Katakuri suddenly unleashed the power of the Waxy Fruit Awakening!

The ground under your feet, the surrounding trees, stones, etc., all turned into sticky rice cakes!

After the awakening of the superhuman glutinous fruit, it can transform the surrounding ground, stones, plants, buildings, etc. into rice cakes.

In an instant.

The ground, trees, etc. within a radius of 100 meters of Katakuri are all turned into sticky rice cakes that can be driven at will.

“Weeping rain sticky rice!”

Strips of glutinous rice balls suddenly surged into the sky, and then fell from the sky and pressed Ben Beckman.

If you are pressed under by so many sticky glutinous rice balls, you will never be able to get out and suffocate.

Ben Beckman’s figure was like a ghost, easily dodging the attack of the weeping rain sticky rice, raising the rifle in his hand, aiming the muzzle at Katakuri, and pulling the trigger!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Almost at the same time, four shots were fired in succession.

Four bullets flew out of the air, seemingly forming a wonderful formation, blocking all of Katakuri’s dodging routes.

That’s where Ben Beckman’s marksmanship comes in.

Among the red-haired pirates, there are two super terrifying sharpshooters, Ben Beckman and Jesus Bu.

However, Jesus Bu is a pure sniper, and Ben Beckman is not only good at marksmanship, his sight, armed domineering and physical skills have all been cultivated to a very high level.

In terms of overall strength, Ben Beckman is only slightly weaker than the red-haired Shanks.

“Wallpaper sticky balls!”

In the face of Ben Beckman’s bullet blockade, Katakuri’s domineering prediction knew that it was impossible to dodge, and simply formed countless rice cakes into a thick wall to block in front of him.

Since you can’t dodge, then simply block hard.

Four bullets instantly entered the wall of the rice cake, but they were hindered, and the rice cake was too sticky to break through.

Finally, the bullet broke through the barrier of the rice cake wall and penetrated it, but it was already greatly reduced, and it was easily shot down by the trident in Katakuri’s hand.

Trident, earth dragon!

Katakuri’s unique weapon.

“Matchless donuts!”

Katakuri once again activated the Waxy Fruit ability, and white donuts appeared around Ben Beckman.

Katakuri held the arm of the trident, turned into a rice cake, and rotated at high speed, and the trident earth dragon rotated at high speed with the arm, forming a sharp spike.

“Glutinous Spike!”

Katakuri’s arm stretched forward, lengthened a lot at once, and then disappeared in an instant.

Silently, the high-speed rotating Trident Earth Dragon appeared from a doughnut, very close to Ben Beckman’s body, and directly stabbed into his back!

The extremely sharp spikes were about to pierce Ben Beckman’s body.

In an instant, Ben Beckman’s head seemed to have eyes, his feet moved, and his body quickly moved a few meters to the right, dodging the sneak attack of the glutinous group.

It all happened so fast that Ben Beckman’s movements were only a fraction of a few seconds slower before being penetrated by the high-speed rotating trident.

“Unexpectedly, your domineering cultivation has reached such an extent. Katakuri was a little surprised: “Even I am disturbed by you.” ”

After seeing that the domineering cultivation has reached an extremely high realm, he can predict the future in a short period of time, so that all the actions of the opponent can be well understood.

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However, when encountering a higher level of domineering, it will be disturbed, resulting in inaccurate predictions of the future.

Ben Beckman’s domineering look is just a little stronger than Katakuri.

This also led to Katakuri’s near-perfect sneak attack this time, which ultimately failed.

“What a tough opponent. Katakuri’s face was solemn, and he thought in his heart: “This time, my mother rashly declared war on the red-haired pirate group, which is really a big mistake. ”

On the other side, the Senju Kriddle, one of the three stars of dessert, is fighting with the extremely fat Laki Lu.

Raki Lu usually looks smiling and always likes to nibble on chicken legs, but once he gets serious, he actually exerts a very amazing combat power!

His strength and armed domineering are extremely powerful.

The entire upper body of Raki Lu was covered with a layer of pitch-black armed color domineering, like an iron ball, and every time the pitch-black fist struck, the air was overwhelmed, and there was a burst of explosions.

This guy is simply equivalent to a scaled-down version of Aunt, with the same infinite strength and amazing defense.

The cookie armor of the Klee rack was actually shattered by Lacki Lu’s punch!

Klee’s short true body was revealed, his face was hideous, his eyes were full of anger, he kept clapping his palms, launching the cookie fruit ability, and one cookie armor soldier after another was created.

These biscuit armored soldiers, six or seven meters tall, holding giant swords and wearing hard armor, took heavy steps and rushed towards Raki Lu together!

Bang! Bang!

Countless cookie soldiers ran wildly, and the earth trembled.

In the face of a large number of cookie soldiers who rushed over, Raki Lu did not flinch, and his body was as black as an iron ball, and he slammed forward!

Boom! Boom!

The three cookie soldiers who rushed to the front were directly smashed into pieces by Raki Lu!

“What a strong impact!” Klee was stunned for a while.

However, the most powerful thing about the cookie fruit is that after the cookie soldiers are crushed, these cookie fragments turn into a large amount of dust, and the dust quickly combines together and condenses again into the appearance of the cookie soldiers.

In this way, the cookie soldiers can not finish killing.

As a result, the battle between Klee and Raki Lu also temporarily reached a stalemate.

The first sniper of the red-haired pirates, Usopp’s father, Jesus Bu, is aiming at a minister of the Charlotte family with a sniper rifle in both hands.

Beside Jesus Bu, there were two high-ranking cadres who did not participate in the battle group, but firmly guarded Jesus Bu, not leaving an inch.

This is the duty of both of them, which is to protect Jesus cloth with all their might and not let his shooting be affected.


Another shot was fired.

The minister of the Charlotte family, blood splattered on his body, snorted in pain, and fell to the ground.

This was already the fourth target that Jesus had successfully shot.

The battle between the BIGMOM Pirate Group and the Red-Haired Pirate Group has reached a white-hot stage.

No one seemed to notice that in the distant sky, a gray-blue tyrannosaurus-type monster shadow was rapidly approaching.

Ice Dragon Chief Rem has arrived!


First more!

It’s still five changes today.

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