Lin Han’s courage, in Mary Joa’s defeat of the enemy with a wave, the invincible demeanor has always been deeply imprinted in Hancock’s heart.

Hancock has been hoping for a big hero to rescue her, and just when she lost hope in life, Lin Han appeared.

“This man, mysterious and powerful, saved me, and I will follow him and never give up!”

Hancock stared at Lin Han’s figure and secretly swore in his heart.

“Renly, what are your plans for the future?”

Bidding farewell to Tiger, Lin Han turned his gaze to Renly.

Although this former deputy of One Piece has been in seclusion for many years, the heat in his heart has not been extinguished.

“I’m still going to stay in the Chambord Islands as my coating craftsman. Reilly said with a smile: “The people here are enthusiastic and simple, they don’t know my past, they all call me the coater Lao Lei, I like it here.” ”

After a pause, Reilly continued, “However, if Mr. Lin Han is ready to attack the World Government one day, remember to call me at that time.” ”

“The day won’t be too far away. Lin Han said slowly, “When the day comes, I will come to you.” ”

“How are the three of them settled?” Renly looked at Hancock, Sandasonia, and Marigorude.

“Not far from here, in the windless belt, there is an island of nine snakes, and the daughter country on the island is all women. Lin Han said: “The three of them can go to Nine Snake Island to live. ”

“The daughter country of Nine Snake Island, I know the emperor there, and I can send their three sisters over. Renly nodded.

The last emperor of the daughter’s country, Guroliosa, now Granny New, had a relationship with Renly before.

“What do you think?” Lin Han looked at Hancock and her two sisters.

“Everything is arranged by Mr. Lin Han. ”

Sandasonia and Marigorud had no opinion.

Hancock didn’t speak, biting his lip lightly, suddenly raised his head, as if he had made a lot of determination, looked at Lin Han, and said word by word: “I… I want to follow Mr. Lin Han!”

The current Hancock, who is not yet the future female emperor, is not used to calling herself a “concubine”.

“You want to follow me?” Lin Han was a little surprised.

“Good. Han Cook nodded heavily and said, “Only by Mr. Lin Han’s side can I feel safe.” Mr. Lin Han, I will try to become stronger, and I will never drag you down. ”

“My enemy is the world government, and following me is the enemy of the whole world. Lin Han stared into Hancock’s eyes and asked, “Aren’t you afraid, if I encounter a strong enemy, I can protect myself, but I may not be able to protect you.” ”

I have already sworn in my heart that I must follow Mr. Lin Han. Hancock replied without hesitation, categorically.

“Sister…” Sundarsoni and Mary Gorud both showed reluctance.

“In that case, let it be with you. Lin Han waved his hand, and then said in a different tone: “Say it in advance, if you really encounter a very dangerous situation, I will not risk it to save you, I hope you can understand.” ”

“I understand. Hancock nodded and said, “I will also cultivate hard and strive to help you.” ”

“Physical skills and domineering, I will try my best to guide you, but the most important thing is to rely on yourself. If you want to become a top powerhouse, in addition to extremely hard cultivation, you also need to have a sincere heart, no matter how painful the ordeal you suffer, this sincere heart must not be shaken. ”

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Lin Han is teaching.

Sincerity is necessary for a truly strong person.

Whether it is the older generation of Roger, Whitebeard, Karp, or later Luffy and Solon, they all have a sincere heart.

Once you have set your goal, you will not back down, no matter how terrible the danger is.

Hancock seemed to understand, but he wrote it all down.

In the original One Piece book, Hancock fled Mary Joa at the age of 16 and became the female emperor of Nine Snake Island at the age of 18, and in such a short time, he had a good strength, and was invited to become the Nanabu Sea only for the first time at sea.

Hancock’s talent is definitely very powerful.

Moreover, she awakened the overlord-colored domineering and possessed the qualifications of a king.

Lin Han also wanted to see how much Hancock could grow after his training.

“Next, with Renly, I sent Sandasonia and Marigorud to Nine Snake Island, near Nine Snake Island, there is a huge nameless desert island, where I will train Han Cook in physical skills and domineering. ”

Lin Han finally decided on the itinerary.


A month has passed since the break-in of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

This incident shocked the top officials of the entire world government, and even Lord Im, who had survived for at least eight hundred years, was greatly enraged.

The five old stars were severely punished.

Even, even the high-ranking officials of the navy headquarters, such as the marshal of the navy and the three major admirals, were implicated, and the number of navy commanders was halved within three years.

(Yellow Ape: I’m really lying on the gun, and my salary is half less, it’s terrible…) )

Soon, two brand new bounty orders were announced to the world.

Fishman Fisher Tiger, a reward of 350 million Bailey!

In the original work, after Tiger made a big deal with Mary Joa, he offered a reward of more than 200 million Baileys, and now he is stained with Lin Han, and the reward has also increased.

Tiger’s bounty was nothing and didn’t attract much attention.

And another bounty order suddenly set off an uproar!


Mysterious man, extremely vicious, the most terrifying criminal in the world, offering a reward of 1.5 billion Baileys, life or death!

This reward order is not named, but the avatar on the reward order is very clear, it is Lin Han’s face!

The world government still did not reveal the information of the ice god, and the title of Lin Han was only a “mysterious person”.

Lin Han’s appearance, except for those legendary pirates of the older generation, as well as navies such as Warring States and Karp, no one has ever seen it.

Although most people don’t know that the mysterious man is the ice god decades ago, with a sky-high price of 1.5 billion Baileys, it still attracts great attention!

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