As soon as the words fell, the whitebeard’s body squatted slightly, his fists were clenched, and the muscles in his arms swelled up at once.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard’s two fists slammed hard towards the sea in front of him at the same time!

Shock Fruit Ability Activated!

Cracks appeared in the air, and the terrifying and turbulent power swept to the sea in an instant.

The sea quakes!

The originally calm sea surface seemed to have dropped a million tons of explosives, setting off terrifying waves in an instant!

The entire sea surface boiled, and huge waves tens of meters high rose up into the sky and swept towards the position of the naval warship.

A huge wave tens of meters high is already very shocking, and the scene of countless huge waves hitting together is enough to scare the timid to death.

In the face of the churning waves, the naval warship is like an insignificant ant, which will be submerged at any time.

Huge waves fell down, sunlight was blocked, and warships were obscured by endless shadows.

“It’s a real trouble.”

The green pheasant complained, half of his body was elementalized, and white frost appeared on his face.

Swish! The green pheasant suddenly soared into the air, the cold air dissipated, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped sharply.

“Ice Age!”

A large amount of cold qi condensed from his two arms, forming two crystalline chains of ice crystals, which were launched towards the huge waves that swept in.

As soon as the giant wave touched the ice crystal chain, a crisp icing sound sounded, and the giant wave was frozen when it landed, standing still in midair.

The huge waves that swept in, as soon as they touched the ice crystal chains, without exception, were all frozen.

The pheasant’s frozen fruit ability is the nemesis of the Whitebeard Sea Earthquake.

“Kuzan imp…”

Whitebeard said loudly, his attack was blocked, and did not show any discouragement.

“There’s really no way, I’ll mix it too.”

The yellow ape said lazily, and then his body turned into countless golden points of light, and disappeared in an instant.

The speed of light moves.

In an instant, above the head of the white beard, a golden light lit up, and countless points of light condensed into the figure of the yellow ape.

“Whitebeard, I haven’t seen it for a long time.”

The yellow ape seemed to say hello casually, but his finger was aimed at the white beard, snort! A golden laser shot from between your fingers.


However, Whitebeard seemed to have expected it, and the huge beak knife in his hand slashed fiercely, smashing the laser at once.

“Hey, Borusalino, trying to sneak up on me?” Whitebeard laughed loudly: “It’s a pity, your level is not at home.” ”

Whitebeard used his domineering appearance to predict the yellow ape’s movements in advance.

“Seeing that the domineering is also so strong, he is really a complete monster.” The yellow ape missed the blow, immediately stopped his hand, and said in a lewd tone, with a very bad expression on his face.

“Yellow Ape, don’t make trouble for Lao Tzu! This is a fight between me and Whitebeard. ”

Shenlong Kaido said dissatisfied, and the sharp dragon claws covered with dragon scales grabbed the yellow ape fiercely.

The yellow ape turned into a golden light, and in an instant, it fled far away, avoiding Kaido’s dragon claw attack.

“It’s so terrible, the four emperors of pirates, all of them are monsters.” The yellow ape moved at the speed of light and returned to the deck of the warship.

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In the face of the whitebeard in his heyday, the yellow ape has no choice, who makes his sight and smell domineering than others.

And with the defense and self-healing power of the divine dragon Kaido, even if the yellow ape launches a hundred lasers, I am afraid that he will not be able to defeat Kaido.

“Kaido imps, let go of the head-to-head between you and me for the time being, and fight you again when I expel these hateful naval imps.” Whitebeard said to Kaido, the divine dragon in the sky.

Kaido didn’t retort, just complained: “These annoying guys, what a good time.” ”

On the deck of the warship, Sengoku and Karp looked at each other, and both saw a strong fighting intent in each other’s eyes.

At this time, they must make a move, and with only the two of the green pheasant and the yellow ape, they will definitely not be able to pose a threat to Whitebeard and Kaido.


In the cabin of the warship, two figures slowly walked out.

One of them, dressed in a spacesuit-like outfit and wearing a bubble hood on his head, looked proud and indifferent.

It’s actually Draco!

Behind Draco, followed by a short man, his face was ordinary and featureless, belonging to the type that was thrown into the pile of people and could not be found at once.

“Aldrich Saint.”

Sengoku said respectfully towards the Draco who walked out.

“Didn’t the operation to capture Whitebeard and Kaido go well?” Draco Aldrich asked.

Warring States hesitated for a moment, and then said: “There is no progress for the time being, the strength of these two people is very terrifying, I am afraid in a short time…”

“Waste!” Aldrich scolded: “Your naval headquarters has disappointed us again and again, in my opinion, it is time to replace a new batch of people.” ”

Karp’s face was gloomy, and he seemed to want to make a move, but he was stopped by the Warring States.

“Ralph, help them.” Aldrich commanded.

“Yes, Your Excellency Draco.”

The man with a short stature and an ordinary face answered.

Meanwhile, high above the Grant Islands.

“This guy actually showed up.” Lin Han’s eyes flashed a trace of murderous aura.

Through a wide range of domineering sights, he had already sensed the aura of the Draco and the short man on the warship.

This breath, absolutely right.

This ordinary-looking Ralph was one of the ten strongest guards who killed Lin Han back then!

He is also the only sniper among ten people.

This Ralph seems inconspicuous, but the gun technique is brilliant, making it impossible to dodge, and his domineering appearance has been cultivated to the point of reaching the pinnacle, only a little worse than Lin Han.

Katakuri’s domineering look was like a young child compared to this Ralph.

In that earth-shattering battle that year, the sniper Ralph caused Lin Han a lot of trouble, and Lin Han’s dying counterattack failed to kill this cunning guy.

Unexpectedly, decades later, they met again in the New World.

“Today, you will surely die.”

Lin Han was no longer hiding, and slowly descended from the sky.


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Four chapters will be posted in the early morning, the author Jun has no manuscripts, and the remaining chapters will be written and sent tomorrow.

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