The best way is to wait for the moment when the goods are placed in the auction, so as to directly plunder.

This is crisper and simpler.

"Except where commodity slaves were placed"

"And the security staff of the population auction house laying out maps, and even these"

Lu En looked at Xia Qi strangely.

Could it be! The other party has already prepared these information, and wants to rob the population auction floor at any time. Even the location of these security personnel is extremely accurate on this information.

This made Lu En only feel.

Even if it is not him, but a strong pirate, if he is informed of such accurate information, and then the layout is made, wouldn't it be very easy to overturn the population auction market "what's wrong?"

Xia Qi noticed Lu En's strange eyes.

"Sister Xia Qi, your information is too detailed.

This makes me always feel that you will not have prepared very early, want to go to the population auction place to rob."

Lu En asked jokingly.

Roughly the basic information, he has already read it.

Knowing this information, you can plan the next plan smoothly and easily.

For Luen.

Don't plan too much.

It's simple.

Wait for the merman to come out, immediately.

Take action! This is Lu En's plan.

"What you said seems to make sense. If I have time, I would also like to see how the scene of the population auction is going."

Xia Qi smiled.


Rayleigh suddenly reminded, "I remember that a slave collar is left on the neck of every slave, which can be detonated at any time. Once it is attacked by a huge force, it will be detonated instantly, thereby obliterating the person who is wearing the slave collar. ."

Speaking of which.

Xia Qi's face also became solemn.

This does require some skill.

"As long as the speed is fast enough, there will be no accidents."

Lu En smiled.

"That's true."

Riley couldn't help laughing.

Indeed! Reilly tried that too.

Slave collars are not removable.

As long as the speed is fast enough, you can directly take it away and throw it away before it detonates, and you can prevent the detonation from causing damage to the people around you.

Rayleigh believes that with Lu En's strength, it is not difficult to do this.

after all.

Lu En, but a monster! "With your little guy's strength, there are really not many things to pay attention to.

I don't have to tell you so much, in short, everything can be done with care."

Xia Qi said to Lu En.

You don't need to ask too much.

Lu En's strength is obvious to all!

If they can't solve it, then they really have to look at this population auction market carefully.

How can Lu En's strength look at this sea area! Among the pirates, he is definitely among the best! If even Lu En can't deal with it, doesn't it mean that! In the population auction market, there are hidden strengths: more than [-] million berries The big pirate is obviously impossible.

"How are you going to act"

Riley asked curiously.

"It will take more time to rush directly to the place where efforts and goods are placed, and I may not be able to find Xiaoba's friends."

"In this way, they will startle the snakes and give them time to move their targets.

If this happens, things will be more troublesome."


"I plan to attack Huanglong!"

"Waiting for the moment when they take the Mermaid Shelley out for the auction, I will take it directly, which is much simpler."

Lu En said bluntly.

The plan is his plan! It's very simple! There is no need for too many cumbersome processes, as long as Shelley appears, he can do it directly.

"Well, let's do it."

Rayleigh hesitated, but when he thought of Lu En's strength, he nodded.

Lu En's strength is as high as: the class with a bounty of [-] million.

It can be very clearly affirmed.

With such strength, these hairy little pirates from the Chambord Islands are absolutely unstoppable.

"It really suits your character, it's simple and straightforward!"

Xia Qi kept smiling.

There are no redundant steps in this plan.

Just grab people! Yes! This is Lu En! As a powerful monster, it's just to save people, what plans and complicated steps are needed to tell the truth.

If the plan becomes: cumbersome and complicated, it will simply add more trouble to Lu En! "But it does work best, doesn't it?"

Lu En also smiled and said.


Lu En said to Xiao Ba: "Get ready, tomorrow, the news that the mermaid is about to be auctioned at the Population Auction House should be widely circulated in the Chambord Islands.

At that time, we will be ready to rush directly to the population auction."

"it is good!"

Little Bayi nodded earnestly and solemnly.

It clenched its fists, and its eyes were full of anger and appraisal.


It has enough confidence to save Shelley! Because of this trip, a monster with terrifying strength will attack! Lu En will attack.

This is like letting Xiaoba eat a reassurance pill.

just thought of.

That terrifying blow just now.

Xiao Ba's heart couldn't help trembling and excitement.

Fortunately! Such monsters are not enemies, but friends! Otherwise.

It is simply unimaginable how desperate it must be to face such a monster enemy! Xiao Ba is happy to be 730 in his heart.

Fortunately, to have such a powerful monster as a friend is really reassuring.

"By the way, I have to remind you."

Reilly said again, "Rescue Shelley, and leave the population auction quickly, it is not advisable to stay for too long.

And, boy Lu En, remember, don't make any extras!"


Lu En nodded.

Of course he knew what Reilly meant.

Don't overspend.

That means don't save redundant people! As for why he said that, it's obvious! Reilly didn't want Luen to get involved too much.

Rescuing a murloc would cause quite a bit of turmoil, but it wouldn't take things to the extreme.

But if it is, all the goods and slaves in it will be released in one go.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Although, Reilly did not think that Luen would fear these so-called consequences.

But he still had to be reminded.

If you make small troubles and rise to the enemy of life and death, this will not be worth the loss.

"This time, count as a favor I owe you."

Rayleigh looked at Lu En and laughed.

"Actually, it's my kindness to repay you!"

Lu En smiled without saying a word.

The golden card he picked up from Rayleigh has greatly helped his strength.

The three-color domineering level directly exceeds the fifth level! The shock wave level has crossed to the tenth level, and in addition, the shock wave can be completely controlled! Just these two points have brought an earth-shaking sublimation to Lu En's strength! It is precisely because of this .

Lu En will take the initiative to help Reilly solve this trouble. As a thank you, this golden attribute card dropped from Reilly has given him a lot of help.

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