Sea calendar, 1470.

In the second half of the Great Route, an unnamed sea.

The sea surface with a radius of thousands of miles was all frozen, and a large number of pirate ships were blocked and could not sail.

In the line of sight, there is a vast silver-white.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, goose-feathered snowflakes are falling, and the cold wind is as fierce as a blade.

At this time, the temperature has dropped to minus tens of degrees, and under such a terrifying low temperature, all guns and ammunition have lost their power, and even the swords have become fragile and will break when touched.

Even, even the air was about to condense, freezing layers of ice ballast.

It’s like you’ve arrived in a world of ice and snow.

And it was only one person who caused all these visions.

Ice God Lin Han!

Lin Han, a person with frozen fruit ability, broke through the great voyage alone, undefeated and invincible. He is the absolute king of the great voyage, the god in the hearts of countless pirates!

The title of Ice God is the best interpretation of him.

Frozen seas, extreme cold and low temperatures, terrifying snowstorms… This rare vision of heaven and earth is precisely the power of the awakening of the frozen fruit!

After awakening, the natural fruit can change the climate of the surrounding environment. Even if the wind is beautiful and the sun is shining on the sea, under the influence of the awakening power of the frozen fruit, it will instantly become icy and snowy, and the cold wind will be raging, freezing for thousands of miles.

In such a climate, the Frozen Fruit’s move power doubles while enemies are greatly disturbed.

At this moment, the many pirate ships on the frozen sea, all the people on board, raised their heads and paid attention to a protracted battle in the sky.

Above the firmament overhead, the ice god Lin Han is fighting against ten mysterious masters alone!

These ten mysterious masters had never appeared before, and even the most experienced old pirates could not call their names.

However, their strength is extremely terrifying.

The strength of each person is equivalent to that of a naval admiral!

Admiral, belongs to the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters, in the minds of many pirates, admiral is the most terrifying nightmare, once encountered, will definitely die.

And what kind of situation is it for ten mysterious masters whose strength is equivalent to that of a naval admiral, joining forces to deal with one person?

Even the ice god Lin Han fell into a bitter battle.

“It’s unbelievable…”

The captain of the Rocks Pirates, the sea pirate Lockes, stared intently at the battle in the sky and muttered: “Being attacked by such ten people together, if it is replaced by me, I am afraid that I will be completely killed in a few minutes, and there will be no bones left…”

The Rocks Pirate Group, originally the overlord of the great voyage, is invincible, if not for Lin Han’s birth, Rocks would be a well-deserved One Piece.

Unfortunately, Lin Han defeated the Roxes Pirates alone.

For the ice god Lin Han, Lokes hated and feared, and now, seeing Lin Han and these ten mysterious masters, they had been fighting fiercely for three days and three nights in a row! All of Lockes’ emotions were transformed into the unthinkable, as well as deep adoration!

Lokes finally understood the huge gap between himself and Lin Han.

Facing the siege of ten masters equivalent to admirals, Lokes couldn’t hold out for even a few minutes, but Lin Han fought for three days and three nights!

It was nothing short of miraculous.

On Rocks’ pirate ship, 16-year-old Charlotte Lingling looked at the sky and was completely stunned.

One of the future Four Emperors, the strongest woman, after witnessing the demeanor of the ice god Lin Han, a strong and extreme fear rose in her heart.

“Is he still human… No, no, even a god cannot defeat him…”

Young Charlotte Lingling is about to be scared silly.

In the corner of the deck, a boy who was only about ten years old but was unusually tall and burly was also dumbfounded.


Ten-year-old Kaido is already more than two meters and five meters tall, like a small giant.

This future strongest creature in the sea, land and air, a monster who cannot die no matter what, is now just a trainee crew member of the Rocks Pirates.

Although Kaido is young, he is very proud in his heart, and there are great secrets hidden in his body, resulting in him having an extremely terrifying immortal body, which is his unique advantage.

