The old man was buried in the grave.

"Host, the consciousness you feel comes from your Nika fruit. That consciousness will not awaken before the fruit awakens, but when the fruit awakens, this consciousness will also awaken with the fruit awakening. This consciousness will also take away the consciousness of the ability user when the fruit awakens. As the number of times the ability user uses the fruit awakening ability increases, this consciousness will gradually replace the original owner until it completely controls this body in the end," the system answered Luffy's question.

Hearing this, Luffy frowned slightly: "Consciousness? Could it be Joy Boy? Is he doing this to replace me to liberate the world?"

Luffy muttered in a low voice, feeling a little confused and puzzled, but he didn't know what the real meaning of Joy Boy's doing was. After all, his remaining consciousness had been solved by the system.

Thinking of this, Luffy shook his head and stopped dwelling on these things. He understood that no matter what, he had to maintain his will and beliefs and not be swayed by any external factors.

"No matter what, I don't want to know the purpose of a dead person. I just want to use this power to protect the people who are important to me and the free adventure on this sea!" Luffy said firmly.

After that, Luffy took off the straw hat hanging around his neck and smiled brightly. He believed that as long as he insisted on his beliefs, he would be able to overcome all difficulties and realize his dreams.

For the next period of time, Luffy accompanied Uta to stroll in the garden of the palace every day, feeling the warmth of the sun and the caress of the breeze. They held hands and laughed and talked, as if they were the only ones left in the world. When night fell, Luffy would enter the system space and explore new powers with Uta.

With the continuous practice of the fifth gear form, Luffy gradually realized the secret. He found that this power could not only make him stronger, but also change the properties of the surrounding objects. In a sparring match with Totemugika summoned by Uta, Luffy was surprised to find that he could easily transform any part of Totemugika into rubber.

This made him exclaim: "So this is the true power of the Nika fruit!" Luffy said excitedly. He realized that this power has unlimited potential and can allow him to exert unprecedented strength in battle.

However, what shocked Luffy the most was that even if he was knocked down by the enemy, he could still recover quickly like an animal-type ability user and stand up again. This "tough vitality" and "recovery" greatly enhanced his endurance in battle, and he had enough confidence to compete with any powerful enemy.

In addition, Luffy also found that his ability to control various elements in the fifth gear form has been greatly improved. Luffy thought excitedly: "I feel that I can now beat a hundred of my previous selves!"

The same is true for Uta. Her strength has also increased significantly after controlling Totemugika. Although she cannot use advanced armament and observation as smoothly as Luffy, she wraps the armament domineering around the sound attack and then amplifies it with Totemugika. The power is amazing even for Luffy.

Not only that, Uta can now summon the note soldiers in the song world to the real world. It can be said that Luffy's journey is full of gains.

However, time always passes quickly, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Uta lay on Luffy's chest, her eyes full of reluctance: "Are you leaving, Luffy?"

Luffy looked at Uta and nodded gently. He knew that he had other important things to do. The next stop was to go to where Zoro was and teach him the Breath of the Sun. Although the Sun Breathing is described as extremely difficult, Luffy believes that with Zoro and Kuina's talents, it is not difficult to succeed in training.

Luffy rubbed Uta's little head and comforted him: "Don't be sad, Uta, we will meet again in a few months, right?"

The next morning, Luffy's legs trembled and he crushed the teleportation stone under Uta's gaze and left here as a ray of light. At this time, Uta's face was still flushed. After Luffy left, Uta put aside all concerts and concentrated on training, just to become stronger

On the gloomy island where Zoro and Kuina are located, they are facing a cruel training. This island is called "Ghost Island" because it is full of gloomy and terrifying atmosphere. At this moment, they are receiving the world's number one swordsman-Hawkeye Mi

Hawke's special training.

The two of them tried their best to show their strongest moves and attack Hawkeye in front of them. However, facing the fierce offensive of the two, Hawkeye seemed to be at ease. He was seen holding a big knife, easily dissolving the offensive of the two and pointing out their shortcomings. Although Hawkeye was not familiar with the breathing method, as the world's number one swordsman, he was still able to accurately point out the weaknesses of the two with his own experience and insight.

"Zoro, don't just use brute force! Although your breath of fire is powerful, you also need to know how to use power skillfully. Similarly, the breath of thunder also requires you to master the burst skills of power. Only in this way can you swing an exquisite sword. As for Kuina, the breath of flowers is similar to the breath of water. The key is to overcome the hard with the soft. This is exactly what you need to understand in depth at present." Hawkeye said seriously.

After that, he picked up the two and flew them out again. Looking at the two people lying on the ground, Hawkeye added lightly: "You have great potential, but you still need to work hard. Remember, every skill I teach is the key to becoming a top swordsman." After that, Hawkeye turned and left, leaving the two to reflect on their shortcomings.

On this gloomy island, Zoro and Kuina continued their hard training, pursuing a higher level of swordsmanship. They knew that only through unremitting efforts and training can they realize their dreams.

Zoro got up from the ground and looked at Hawkeye with an unconvinced face. Kuina pondered on the side. She had always relied too much on these sword moves and forgot the essence. At this moment, Hawkeye, who had not walked too far, suddenly became alert. A ray of light suddenly appeared in front of Zoro and Kuina. Looking at the familiar light, Zoro smiled slightly, but Hawkeye, who came, didn't know, and he swung at the place where the light appeared.

"Fuck, what are you doing, ouch", Luffy saw a thick sword energy slashing at him as soon as he appeared, He was so scared that he immediately replaced several elemental shields to barely block the attack. Hawkeye was a little more cautious when he saw the familiar person. He looked up and down at Luffy and said with satisfaction: "As expected of the grandson of a navy hero, you are much stronger than the last time I saw you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, who was I thinking? It turned out to be you, Straw Hat Boy." At this time, a familiar laugh came, and the ghost loli Perona floated down from the sky and looked at Luffy and laughed. Luffy also smiled and said: "It's been a long time since we last met. And don't think of using your pessimistic ghost to sneak attack me."

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