The two of them were about to fight, and Lola hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two old men.

Enihua angrily grabbed Ors' collar and asked, "Ors, is this what you vowed to do to protect Her Highness the Princess?" Ors lowered his head in guilt. If he had insisted on going with Her Highness the Princess, Her Highness's shadow might not have been taken away. Seeing that the two were about to fight, Lola hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two old men.

"I say you two are really enough. Now the most urgent task is to find the zombie that parasitizes the princess's shadow in your mouth. If you can't find it, your princess will live in darkness forever!" Lola said with a serious face, and told everyone the terrible consequences of losing her shadow.

Hearing this, Eniwa and Ors were extremely anxious. They immediately raised their weapons and prepared to rush into the castle to settle accounts with Moriah. However, at this moment, Luffy stopped the two impulsive people. Facing the doubtful eyes of the two people, a bloated figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The figure was holding a huge pair of scissors, and his eyes revealed an extreme desire for Luffy's shadow: "Hehehe... Straw Hat Boy, your shadow belongs to me! Perona, come on!"

With Moriah's order, the little loli holding an umbrella - Perona appeared in front of everyone. She glanced at Luffy with a strange smile, and laughed strangely: "Hehehe, okay Moria, leave it to me", Perona called out several ghosts to fly around her. In her opinion, a captain with such a group of defeated opponents would definitely not be that strong.

"Negative ghosts", these ghosts laughed the same as Perona, and pounced on the people on the ground. Knowing that this move was powerful, the Straw Hat Pirates immediately began to dodge. Zoro, Sanji and others even wanted to fight back, but these ghosts had no entity, even if they were covered with armed color domineering, it would be useless. Moreover, these ghosts appeared one after another. Lola and his group were hit first, and they lost their will and knelt on the ground one by one.

"I'm sorry for being born as a human. If I were a bug, All right."

Perona laughed triumphantly and intensified the offensive against the Straw Hat Pirates. Seeing that this was not a solution, Luffy dodged the attack from the negative ghosts while running towards Perona. He wanted to capture the thief first. Since physical attacks and elemental attacks were useless, he would attack the person directly. Perona was not panicked at all when she saw Luffy rushing towards her. Countless negative ghosts appeared, and the overwhelming negative ghosts drowned Luffy.

"Hehe, hehe, Straw Hat boy, feel honored that your shadow has become the power of Lord Moria." Perona covered her mouth and laughed. Surrounded by many negative ghosts, a black shell rushed out from it. When Perona just reacted, the black shell hit her. The shell did not explode as imagined, but sprayed countless mucus to wrap Perona. The mucus , and countless cockroaches were crawling

"Don't~~~~~", Perona screamed, then her eyes turned white and she fainted. The negative ghosts also disappeared with Perona's fainting. Luffy patted his chest with lingering fear. He had just been pierced by so many negative ghosts, and he really had an impulse to commit suicide. At this time, Uta screamed: "Luffy, be careful!"

Moria took advantage of everyone dealing with the negative ghosts and quietly came behind Luffy. Before he could react, Moria had already pulled up Luffy's shadow from the ground and cut it off with a pair of scissors. Luffy instantly felt a blank in his mind. When everyone reacted, Moria had already grabbed Luffy's shadow and Perona, who had fainted on the ground, and retreated. Everyone hurried to Luffy who had fainted on the ground Beside him

"Luffy, Luffy, wake up, don't scare me", Uta pushed Luffy's body and said with a crying voice. Everyone looked ugly and confused. According to Luffy's strength, it made no sense that he couldn't find Moria's attack. Little did they know that Luffy, who seemed unconscious at this time, was communicating with the system

"I said, what's wrong with you, system, why do you let Moria take away my shadow obediently", Luffy asked, he really didn't understand why the system let Moria take away his shadow. If it was for the nightmare form, Luffy really felt it was not worth it, and he couldn't hold on to this form for long

The system retorted without showing any weakness: "Dog host, you must not forget that in the original work of this world, you once got a very powerful nightmare form! As long as you can accept a full hundred shadows, the system

There is naturally a way to allow the host to have this form forever! "Hearing this, Luffy couldn't help but feel a little moved. Who doesn't want to gain more powerful power? It's just that the feeling of having his shadow taken away is really uncomfortable. Luffy slowly woke up, and everyone was relieved to see Luffy wake up, but when they thought of Luffy's shadow being taken away, their hearts sank and they felt that the matter was extremely difficult. Luffy's strength is obvious to all. If Moria puts his shadow into a powerful and terrifying creature, the consequences will be unimaginable. Everyone's face became solemn, and they prayed in their hearts, hoping that this terrible thing would not happen. However, reality is often cruel, They knew clearly that Moriah never played by the rules and could do anything crazy. At this moment, everyone could only pray silently in their hearts, hoping that Moriah would not make any trouble.

In the castle, Moriah grabbed Luffy's shadow and came to the room where Oz was stored. After throwing Perona aside with some disgust, Moriah laughed wildly and stuffed Luffy's shadow into Oz's body. As the shadow gradually sank into Oz's body, this demon who had been sleeping for hundreds of years also woke up today. He exuded an amazing momentum, forcing Moriah to step back a few steps.

"Hey, Oz the demon has finally awakened. The strongest body is matched with the strongest shadow. The treasure left by Roger finally belongs to me." Moriah laughed wildly. In the forest, the Straw Hat Pirates were desperately stuffing all kinds of shadows into Luffy's body, making Luffy roll his eyes. This feeling was sour. "Mr. Straw Hat, please hold on. If you want to defeat Moriah, the monsters created by your shadow can only do this." Lola commanded and encouraged Luffy. According to Lola, as long as you stuff the shadow into your body, you can get all the strength of the shadow owner, but The premise is that the willpower must be very strong, otherwise it is easy to become insane

Soon, the 100 shadows in Lola's hand were almost all stuffed into Luffy's body. Looking at the Luffy in front of him who had almost changed a lot, Lola couldn't help but sigh what kind of monster Luffy was. He accepted 100 shadows so easily. At this time, Luffy slowly opened his eyes, feeling the powerful power coming from his body, and there were countless moves in his mind that he didn't know before

"It is detected that the host has successfully accepted 100 shadows, unlocked the nightmare form, and saved it for the host. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the permanent nightmare form!"

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