Lake's words made the teenagers doubtful. Their miserable lives made it hard for them to believe that there really was a God, but at the age of fantasy, they secretly expected the existence of gods.

They fell into deep thought, looking at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"No matter how incredible you think it is, God exists. I saw it with my own eyes, and it's true!" Lake looked at the teenagers in front of him with a serious expression. Of course, this was also an expression that he had rehearsed for a long time.

His words seemed to be thrown into the water, stirring up layers of ripples, and the group of teenagers began to stir again.

"He said he had seen God?"

"Does God really exist?"

"He doesn't look like he's lying..."

These orphans who have experienced hardships have prayed for the appearance of gods countless times in their hearts, hoping that one day God will be able to free them from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Is there really a God?"

Suddenly, a crisp child's voice sounded, full of innocent questions.

Lake looked in the direction of the voice and saw a little girl about ten years old blinking her big eyes at him. A tall and thin boy next to her was holding her hand tightly, like a brother protecting his sister.

"I have seen it not long ago," Lake smiled at the little girl and said gently, "If it weren't for God's protection, I would have died."

Hearing that Lake almost died, the teenagers were surprised and curious about the story behind it.

"Some of you should have read the recent newspaper. The couple killed by the pirates are my parents," Lake's voice was a little low, "and I just escaped by luck."

Lake's words set off a bigger wave, and the teenagers talked about it again, verifying the authenticity of the news.

"Is what he said true?"

"I seem to have seen it in the newspaper!"

"Yes, I have seen it too, it happened recently."

They never expected that the generous rich young master in front of them was actually the survivor of the tragedy that was reported before, and now he has become an orphan like them.

The noise gradually subsided, and the boys looked at Lake again with less alienation and more sympathy.

Unconsciously, their vigilance against Lake quietly dissipated.

Lake took a deep breath, folded his hands, looked solemn, and said in a pious tone: "Thank God for your protection, merciful God, your faithful believers, may you always be bathed in your divine light."

"Will God protect us?"

The little girl's voice sounded again, with a hint of desire.

I have a better impression of this Lake with his eyes. Since it is so reasonable, I must treat this cute little guy well in the future.

"Of course, God will protect all those who believe in him."

"Can believing in God really make us full every day?" Another boy's voice was a little expectant.

"Of course, how can God bear to starve his true believers?"

Lake's firm tone deeply touched these orphans who were suffering from hunger.

These orphans who have experienced hardships grow tenaciously in adversity like weeds. Even if they are trampled again and again, they can still be tenacious and have extraordinary survival ability.

At this moment, they are willing to believe Lake's words and believe in the existence of God, just for the hope of being able to eat enough.

After all, in the face of the hardships of life, even a glimmer of hope is enough to make them yearn for it.

"I also want God's blessing!"

"May God bless us!"

"We want to be God's people!"

The same tragic experience, coupled with the long-term temptation of food, made the teenagers excited.


A week passed quickly.

Lake still invited these teenagers to have lunch every day. He even bought the restaurant and kept the original team.

Now, they are familiar with each other, and there are more interactions and exchanges.

Lake gradually began to tell some stories he made up. After all, he had read a lot of fantasy novels and myths in his previous life. After thinking hard, he really came up with a set.

Now, he started to tell the story of the creation of the world. The magical plot fascinated the young people.

"In the ancient times when chaos first began, the world was not yet clear, and everything was silent in darkness and nothingness. Ula was born from nothingness, and he used his hands to split the darkness..."

"Brother Lake, is Ula really the god who controls everything in the world?"

"Yes, he is not only the god of creation, but also the guardian of order. He formulated the laws of the universe, making the stars move endlessly and the seasons change in an orderly manner. He controls life and death, day and night, prosperity and decline, and maintains the balance of the universe..."

"Where is Ula?" a little guy asked curiously.Lake smiled faintly.

"Ula lives carefree forever in his kingdom of God with his believers."

"Kingdom of God? Is it another world?"


"Have you been there? Can you really live carefree there?"

"Yes, Ula took my consciousness there to see!"

"What is it like there? Tell us about it!"

"Yes, yes! I really want to know!"

Looking at these innocent teenagers in front of him, Lake couldn't help but think of the scene when he was a child pestering his family to ask questions.

Myths are usually full of fantasy and mysterious elements, which can satisfy children's desire to explore the unknown. After all, they are most curious about the world at this age.

Lake smiled slightly, and the copy that had been prepared long ago gradually came out of his mouth.

"The world where Ula lives is called the Eternal Heaven, which he created for him and his believers to live in."

"In the Eternal Heaven, there are decorations of gold, pearls, red agate and other treasures everywhere, and exotic flowers and plants are everywhere. It is spring all year round."

"There, there are waterfalls that flow with endless ramen, giant trees that grow barbecue, and fruits that produce fried rice. All kinds of food either grow from trees or flow from rivers."

"People there are carefree. When they are hungry, they pick food from the trees to fill their stomachs. They don't need to work at all. They enjoy life, play, and laugh every day."

After saying that, Lake saw the stunned crowd, obviously unbelieving.

He understood very well, after all, these things were indeed a bit incredible.

"I know you don't believe it, but this is the power of God. In our world, there is also this place, which is left by God. It is on the Grand Line, Boeing Islands. The endless food is the epitome of the Eternal Heaven."

