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When everyone gathered at Dock No. 1 was racking their brains over what to do, Granny Kokoro, who had just woken up from a nap, said she had a solution, so everyone followed Granny Kokoro to an abandoned station, where they saw A dusty sea train was quietly parked there. "This is an obsolete sea train, named Rocket Man, and it has been parked here for a long time. If you really want to go to the Judicial Island to save yourself, If you want to be my partner, then take this!"

Granny Kokoro said passionately, and expressed her willingness to act as a driver and take the Straw Hat Pirates to Judicial Island. Everyone cheered and jumped for joy. At this time, the station gate was opened by someone. Pushing open the door, Franky's family walked in cautiously. When they saw Luffy, they knelt down without thinking and said, "Brother Straw Hat, I know I have offended you before. If you are not happy, you can kill me or cut me up as you like." But before I die, I want to ask you to save our Please rescue my big brother too! "

Looking at the man in fishnet stockings who gave up his dignity to save his big brother, Luffy raised his eyebrows, patted the Rocket Man next to him and said, "We also want to go Ah, it's a pity that this thing has been parked here for a long time, and many of its parts are damaged. None of us can repair it, what a pity, what a pity, ah."

The man in fishnet stockings kneeling on the ground understood Luffy's hidden meaning, He immediately jumped up and patted his chest to say that it was left to them. The Franky family excitedly rushed into the rain to search for materials everywhere. After a while, they came back with large and small bags, and brought a lot of food to Luffy and the others. Thanks to the efforts of the family, the Rocket Man, which had been idle for many years, finally sounded its whistle. The Franky family also made some minor modifications to the Rocket Man, not only increasing its speed a lot, but also installing a crash barrier on the head. Used to deal with some invisible reefs. "Hey, how come you guys are here too?" Nami shouted with a shark face. The people who came found that Franky's family was staying obediently in a car at the back. "Forget it, Nami, just let them follow. After all, there are many enemies where I'm going this time, and it's better to have more people to fight." Luffy smiled and hugged Nami, and Nami also took the opportunity to lie in Luffy's arms to enjoy the quiet moments before the battle. At the moment when the Rocket Man started, Zimoni actually jumped up. Before everyone could put her After getting off the car, Rocketman rushed into the storm and headed quickly towards Judicial Island. There was nothing they could do but let the little girl play around in the carriage. However, just in case, Luffy redeemed two diamond charms in the system mall and used them on Granny Kokoro and Zimoni. With the appearance of Rabbit and Teaton, this battle might be difficult. Usopp and Sanji, who were being held by the nose, also hid in the sea train that was escorting Robin and Franky. Usopp Pu Yi complained that Sanji was too harsh, while carefully moving with Sanji one car at a time. Robin, who was sitting at the front of the train, looked at the Water Seven City getting farther and farther away, her eyes full of reluctance. She recalled what the masked man said to her during the day: "Nicole Robin, Navy The headquarters has recently held a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates. If you want your companions to be safe, you have no choice but to leave the Straw Hat Pirates and go to Judicial Island with us."

Although Robin was unwilling to believe the masked man's words, But for the safety of her companions, Robin could only suppress her grief and leave her companions who were willing to accept her with great difficulty. Looking at the disappearing Seven Water Capital, Robin closed her eyes and said helplessly in her heart: "Goodbye, Luffy , and my friends"

Robin leaning against the front of the ship recalled Luffy's fight with Aokiji to protect him, and how he ignored her words and hugged her in the underground palace in Alabasta. Robin smiled sweetly, but suddenly, she felt a pain on her left cheek and was knocked out. "You bitch, why are you laughing in front of me? "

Robin covered her left cheek and looked at the person who hit her, her face full of hatred. The person was carrying a big knife and half of his face was wrapped in leather. Robin said bitterly: "It's you, Spandam !"

The person who came was Spandam, the leader of CP9, Babar, and his father was one of the culprits who destroyed Robin's family. Spandam seemed to be angered by Robin's eyes and looked at the Robin was about to punch and kick him, but before his palms touched Robin, he was suddenly

The golden light cut off half of his palm

Spandam covered his bleeding palm and wailed. Many members of CP9 saw that their leader was injured by the golden light from Robin. Some immediately bandaged Spandam, Babar, and some took out weapons to attack Robin on the ground, but they were all blocked and counterattacked by the golden light. Suddenly, the lower-level CP9 members in this carriage died or were injured

Robin looked at the magical scene in front of her. She was smart and immediately guessed that this should be what Luffy said. Her right face, which was injured by Babar Spandam, was slowly recovering under the treatment of the golden light. The warm feeling was like a mother caressing her face

"Luffy "Fly!" Robin covered her mouth and cried sadly. She didn't expect that even if she said she would leave the Straw Hat Pirates mercilessly, Luffy would still protect herself in another way. Luffy on the Rocket Man wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed in his heart: "Damn, I almost forgot about Spandam's Babar. I can't let him hurt Robin."

Not long after setting off, Luffy remembered that when he was on the Judicial Island, Babar Spandam beat and scolded Robin. In order to prevent Robin from suffering such a fate, Luffy immediately exchanged an improved version of the Golden Light Talisman in the system mall. As long as the combat power is not at the admiral level or above, the defense of the Golden Light Talisman cannot be broken, and the attack will It will be bounced back and heal its owner when he is injured. It is a good helper for home travel.

Pulling the camera back to Robin, many CP9 and two admiral candidates dare not touch Robin. They can't break her defense and all the moves to attack her are bounced back to hurt their own people. The two admiral candidates don't want to return to the judicial island and only have themselves and Kaku and others on the whole train. They can't tell their superiors that they killed them.

Sanji and Usopp, who are rushing forward in one carriage after another, don't know about this. Sanji is kicking an old man who makes ramen with his nose. After kicking the old man to only one breath left, Sanji Only then did he let go of the ramen old man and continued to run forward.

"Boom", there was a sudden explosion at the back of the train escorting Robin and Franky, and the gas was blazing. Everyone's attention was attracted. After leaving a few people to guard, the rest ran to put out the fire. Robin leaned against the glass and looked outside, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Robin, Robin!"

At this time, a familiar long nose appeared in front of Robin, and Robin almost screamed. At this time, Usopp was lying in front of the train and saying something to him. Robin was lying in front of the window looking at the storm outside, and vaguely heard Usopp shouting at him: "Robin, you must believe in Luffy, he will definitely save you!"

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