry of the God Church. They sent envoys to show their goodwill and seek cooperation.

The underground world was also surprisingly calm during this period. All gangs strictly ordered their subordinates not to provoke the industries of the Creation God Church, otherwise they would be dealt with according to the gang rules.

Lake himself, in the villa camp, quietly watched the changes in the situation. After learning the outcome of the matter, he was relieved.

After all, he was collecting the power of faith, and he couldn't let things go wrong at this time. Although he was not afraid, he didn't want to really confront the official of this country, after all, the country could influence the will of the people.

And he couldn't threaten the top leaders of the country with force, after all, their backers were the world government, and he couldn't confront them now.

Therefore, he was very satisfied with the current result.

The willingness of the kingdom's dignitaries to cooperate also made Lake decide to speed up the pace of expanding the Balabala BBQ restaurant. He planned to send out all the believers who met the conditions according to the previous plan.

And the adequate preparation, coupled with the newly added cooperative chambers of commerce, made the expansion plan extremely smooth.

Within a month, towns all over the kingdom blossomed, and nearly 100 barbecue bars were opened in 36 large and small towns. Fortunately, there were loans and discounts from various chambers of commerce, otherwise, there would really be a shortage of funds.

For this expansion, Lake sent out all believers over 15 years old. Each store was managed by a faithful believer, and a corresponding number of true believers were assigned according to the size of the store.

The smallest barbecue bar, located in a remote village, was managed by only 5 people, while the barbecue bar in a large town had more than 20 people.

At this time, there were only about 200 teenagers who were too young or not sufficiently religious in the camp.

Of course, this is the number of believers, not counting those in the Creek Pirates. After all, they had been pirates and lived a free life, so how could they change all of a sudden? Therefore, no one became a true believer.

Lake was not in a hurry, after all, there was still a short time.

Those believers who were sent out knew very well that working for the cult meant that they could have a rich reward.Reward, so everyone went there without hesitation.

And this month, Lake was relatively free.

He was only responsible for controlling the general direction, and the rest of the affairs were handled by Old John and his men, so he had nothing to do. Of course, he was not really free, but was secretly practicing.

In the Fantasy World, he sweated every day. After realizing that the Observation Haki was not as easy to master as he imagined, he reduced his dodge training and focused on endurance and physical training, and now running.

This month, the power of faith did not make other major expenditures. He only manifested 10 layers of Cangchan Armor. At this time, the 30-layer Cangchan Armor weighed 1,500 kilograms, but he seemed to have gradually adapted to this weight.

For weapons, he still used the 1,000-kilogram sword. Although he can use heavier weapons now, he is not in a hurry, because he always remembers that the sword of a strong man is not necessarily heavy.

He believes that the power of a sword may be related to its weight, but the most important thing is the understanding of the use of the sword.

Therefore, this month he focused on understanding swordsmanship, and after many guesses and experiments, he also made some progress. Of course, his strength did not make a qualitative leap, but he firmly believed that he was on the right path.

"Lake, great news!"

Old John ran into the church excitedly, his face full of joy.

"What's wrong, so happy?" Lake asked with a smile.

"Do you know how much profit we made this month?" Old John asked impatiently.

"How much?" Lake asked.

Old John did not answer directly, but proudly stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Lake.

"Twenty million Baileys?" Lake looked at the two fingers and asked tentatively.

"That's right! A full 20 million Baileys, and it's pure profit!" Old John said excitedly, "Our business model, unique formula, and the fact that there are no local gangs making trouble make us very popular in the local area!"

"Also, according to your instructions, each restaurant has prepared double the fried rice and given it to local widows and orphans for free, so our social image is also very good."

Seeing Lake's career flourishing, even surpassing the most glorious period of the Winks family, Old John couldn't suppress his inner joy.

"Not bad!" Lake smiled faintly, thinking, no wonder the number of true believers has suddenly increased during this period, it should be these people.

Now, his power of faith can reach 5,000 points a day, an increase of about 1,000 points a month, which mainly comes from new true believers.

For him, this is simply a pleasant surprise.

Therefore, he decided to speed up his actions and accelerate the condensation of the power of faith.

After all, the more power of faith, the better.

Another three months passed quietly.

Under Lake's instructions, churches were built in various towns in the Frost Kingdom, with a total of 36 churches.

Almost all towns with Balabala restaurants have churches, and he has stationed a member of the Doctrine Academy and several believers in each church.

Due to a shortage of manpower, he directly sent out all believers under the age of 14, otherwise there would be no one left. He had to take special measures in special times, after all, there were Taoist children in the Taoist temple in his previous life.

Since the establishment of the church, in order to make the responsibilities clearer, he decided that all faith-related matters would be the responsibility of the church. Therefore, the work of helping orphans and the elderly is now uniformly allocated by the church.

At the same time, in order to consolidate faith, he requires every believer to take one day a week to go to the church to pray.

Lake even plans to hand over the training of armed forces to the branch churches, and let them recommend talented teenagers to the headquarters.

He wants to imitate the sect structure in the novels he has read before, establish a structure of the main altar and branches, with the main altar controlling the direction of the sect and each branch responsible for developing believers.

After all, as the sect grew, he couldn't manage everything alone, and he had no intention of dealing with these tedious affairs.

He only needed to stay aloof and master the oracle. Especially under the overwhelming force, those who were disobedient were directly executed.

Therefore, he was not worried at all.

Even if the branch grew stronger and got out of his control, what did it matter? What he really cared about was the power of the sect?

No, the people who believed in God.

As long as the faith continued to spread, he didn't care.

In the past three months, Lake's Cangchan armor has increased to 50 layers, and now the total weight has reached 2,500 kilograms.

Sword training is still his daily compulsory course. He vaguely feels that he is not far from understanding the essence of sword energy and long-range attacks.

Now, his slashing is becoming more and more exquisite, as if the blade draws beautiful arcs in the air.

The power of faith is also accumulating rapidly,Since there is no major expenditure, the current stock is about 400,000.

Although his strength has not changed qualitatively and remains at the level of major general, he clearly feels his own progress.

He knows that this so-called strength level is not a fixed value, but a floating range.

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