However, after seeing Lin Han’s strength, Kaido’s confidence all along collapsed.

Lin Han could kill him with one blow!

“Such a terrifying opponent, I hope I will never encounter it in my life!” Kaido secretly swore in his heart.

In addition to the Rocks Pirates, there are many powerful pirate groups frozen in the sea.

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Among them, there are several pirate newcomers, although they have not been at sea for a long time, they are strong and amazing, and even surpass many pirates who have been spanning decades.

For example, Edward Newgate!

Gore S. D. Roger!


The future Whitebeard, One Piece, and Golden Lion, in 1470, were all in their twenties, very young.

Now these three people are all “supernovas” wanted by the headquarters of the Navy.

“Goo la la la … To see such an earth-shattering battle is really a wasted life! ”

Newgate, who had blond hair and not yet grown a white beard, stood on the deck and said to Roger on the other ship.

Roger, who was wearing a straw hat, did not speak, but stared extremely intently at the battle in the sky with a solemn expression.

Beside Roger, standing young Reilly, glanced at Newgate, smiling silently.

“This guy doesn’t die, I’m afraid we’ll never show up!”

Shiki was holding a cigar in his mouth, his expression a little unhappy.

Now he is still alive on both legs, his long golden hair is about to fall to the ground, and he is wearing two large fast knives around his waist.

“Hey! Roger, do you want to join forces with me and sail the sea together? Shiji sent out an invitation.

Roger ignored Shiki.

“Sure enough, did you refuse again?” Shiji was not the slightest surprise.

Roger always stared at Lin Han’s figure in the air, his eyes firm and warm.

“Surpassing this man will be my life’s goal!”

Roger swore in his heart.

The battle above the firmament has lasted for three days and three nights.

Facing ten mysterious masters equivalent to admirals, joining forces to besiege, Rao was strong with Lin Han, and finally couldn’t hold on.

With one enemy ten, it is completely impossible.

Almost every second, Lin Han had to consume a lot of physical strength, and although his physical skills had already cultivated to the top level in the world, he could not withstand such a huge consumption.

It has been maintaining the awakening state of the frozen fruit, and it is also very physically and mentally consuming.

Without the support of abundant physical strength, Lin Han’s frozen fruit ability, seeing and smelling color domineering, and armed color domineering all began to weaken.

A deep sense of powerlessness welled up in my heart.

“I thought that now I am invincible in the world, I can’t imagine that ten mysterious masters who have never heard of suddenly appeared, and this time it is estimated that it will be cold…” Lin Han thought secretly: “Pirate world, it is really not as simple as imagined, hidden dragon and crouching tiger.” ”

Of the ten people who besieged him, nine of them were equal in strength to the admiral, and the remaining one was even far more powerful than the admiral.

“These guys are likely to be the hole cards of the world government…”

“No matter, hit hard! Even if I die, I will pull a few people on my back! ”

Finally, Lin Han was desperate and instantly burst out the most terrifying combat power!

Thundered! Heaven and earth are in turmoil.

The endless firmament is about to be torn apart by the fluctuations of battle.

After three days and three nights, this unparalleled battle was finally divided.

Ten mysterious masters, four dead!

And the absolute king of the great voyage, the ice god Lin Han, fell!

Before dying, Lin Han exhausted his last strength and created a crystal-like huge ice coffin, sealing his body in the ice coffin and falling from a height.

The ice coffin broke through the thick sea ice, sank into the deepest part of the sea, and disappeared.

Lin Han died, and the frozen fruit automatically separated from his body and returned to the sea.

Ten years later, a young boy named Kuzan stumbled upon frozen fruit by the sea and ate it.

Kuzan, the next Frozen Fruit Ability.

Many more years have passed….

Sea calendar, 1507.

On an unnamed desert island, a huge wave suddenly set off on the seashore, and in the midst of the huge wave, a huge crystal ice coffin fell rapidly.

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