Smoker and Tashigi rode Smoker's smoke motorcycle and rushed back to the temporary base at lightning speed.

"Is Colonel Bell here?" Smoker asked impatiently as soon as he came back.

"Report to Colonel Smoker, Colonel Bell went out with Vice Admiral Garp and has not returned yet." The subordinate replied quickly.

"What did he go to do? Do you know?" Smoker asked.

"It seems that he went to Balabala Barbecue Bar to get information..." The subordinate hesitated.

"Well, go to Balabala Barbecue Bar to get information?" Smoker was obviously a little unconvinced and suddenly a little annoyed, "I think he went to eat and drink."

The soldier was immediately silent and dared not speak again. He might dare to whisper a few words about Colonel Bell, but Vice Admiral Garp was a heavyweight in the navy, how could he discuss it casually.

Seeing the unhappy face of the superior, the soldier also felt very headache. I thought, this irritable temper is really hard to change, and then I thought that I was just a soldier, why worry so much, then I calmed down and became a tool man.


In the Balabala BBQ Bar, Lieutenant General Cap, Colonel Bell and Adjutant Bogart sat together and feasted.

"The food developed by that kid is really good!" Cap said vaguely with his mouth full of food covered with sauce.

"Well, I heard that Winx Lake started with a barbecue bar, and now it is also the most popular gourmet restaurant in the Frost Kingdom, and branches have been opened in various towns." Bogart replied.

"With so many barbecue restaurants, won't people get tired of eating?" Cap asked curiously.


This question obviously exceeded the cognition of the two, and they couldn't give an answer for a while. Besides, this was their first time to the Balabala BBQ Bar.

At this time, an old customer at the next table sat down at their table with a plate in his hand.

The three looked at each other, wondering what the old man wanted to do.

Facing the three people's puzzled eyes, the old man said slowly: "Do you think this restaurant only has these delicacies? Are there only these flavors?"

The three people seemed to know the kindness of the old man and saw that he was trying to clear their doubts.

But Cap was thinking, brother, you are a little too enthusiastic, I am just curious.

The old man didn't care so much, but explained to the three people on his own.

"Bala Bala BBQ Bar was created by Priest Lake in accordance with God's will, imitating the food of the Eternal Heaven. Moreover, different dishes are created every month under the guidance of the priest. Even if you eat it for a year, you won't feel tired."

"Hahaha, that's it," Kap said with interest, "It seems that you are a frequent visitor here."

"Huh, that's not it," the old man said, his face suddenly filled with smugness, "I don't have to pay to come here."

"Huh? Why?" The three asked at the same time, obviously interested.

The old man wiped his hand vigorously on the paper towel, wiped it on his clothes, and then put it into his pocket.

Under the three people's fixed gaze, the old man slowly took out a jade card from his pocket.

"Do you know what this is?" The old man asked with a smug look.

Kap carefully examined the jade card, seemed to think of something, but wondered what it had to do with free meals, so he was not sure.

Colonel Bell knew what it was, after all, their base was very close to here.

He was about to explain to Garp, but suddenly realized how to address Garp now?

Calling him by name is not appropriate, nor is calling him by position. After all, they came out secretly this time, and Garp is a world celebrity. It would be bad if he attracted attention.

What's more, the purpose of their trip was to secretly investigate the details of the Creation God Cult. If they were discovered, it would definitely affect the next action.

So, Bell didn't know how to address him for a while.

"This is the asylum certificate of the God Cult, the guardian jade card, do you know?" Colonel Bell was still struggling, and the old man had already introduced it proudly.

"What does this have to do with free meals? Can you eat for free with this? If so, there are many people who have this, so won't this restaurant go bankrupt?" Garp asked with some doubts.

"Humph, I can tell at a glance that you are not believers of God, and your ideological awareness is too low." The old man looked disdainful.

The three looked at each other, wondering, what does this have to do with ideological awareness? Isn't this the case?

Seeing this, the old man seemed to feel superior, and smiled slightly and took a sip of wine.

Then, under the curious gaze of the three, he began to speak slowly.

"The Divine Religion allows the possession of jadeThe original intention was to help believers who really needed help. How could those people with good living conditions come here to eat for free? You know, God is omniscient. "

"God's creed teaches us to be worthy of our conscience. How could it be possible for believers with devout faith to take advantage of God?"

"Don't look at those devout believers with your petty ideas. Not having to pay does not mean that they will not pay on their own initiative." The old man said, shaking his head and looking at the three people.

Obviously, with his firm faith, he felt superior at this time.

However, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Old man, you are not young anymore, why don't you believe in God? Under the protection of God, we will not worry about being bullied, and we don't have to worry about not having enough food and clothes. "

The old man wanted to develop believers for the religion, so he spoke seriously to Garp who was listening attentively.

But it was obvious that he said it in vain.

It was obvious that the three of them could not believe in any god. They considered themselves to be righteous navy, believing in the justice in their hearts and the power of man to conquer nature.

However, Garp was a man of both wisdom and courage, otherwise Zhan Guo would not often discuss things with him. Seeing that the old man was so enthusiastic and wanted to recruit him into the religion, he thought of taking this opportunity to find out more about the Creation God Religion.

However, what surprised him was that the old man saw that he was so interested in the religion and thought that he could become a believer, so he took out a thick scripture from behind.

The three of them looked over immediately, and saw three big words written on the scripture. The word "Genesis". Out of curiosity, they all cast their eyes on the old man.

Under the gaze of the three people, the old man was very proud and opened the scripture leisurely. That's right, this scripture was compiled by Lake in imitation of the scriptures of those large churches in his previous life.

It contains the contents of God's creation, living in the eternal heaven, caring about the world, not wanting mortals to be muddleheaded, granting priests divine power, protecting believers, and establishing the Creation God Religion, aiming to make people have faith.

The old man pointed to the scripture and patiently explained it to the three people.

However, the three people did not believe a word, and were also a little uncomfortable with the old man's fiery eyes who wanted to develop them into believers of God. They fled again with the excuse of having something to do.

"Come back when you are free, I will explain it to you again!" The old man's voice came from behind the three people, full of sincerity.

As if they felt the same way, the three people quickened their pace again and soon disappeared in the street.

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