Luffy lay on the floor with tears in his eyes, holding on to his breath to activate the power of wood to heal himself. After finally getting up from the ground, Luffy saw Garp pulling Nami and Vivi to talk about the various times when Luffy was beaten by him when he was a child. The two girls laughed out loud. Luffy shouted in grief and anger: "Stinky old man, it's okay that we haven't seen each other for so long, but as soon as we met, you caught me and beat me up. It's okay to beat me up, and you also told my girlfriends about my ugly things. Are you still my real grandfather?" Luffy's voice became smaller and smaller until it could no longer be heard, because Garp had already Jin looked at him with murderous intent. Luffy swallowed carefully and moved towards the door, trying to awaken the remaining love of his grandfather: "Grandpa, Grandpa, calm down, calm down"

Garp sneered and came to Luffy in an instant. He grabbed Luffy's collar and shot him with an electric cannon on the forehead. Luffy covered his forehead and screamed. Garp snorted coldly: "Hmph, you stinky boy, you actually disrespected your grandfather who you haven't seen for a long time. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson, (_ _).゜zzZ"

As he spoke, Garp Garp actually fell asleep with his head tilted back. Luffy also fell asleep in Garp's arms. Uta covered his face and mourned for Luffy. Sure enough, as the snot bubble burst, Garp woke up from his sleep. Seeing Luffy's unrepentant look, Garp's anger was instantly ignited. In this way, Luffy spent a "happy time" with his grandfather in the silence of everyone.

"By the way, Luffy, you have met your useless bastard father, right?" Garp asked while repairing the house he destroyed. Luffy shook his head. Although he knew that in It was his father who saved him in Rogue Town, and he also greeted his father, but he had never seen his father's real appearance. Seeing this, Garp thought that the two had never met, so he said the most shocking words in the calmest tone.

"What? I heard that brat say that he was still in Rogue Town to send you off. So you haven't met yet. Listen carefully, Luffy, your father is called Monkey D. Dragon, and he is a revolutionary." Garp didn't care at all about the shock that revealing the identity of Luffy's father would bring.


Dead silence , deathly silence, followed by overwhelming exclamations, Luffy picked his nose nonchalantly, and said calmly to everyone: "What's wrong, what's so shocking, isn't it just being named the world's most vicious criminal, what's so shocking about this?"

Everyone was confused by Luffy's calmness, and didn't know where to start. Garp, who was repairing the wall, laughed out loud. After repairing the wall, Garp was ready to go back. Luffy sent him to the door and found Coby standing there. At this time, Coby had undergone a drastic change, not Not only has he become thinner, but he has also grown taller. It seems that the food in the navy is good.

"Luffy-san, you have done a great thing." Coby chatted with Luffy excitedly. If he didn't know that there was a huge gap between his strength and Luffy's, Coby might have challenged Luffy. After a while of greeting, Garp took Coby back. The forgotten navy looked at each other, and then looked at the friendly Straw Hat Pirates. The navy also chose to forget their purpose and followed Garp back hand in hand.

In the days of waiting for the new ship , everyone was doing their own things. Luffy took the time to go to the construction site of the new ship (although he got lost twenty times), and used the soul transfer device purchased in the system mall to transfer the ship spirit of the original Merry to the new ship of the first scale. Feeling the joy of the ship spirit, Luffy smiled, so that the Merry would continue to follow them on the adventure. On the way back, he saw Zoro with a baby. Ignoring Zoro's look for help, Luffy continued to wander around the Seven Water City.

After helping a little girl find her bullfish, Luffy sat on the side of the road, licking Shuishuitang, while using the bad luck card and the crying card, was also injured on a deserted island in the Grand Line. Blackbeard, who had just handed Ace to the navy and became a Shichibukai, was laughing in the last second, and crying in the next second as if his mother had died.

"Wuwuwuwu, I finally made it, wuwuwuwu, Shichibukai, wuwuwuwuwuwu, what's going on, why am I crying, wuwuwuwuwuwu"

Blackbeard's expression now is hard to describe. You can say he is laughing, but he is crying sadly. You can say he is crying, but he is laughing like a fool. Poison Q, the ship's doctor, immediately

They started to check their captain, but after a long time, Poison Q couldn't find any problem. Just when everyone was at a loss, a huge gorilla jumped out from the nearby, aiming directly at the crying Blackbeard. The gorilla's eyes were red, and steam was constantly coming out of its nose. The treasures carried in its lower body looked particularly strong. Everyone was ready to kill the gorilla immediately, but who knew that the moment Van Oka pulled the trigger, his beloved gun exploded. Barjes had just taken a step and his leg broke with a click. Not to mention Poison Q, before he could pull out and make a move, he was slapped by the crazy gorilla and flew to a place full of In the bushes full of thorns, anyone who wanted to take action was blocked by various accidents.

In the end, the Blackbeard Pirates could only watch their captain being taken into the jungle by the mad gorilla and disappearing. The only thing that puzzled them was why the captain didn't use the fruit ability. You think Blackbeard didn't want to? He was ready to use his ability the moment the gorilla appeared, but it was useless. At this moment, Blackbeard, who was being held tightly in the hand of the gorilla, was horrified to find that he couldn't even use his Haki now.

Finally, after running for a while, the gorilla took Blackbeard into a cave and tore him all over. Blackbeard's clothes were torn to pieces. Even a fool could understand what was going on. Blackbeard cried and laughed and shouted, "Ah, ah ... , looking at the captain now, everyone wants to help but is powerless. From then on, the pirate world has one more sad person who lost his chrysanthemum.

Compared to the gloomy atmosphere of Blackbeard, Luffy is much more sunny here. Every day he accompanies his three girlfriends everywhere, and the relationship between them is rapidly heating up. Except for the last part, Luffy did everything he should do except what he shouldn't do. Just today, Franky's family brought everyone the news that the new ship was built, and also brought everyone a better news.

Looking at the bounty on the ground, everyone had a proud smile on their faces, as if it was not a bounty, but a medal.

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