The second day of the Holy Canon.

The news that the king became a believer of the God of Creation Ula quickly spread throughout the Frost Kingdom through various newspapers, causing a huge sensation in the entire society.

Many people were shocked and speculated why this high and mighty king would also believe in God? After all, in their eyes, the king is the most powerful person in the country. Does he also need to beg for God's protection?

For a time, the streets were full of discussions about the Creation God Church, about the priest Lake, and about the king becoming a believer of the God of Creation Ula.

So far, the Creation God Church has really entered everyone's vision, and various newspapers, magazines and storybooks are reporting it with exaggeration.

This is also what Lake and King Klofa VII agreed to do together, guide the topic together, and make good use of this wave of heat, in order to build momentum for the Creation God Church and thoroughly establish the position of the God Church in the Frost Kingdom.

After all, other kings have already joined the church. If the sect is still an unknown small church, it is obviously not appropriate. Other kings also need to save face.

Besides, this was the original deal.

So, the great feats of gods told by Lake, such as opening up the world, creating people from mud, creating reincarnation and eternal heaven, etc., have appeared in various newspapers, magazines, and storybooks.

In addition to spreading the deeds of those gods, there are also some real things, including protecting believers, helping suffering believers, guarding the jade card to make pirates afraid, and offering sacrifices to Lake to scare pirates with one sword, etc.

Even Lake's power is a gift from God, which has been reported.

Of course, this is allowed by Lake.

After all, this is the best proof of the existence of gods and the best example of gods' protection-God gave him power to protect believers from evil persecution.

Churches in various places also widely publicized the story of Lake rescuing desperate believers during his inspection. After all, there were written records at the time and there were many witnesses, so it was very convincing.

Especially the fact that he could accurately know those desperate believers and provide shelter and help was spread as if it was a miracle.

Many people were curious about why Lake could accurately know those desperate people?

The answer given by the church was, "God's will!"

Although people were skeptical, it seemed that there was no other explanation that made sense except God's will.

The Doctrine Institute also compiled some of the free chicken soup that Lake had said in the past into a book, and let each church distribute it to believers in each parish for free, and also named it, God's Quotes.

This made Lake a little embarrassed.

After all, this wave was a bit exaggerated.

Lake said that it was all done privately by his subordinates and had nothing to do with him.

Coupled with the king's celebrity effect and leading role, for a time, Ula's belief was like a tide, sweeping the entire kingdom.

Especially the noble class, they were in a frenzy and followed the king.

It even formed a trend. Pious prayers were regarded as etiquette of the nobility. The guardian jade card became a symbol of status and was used as a decoration by people. They hung it around their waists and chests.

Finally, people flocked to the Creation God Religion, praying that God could protect them.

After all, no matter which world, there are all kinds of unexpected accidents that happen all the time. If you can get God's protection, you can feel at ease.

In addition, this storm of faith not only brought new believers to the God Religion, but also had a great impact on the old believers.

Because of this incident, the power of the Creation God Religion and the greatness of God have once again become more concrete, no longer illusory.

Those believers with shallow faith were once again shocked, and they became true believers one after another, and some even became faithful believers directly.

And the original true believers were almost all faithful believers. They already had faith, and they only needed an opportunity to make their faith more pious.

However, the number of fanatics did not increase significantly. Except for all the people in that town who were protected by God and became fanatics, no one else joined the ranks of fanatics.

And Lake didn't have the heart to pay attention to these details for the time being.

Because this time, the power of faith burst out again, which made him a little arrogant, and he looked down on the little power of faith of the fanatics. It seemed that at this point in time, the number of believers was the most important.

Now, the total population of the 36 towns in the Frost Kingdom exceeded 10 million. Under this trend, many of them became believers of Ula.

Therefore, the total number of believers exceeded 4 million at this time.

Of course, most of them just followed the trend and joined in the fun to make themselves look sociable. In addition, they did not really feel the benefits brought by believing in God., so their faith is not firm.

Although most of these believers are still shallow believers, they have just come into contact with the faith of Ula and cannot provide Lake with the power of faith.

But even so, the huge base of believers has also brought a considerable number of devout believers, that is, believers above true believers, reaching as many as 300,000.

Although this number is less than one-tenth of the total number of believers, Lake is already very satisfied. You know, three weeks ago, his total number of believers was less than 200,000.

Among these 300,000 devout believers, only more than 100,000 are faithful believers, most of whom have already believed in Ula. In this strong shock, their faith has been sublimated.

Although the number of fanatics has increased, it is less than 1,000 in total, but this result is also within Lake's expectations.

After all, fanatics regard faith as the core of their lives, and firmly believe that faith will bring them real power and salvation, just like Lake.

By then, the religion of God will be their own business. Not only will they devote themselves to the faith, but they will also actively spread the faith of God and be hostile to anyone who questions or opposes it.

In other words, by then, they will be part of the religion of God and will pay for spreading the faith of God.

Therefore, without experiencing real miracles or the protection of God, many people may never become fanatics in their lives.

However, he already has enough strength and no longer needs to hide and move forward cautiously. Now that faith has become a trend, his next goal must be to sweep the whole world!

Therefore, although the number of fanatics is important, it is no longer necessary.

The top priority at this stage is still to expand the total number of believers. After all, he has tasted the sweetness of the surge in numbers.

This time, Lake's faith power gathering speed exploded again. Seeing nearly 1.3 million faith power coming in every day, he was excited. Compared with the less than 250,000 faith power a day before, it can be said to be rich overnight.

He believed that as time went by and the influence of the religion expanded, the vast majority of people in this country would eventually become believers of God.

By then, he believed that he would gain unimaginable power of faith.

He even fantasized, what if one day, faith really spread throughout the world?

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