Lunn looked at this member of his with some confusion, I don't know why he ran over in such a hurry, is there something that can't be talked about later, don't you see that he still has something to do here?

And after this member walked over, he just took a few breaths, and immediately said, "Lunn, the Big Mom Legion is here again!"

"Well, what do you mean by it again, can you make it clear, what the hell is going on? Could it be that something happened during my absence?"

Lunn said that he was a little confused about what the members said, and even a little unclear, what happened to make his members so anxious, and said that the Big Mom Legion is here again.

Charlotte Smuji, Charlotte Klee, and Charlotte Katakuri also looked at each other with a peep, not knowing what was going on.

Anyway, this matter probably has nothing to do with them, after all, I don't know how many times I have met with Mermaid Island, but I haven't had anything to do with Lunn if I have already taken refuge in Lun.

"The Big Mom Army is here again, what are they trying to do?

Don't you know how many merfolk they've kidnapped us now?

Are they going to have something bloodier again?

Don't they have a little mercy?

It's crazy!

Lunne, I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to you any more, I'll have to go over there first and see what it's all about. "

After these mermaids heard the news, their faces instantly turned a little bad and hurriedly left here, while Lunn looked at these mermaids with a confused face, as well as everything his subordinates said.

"What the hell is going on? Don't you know what's going on? Why haven't you said a word to me for so long, and what else is the Big Mom Army coming again, you can explain it to me. "

The member glanced at Lunn with trepidation, wondering if it was better to say better or not to say it here.

But after thinking about Lunn's temperament, if he didn't say it, it would be a dead end, because when Lunn asked other people, he would know about it.

But let's say it myself, I'm afraid who will be more miserable, but compared to these two things, it's better to go out as soon as possible than to hide Lunen, after all, they don't want to do anything anymore if they die early.

At that time, Lunn knew that he would be done with more things, and he didn't want to do anything more here, he just wanted to take his life well, but looking at all this in front of him, he was still a little confused and thought that it would be better to say it or not.

Charlotte Smuji saw everything he was thinking, after all, it wasn't difficult for someone like Samsung to see these things, but he looked at the member a little speechless.

"I advise you to say it better, Spandex doesn't like people to sell it to him, and you can avoid a penalty if you say it now, if you don't say it now, it will be even worse. "

When this member heard this Charlotte Smuji, he immediately said: "That's the case, boss! We have not left Mermaid Island in the past few days in the Whitebeard Legion, and the Big Mom Legion is taking advantage of this time to constantly harass Mermaid Island, and the rest of us above have no way to resist, so we can only let him do this." "

Hearing this, Lunn glanced at the member's face trembling continuously, so he said coldly: "I guess it's more than that, if there is anything else, just say it quickly, don't let me hear any more bad news, if there is, you'd better make it clear as soon as possible, before I get angry, if you hesitate like this again, I don't guarantee that I won't kick you to death." "

When the members heard this, they immediately said, "Not only that, but they are also constantly working hard to make efforts for the people on Mermaid Island, so the people and the people on the island will welcome you more warmly than before they see you coming, and it is precisely because of this thing." "

The members were still a little hesitant after saying this, and after glancing at their faces, they wondered if they should continue, but thinking of what Lunn said, they should recruit themselves immediately.

Charlotte Klee, Charlotte Smuji, and Charlotte Katakuri all looked at this member speechlessly, didn't he know that the more hesitant he was at this time, the more Lunn wanted to kick him to death?

If you continue to hesitate like this, it is estimated that your life will be gone, and if you hesitate, don't you know that sometimes you will kill people?

"Let's go on with something, I can still handle it. Lunn looked at the member coldly and calmed down.

"Not only did they enslave the merfolk and fishmen on Mermaid Island, but they also sold a few merfolk out. "

As soon as the unlucky member finished speaking, he immediately ran out.

And at this time, after hearing this, Mu Lun was even more angry, exuding a dangerous aura all over his body, and the anger on his face was clearly written.

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