"I think, Destruction Swordsman, you shouldn't doubt my energy and influence in the Navy Headquarters.

Although I do now leave the navy, it's easy to get hold of some of the news secrets."

"You, the swordsman of destruction now, has been listed as the target that must be killed.

I believe that, with your prudence, you will never miss this kind of help from me."

The green pheasant's tone was affirmative.

Indeed! If Aokiji can provide accurate information to gain insight into the plans and trends of the navy headquarters and even the world government, Lu En will definitely not miss this opportunity.

But the only problem is that.

How to ensure that Qingzhi is not a part of the plan, and whether the information provided by Qingzhi is really accurate, and whether it is mixed with some false conspiracies, is exactly what Lu En needs to think about.


Lu En smiled: "Since the two sides cooperate, while you help, what kind of help do I need to provide you, which makes me curious."

"You who dismissed the general of the headquarters, now let me do something for you"

The meaning of this is quite obvious.

Lu En, agree to cooperate with Qingzhi! But it also depends on the requirements of Qingzhi.


Aokiji showed a bright smile: "I don't need you to do anything for me, to provide you with information, it's just that I want to do it, that's all."

"It's my honor to work with the strongest being in the world!"

"Of course."

"In the future, I may encounter some difficulties, at that time I need to let the swordsman break out to help one or two,

I think, this condition, you should not refuse it, I can guarantee it here."

"If you ask for help, it is beyond the value of the information and intelligence I have provided today.

Destruction Swordsman, you can unilaterally tear up the cooperation and kick me away with one kick."

Enluen raised his brows and looked at Qingzhi with a look of surprise.

This guy is very difficult to deal with! Cooperation without purpose is the biggest question that puzzles Lu En.

But think again.

This guy, Aokiji, usually has a hard time finding reasons for doing things.


This is Aokiji's revenge against the navy.

Lu En didn't want to think too much about these many reasons.

Since Qingzhi was willing to provide information, Lu En couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

Of course, I am happy to accept the news and information sent for free! "Then, happy cooperation!"

Lu En picked up the wine glass and touched the green pheasant, the wine poured into his belly, feeling the mellow and delicious aroma of the wine, and looked at the expressionless green pheasant from the corner of his eye.

Cooperation, this is achieved! The cooperation between the world's strongest and the former admiral! Aokiji provides news and intelligence on the movements of the Navy headquarters, while Lu En is responsible for helping the other party in the future when Aokiji encounters difficulties.

Such cooperation makes it almost impossible for Lu En to refuse.

"I'll give you another piece of information."

Qingzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, hesitating slightly, and finally began to choose to speak, "The one who gave the highest order to kill you is not the Five Old Stars."

"As far as I know, the Five Old Stars are not qualified to issue the highest order to affect the entire army!"

"Only one person has this power.

It's just that I can't be sure who this person is.

But after years of experience and experience as an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, I can preliminarily infer."

"Above the Five Old Stars, there is a very mysterious and terrifying existence.

This mysterious existence, whose status is completely above the Five Old Stars, is the true ruler of the world government!"

"The ruler on the bright side is the Five Old Stars.

As a matter of fact, as a general of the Navy Headquarters, everyone knows well that above the Five Old Stars, there is a terrifying and mysterious big man."

"This big man does not show off the mountains and waters on weekdays. Basically, except for the five old stars, no one has seen the face of this big man."

"But as an Admiral of the Navy Headquarters for many years, I am naturally able to gain insight into these terrifying secrets after years of observation.

Although it is just a guess, the truth of the guess is close to [-]%!"

"Only a big man of this level has the qualifications to issue supreme orders!"


"Shattering Swordsman, your situation is very delicate.

I can't even judge how you got the insight of that big man."

"Perhaps, it is because your strength surpasses the Four Emperors, and is even known as the strongest strength in the world in the past hundred years, and has deeply threatened that big man, so the highest order has been issued now!"

"Or, you inadvertently did something that caused such a big man to notice and even get angry."


"The order from that big man cannot be easily revoked.

Therefore, we can be absolutely certain that this time, the world government has summoned various agencies and organizations under its command to attack and kill you, and the offensive will inevitably be very violent!"

With the introduction of Aokiji.

Lu En had a preliminary understanding of some hidden parts of the matter.

"Above the Five Old Stars"

Lu En's eyes flashed strangely.

Others don't know, but he still doesn't know that above the Five Old Stars, there is indeed a very mysterious and terrifying big man, who is also the real master of the world government, the ruler of the world! He is also called the leader of the Tianlong people!" "The King of the Dragons"


Lu En's eyelids jumped.

I didn't expect that it would actually startle a guy of this level.

Could it be! The king's key is really that important, or, as Aokiji's speculation just now said.

The strength far surpasses the strength of the four emperors, and it has brought a deep threat to that Im, so that Im, as the supreme ruler of this world, will not hesitate to give orders at all costs, and to eradicate himself at all costs. The key to the king is still because of his own strength.

Lu En could only think of these two main reasons that prompted the world government to mobilize forces to deal with him.

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Inexplicably, the smile on Lu En's face seemed meaningful.

If Im really came from this order! Lu En can imagine.

Next, the world government's offensive must be extraordinarily brave! "Your news has reminded me a lot, thank you in advance."

Lu En reacted from his thoughts, looked at Qingzhi and thanked him.

"I will take the initiative to contact you about the follow-up movements of the Navy Headquarters."

Aokiji got up and made a move to leave.

"it is good!"

Lu En nodded.


Under Lu En's eyes.

Aokiji left the deck very simply.



Aokiji rode a bicycle again, using the power of Devil Fruit to condense one side of the sea into ice.

The wheels roll on the ice on the sea.

The green pheasant quickly disappeared from this sea, leaving only a vague back, until it disappeared completely.

Chapter 855 The storm is coming!Contact the Red Hair Pirates in advance!

Lu En, who watched the green pheasant leave, gradually retracted his gaze, held the wine glass in his right hand, and poured all the wine in the glass into his belly.

Like the scorching sun, rolling in the belly.

"There is information on this guy Aokiji, but you don't have to worry, it will be plotted by the guys from the Navy Headquarters.

However, I still can't judge what the mind of this guy is."

"Is he really sincere and wants to pass on information to me?"

"Or rather"

"Aokiji has always only done superficial work"

Lu En's mind fluttered.

all in all.

Aokiji can be trusted, but not completely.

"It doesn't matter, at that time, the news delivered by the green pheasant will also need to be considered and judged before it can be put into action.

Otherwise, it would be unknown if it was trapped by the green pheasant."

Lu En stretched his arms.

This time, I learned a lot of news from Aokiji's mouth.

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