The story of the two brothers was about to begin.

That was a distant memory, when the companions had not yet arrived in Elegia. At that time, Uta was recommended by King Gordon of Elegia to sing for the people of the entire country. However, at this moment, Totmujika, who was sealed deep underground in Elegia, was unsealed under the guidance of Uta's singing, and turned into an ordinary sheet of music and quietly fell into her room. When Uta finished singing and returned to the room, she was immediately attracted by the mysterious sheet of music and couldn't help singing the melody in it.

But who would have thought that this move would trigger an unexpected crisis. As Uta's singing sounded, Totmujika was completely summoned, and Uta herself fell into its control. Just as Totumjika was wreaking havoc in Elegia, the Centaur in Uta's body suddenly burst into a dazzling light, tightly wrapping Totumjika's entire body. At the same time, Uta gradually regained consciousness under the power of the Centaur.

However, Totumjika was eventually sealed into the Centaur and became Uta's new power. However, this unprovoked disaster almost led to the destruction of Elegia. Fortunately, Gordon covered up the truth in time, and Uta was able to continue to stay in Elegia. Later, Uta and her companions came to Marinford together.

At first, Uta was hesitant about whether to use this power. But when she saw that the man she loved deeply and her important companions were beaten by the two generals without any ability to fight back, Uta finally made up her mind. She sang the song that could summon Totumjika without hesitation.

As the song sounded, a powerful momentum burst out from Uta. As the singing became stronger, Uta's body slowly floated into the air, and a huge figure gradually emerged. When Luffy heard this familiar song, his heart couldn't help but "click". At this time, everyone in Marinford was attracted by Uta.

As the singing ended, a huge demon king with a mouth full of fangs and limbs made of pianos was completely summoned. Uta stood on the demon king's head and looked at the battlefield. With the help of the Hundred Music Score, Uta could temporarily control the demon king, but he would still be controlled by the demon king after a long time. In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Uta controlled the demon king to kill the two generals

"Hey, hey, hey, this is a joke, how could Totemugika be summoned? Legend has it that this is a demon king who can destroy the world." In a huge room, an old man holding a long sword said in shock while watching the live broadcast,

Another fat old man followed up and said: "If this is true, this girl who can summon the demon king must not be allowed to survive in the world."

The old man said seriously: "If this demon king falls into the hands of pirates, it will be a big trouble! We must take action immediately!"

The fat old man nodded and agreed: "Yes, we can't sit back and do nothing. This girl is too dangerous. Her ability may cause a global disaster!"

All the old men in the room looked at each other, and then shouted in unison: "Go and inform Zhan Guo, let him quickly deal with this girl!" They knew that they could only change their goals now. The girl must be dealt with as soon as possible to stop her from continuing to use that terrible power. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous...

"Huh!" The huge palm slapped the battlefield with a whistling sound. Everyone was shocked by the sudden change. Several strong men who were fighting avoided it to avoid being affected.

At this time on the battlefield, there were three figures looking up at the behemoth in the sky-the huge demon king and Uta standing on its head. A trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the three people. As admirals of the Navy Headquarters, they have been in high positions for many years and naturally have far more knowledge than ordinary people. Seeing the scene in front of them, they came to the same conclusion as the two old men: Wuta must not be allowed to survive!

Thinking of this, the three generals looked at each other, tacitly gave up their respective opponents, and joined forces to attack Wuta on the head of the demon king. However, they obviously underestimated the strength of this demon king. Facing the joint attack of the three generals, under the control of Wuta, the demon king opened his bloody mouth and sprayed out a powerful shock wave. Caught off guard, the three generals were actually blown away by this shock wave!

Seeing this, Zhan Guo on the side became solemn. He immediately ordered all the navy to change their combat objectives and prioritize the elimination of Wuta.

"Damn it,

We must not let such a monster live in this world!" Akainu stabilized his body and cursed viciously. The other two generals had the same idea. After all, the move just now was beyond their understanding of the ability users.

Kizaru, who had the fastest speed, did not dare to delay at all. He immediately transformed into an element and flashed above the Demon King's head. While charging up his big move, Kizaru sneered: "What a terrible little girl, but I'm sorry, for the safety of the world, please die." Before he finished speaking, countless light bullets rained down on Uta.

Seeing that the light bullets were about to hit the target, at this critical moment, a shield suddenly stretched out from the top of the Demon King's head, blocking all these light bullets. Seeing this, Akainu and Aokiji looked at each other and immediately launched an attack, but their attacks were easily blocked by Whitebeard. Whitebeard looked at the three people in front of him, with a sneer on his lips, and taunted: "Gulala, you three guys are really shameless. You actually killed a little girl? "His voice was full of disdain and contempt.

"Whitebeard, don't stop us, don't you know what this is?" Akainu roared angrily, his eyes flashing with anger. If it weren't for the current situation, he really wanted to fight Whitebeard immediately. Whitebeard didn't care and laughed again. Of course, he knew what it was, but the person who controlled this thing was Luffy's companion! He would never allow the three admirals to do something to her.

At the same time, Luffy also learned the general course of events from the system. He quickly flew to the top of the Demon King and persuaded softly: "Uta, take this back quickly. You can't fully control it in your current state. Don't worry, we will definitely escape successfully!" Uta stared at Luffy with a gentle smile on her face. When she was about to take back Totemugika, her face suddenly became ugly.

"Run away, Luffy, I can't control it! "Uta shouted anxiously, her voice filled with despair and fear. However, in the next second, her eyes suddenly lost their luster, as if controlled by a powerful force. The demon king under her let out a deafening roar, and its huge body began to destroy everything around it aimlessly.

Luffy was shocked when he saw this, and he immediately rushed forward and tried to knock Uta out to stop her from losing control. But at this moment, the momentum erupting from Uta became extremely powerful, and instantly blew Luffy away.

The battlefield fell into chaos, and those ordinary soldiers and pirates panicked and fled everywhere. They felt the terrifying breath of the demon king and realized that they could not compete with it. The faces of the three generals and Sengoku It became very ugly. They didn't expect the situation to develop to this point.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates were anxious. They kept calling Uta's name, hoping to awaken her consciousness. However, at this moment, Uta had completely lost her mind and did not respond to the calls of her companions.

Luffy was extremely anxious. He was determined to get close to Uta and try to wake her up. He used all his strength and approached Uta with difficulty. Finally, when he was about to approach Uta, Uta's Hundred Music Score once again exerted its amazing power and successfully re-sealed the Demon King.

Uta's body was exhausted from excessive use of strength. She finally couldn't hold on and fainted on the ground. Luffy quickly rushed to her side, hugged her tightly, and landed on the ground together.

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