Lake's last words are simply shocking.

"The Grand Line is the most magical and dangerous place. Only true warriors are qualified to set foot there."

"Is that the sea area that only Pirate King Gel D. Roger has conquered?"

"Is it really that magical?"

"Hahaha, of course, it is left by God, just so that we can see the tip of the iceberg of the Eternal Heaven."

Lake was talking nonsense without blushing.

He got used to it after saying it so much.

With the confirmation of the magical area of ​​the Grand Line, the group of teenagers seemed to no longer doubt what Lake said, and even slowly accepted it, and at the same time they were also yearning for it.

He was not idle either. He struck while the iron was hot and directly integrated the behavior of believing in God into his daily life. He would repeat these rituals every day before meals and when leaving.

This also reflects the solemnity of faith, and at the same time allows this group of young believers to identify themselves. He believes that if they repeat things more often, they will gradually believe them.

Look, it's another new day of dinner, and I saw that this group of teenagers have begun to consciously wait for Lake's ceremony.

Looking at this group of lambs that have been gradually tamed by him, Lake feels extremely relieved.

"The omniscient and omnipotent creator, the supreme God, I am your most devout believer. I am grateful for your wisdom and strength. May your holy light always guide us on the way forward."

As Lake recited, everyone recited the prayer praising God in unison. Their voices were uniform, full of piety and enthusiasm.

Then, they slowly opened their arms, as if they were embracing the gods, with unprecedented solemnity and holiness on their faces.

Then, they crossed their hands piously in front of their chests, as if they were communicating with God.

Finally, everyone shouted the name of God loudly:


Yes, it was the war song of a certain nation in the previous life, a certain emperor, and one Ura was worth a thousand words of deception.

In terms of boosting morale and gathering strength, what words are more powerful than these two words?

Therefore, Lake directly borrowed it, not only as the name of God, but also as God's blessing, simple and crude.

He hoped to unify thoughts, mobilize the emotions of the people, and strengthen their collective consciousness and sense of belonging.

In short, he wanted to use this method to brainwash.

With the shout of "Ura", the group of teenagers seemed to instantly become devout believers of God, and they seemed to feel some extraordinary meaning from this identity.

Seeing that everyone was a devout believer, Lake was very satisfied. Finally, he praised loudly in the expectation of everyone:

"God has mercy, God is immortal, God is with us."

This is the daily prayer ceremony to God. Lake uses this method to enhance their sense of participation.Let them develop a habit and believe in God thoroughly.

Lake had no guilt for fooling them. In his opinion, this was a gift. He gave those orphans who were destined to live at the bottom of society a chance to change their fate.

Following him would definitely give them a better life than following their original life trajectory.

Therefore, those who do not cherish this opportunity will eventually be liquidated by him.

In this way, a month passed.

This group of teenagers gradually began to accept their identity as believers. Of course, there are also some people who are just trying to fish in troubled waters, just wanting to enjoy a free meal, but not willing to believe sincerely.

Lake talked with them many times. After all, no matter how they concealed, he could easily detect their insincerity.

After many times, these insincere teenagers seemed to see a ghost. It was hard to believe that Lake could easily know their true thoughts, no matter how they concealed and disguised.

Lake's explanation is always, "God knows everything!"

Such fantasy things also made these people begin to truly fear God.

In addition, fearing that they would lose this free meal and fall into a life of hunger and cold again, these people gradually began to take faith seriously, and slowly, they all accepted this new identity.

In the end, no matter what the reason, everyone returned to faith, but the depth of faith was different for everyone.

Among them, the most devout was a little girl named Aisha.

She seemed to accept the creator god Ula created by Lake from the bottom of her heart, and the power of faith she generated was far purer than that of others.

Unknowingly, a year passed.

Lake successfully formed a small team of his own, and he lived with these orphans who had lost their parents almost every day.

He also often invited teachers to teach them to read. Of course, the teaching materials were the deeds of gods he made up.

He himself sat cross-legged in meditation, posing a pious posture, as if praying to God, of course, this was just for those teenagers to see.

In fact, his consciousness had entered the fantasy world to practice, so that his strength growth could be attributed to the gift of God, making the existence of God more credible.

The current more than 100 believers, in general, can contribute more than 100 points of faith power to him every day, which is enough to maintain his current cultivation consumption.

However, he does not have enough faith power to transform the Fantasy God Realm again in a short time.

However, the good news is that his strength is still relatively weak now, and he can achieve considerable results by using his own weight to practice, so he is not in a hurry to create a practice scene.

He also makes full use of the characteristics of not being injured in the Fantasy God Realm, plus the extraordinary qualifications after the transformation, and practices with all his strength. If he can't practice to death, he will practice to death. At most, he can practice for 17 hours a day.

In a year, his strength level on the stone tablet in the practice field has become the four words of Navy Lieutenant.

And he is only 16 years old.

After only one year of practice, he has transformed from an ordinary teenager to a combat force in the naval officer system. This speed is amazing.

You know, this is across many levels such as ordinary adults, ordinary soldiers, elite soldiers, and second lieutenants. For ordinary people, every promotion may require one to two years of hard training.

Of course, everyone has different physiques, so the training effects are naturally different. This is just the advancement speed of ordinary people, and geniuses are certainly not in this category.

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