The first day of the new world, the new world is still a dream.

This is the second day that the Straw Hat Pirates came to the New World. After the baptism of the first day in the New World, they really understood the horror of the New World, but no one was afraid. Instead, their eyes were full of expectations for the next journey. After helping Lily save her father from the navy, they unexpectedly met the mysterious new navy

"Teacher Zephyr, what is your purpose!" After defeating Shuzo who came to chase them, Aokiji, who learned from him that the leader of the new navy was his mentor, lay on the side of the ship and fell into deep thought.

He knew very well that Zephyr's purpose in creating a new navy was to annihilate all the pirates in the world, but now he has become the enemy of Luffy and others

This matter, everyone said goodbye to Lily and his father and officially started the first adventure in the New World. After several days of violent storms and bad weather, the Sunshine finally arrived at the first island in the New World. When Aokiji saw the island, his face became a little ugly.

"Wow, is this the island in the New World? It really lives up to its reputation. There is actually an island on fire." Usopp held a telescope and watched from afar.

This island looks no different from other ordinary islands, but the difference is that the island is full of flowing magma, and a strong smell of sulfur wafts from the island, making people feel uncomfortable. From the overall appearance, it seems that this island used to be a populated island, but something happened later that caused the island to become what it is now.

"What the hell is this place? How can there be such a strange island!" Nami frowned and said. She had been observing for a long time, but still couldn't find the crater where the lava erupted.

At this moment, Aokiji, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "This is where Akainu and I fought for the position of Admiral of the Navy two years ago. It was because of our fight that the island became what it is now."

"What?" Everyone was surprised, and Usopp widened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "So you mean that the island became what it is now because of the fight between you two?"

Aokiji nodded, indicating his acquiescence. Usopp opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He said in astonishment, "In other words, only half of the island is actually covered by lava, and the other half should still be frozen, right?"

Aokiji nodded again, and Usopp couldn't help but exclaimed, "You two are too powerful!"

While everyone was talking, the Den Den Mushi placed in the restaurant suddenly rang. Everyone hurriedly answered the phone, only to hear an anxious cry for help coming from inside. The other party claimed that he was trapped in a place and hoped that someone could come to rescue him, and told them that he was on the other side of the island.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. Finally, after some discussion, they decided to send a few people to the island to check the situation and make plans after ensuring safety. After all, who knows what dangers are hidden on this island?

As the draw ended, the adventure team consisting of Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin took the lead. At this moment, Luffy suddenly thought that the little pervert Momonosuke seemed to be on this island. However, he couldn't help but start to doubt whether Momonosuke could still be humane, after all, he had used a designated castration knife to attack him

But soon Luffy put aside these concerns: "Who cares! I'm not Monkey if I don't torture him to death!" As he said, Luffy's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and then he quickly selected the transgender card and the unlucky card from the system space and designated Momonosuke as the target. In an instant, the two cards disappeared without a trace, and Luffy couldn't help but let out an evil laugh.

It turned out that this transgender card can not only change a person's gender, but more importantly, when the voice change is successful, it will also emit a unique breath. This breath is nothing special to the person, but it is a fatal temptation to other opposite sexes. Seeing Luffy grinning constantly, Usopp and Zoro couldn't help but feel creepy and subconsciously moved their buttocks. They always have an ominous premonition, as if someone is about to suffer. In contrast, Robin didn't care. She elegantly picked up the largest meatball in the lunch box and gently fed it to Luffy.

"I'm so hungry... When can Kin'emon come to save me!"

On the other side of the island, a woman with heavy makeup on

The child woke up, touched his flat stomach, and said in a shrill voice.

This is the inhumane Momonosuke. After his anus fell off, the guards tried every means to barely cure Momonosuke. However, as time went by, Momonosuke's way of speaking became more and more sharp, his movements became more and more like women, and he especially liked to act like a spoiled child.

Later, Momonosuke was separated from these guards. In order not to expose his identity, he and the only remaining guard Kin'emon disguised themselves as a father and son. They came to this island accidentally and were caught. Since then, Momonosuke has lost contact with Kin'emon.

"No matter!" Momonosuke touched his rumbling stomach and made up his mind: "I'll sneak out to find something to eat first. If I don't eat, I'll starve to death." After that, he carefully opened the door, made sure that there was no one in the corridor, and got into the ventilation duct, ready to go out to find some food.

However, when he crawled for a distance, something strange happened. Momonosuke felt his scalp tighten, followed by a strong pulling sensation from the top of his head. At the same time, his body began to change, his hair grew long quickly, and his chest slowly bulged.

"What...what is going on?" Momonosuke was terrified, his eyes widened, and he began to feel around. The touch was not as familiar as before. This feeling was from a strange girl. Although Momonosuke liked this, this change made Momonosuke feel extremely scared.

"What happened? How did I become like this?" Momonosuke felt his body up and down in horror, trying to find a way to return to his original appearance. However, no matter how hard he tried, the changes in his body continued, as if they could not be reversed.

At this moment, something worse happened. Suddenly, the ventilation duct under him loosened, and the originally fixed screws instantly flew off, and the entire ventilation duct lost its support and began to tilt. Before Momonosuke could react, he fell into the air.

"Ouch, my butt!" Momonosuke touched his painful butt and stood up with difficulty. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, trying to figure out where this place was. However, when he turned around, he suddenly met several pairs of big red eyes.

Momonosuke was terrified and stepped back repeatedly, trying to stay away from these terrifying existences. But he accidentally bumped into something and his body suddenly stopped. Momonosuke raised his head stiffly, only to see a burly and ferocious man with red eyes staring at him.

"Oh my God!" Momonosuke screamed in fear, and his eyes went black and he fainted on the ground, unconscious.

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