"Boy, what are you going to do?"

The redhead asked with interest.

"I will go to Paradise Island first, and you will come to Paradise Island later.

If it is really a conspiracy of the World Government, once I arrive on Paradise Island, I will inevitably encounter their siege soon.”

"As soon as I break through, I will be able to cooperate with you and destroy all these fellows with you!"

Lu En's eyes flickered, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

It's not so easy for the world government to plot against themselves! "Okay!"

The redhead nodded, "You go to Paradise Island first, deal with the chaos on the island, and solve the root cause of the chaos.

Immediately after, we will also rush to Paradise Island."

"This process will take about two days:."

"Anyway, be careful yourself.

If we can't stop it, we will retreat strategically for the time being, and we will decide the next step after we meet."

The phone bug hung up quickly.

Lu En put the phone bug in his arms, his eyes became meaningful, and the expression on his face was extraordinarily playful.

It's really exciting to see if a huge fishing net has been set up here on Paradise Island!" With the speed of the red-haired captain and their sailing speed, it will take some time to reach Paradise Island.

And I was the first to arrive at Paradise Island to find out how the situation there."

"No more."

"Even if multiple parties join forces to besiege and kill, it will not be too difficult for me to escape.

Unless, the navy is really ready to come out!"

"In addition, there will be Captain Red-haired and the others who will rush to Paradise Island as reinforcements.

I only need to support the first part of the time, and when the red-haired captain and the others arrive, my stress will be reduced a lot."

"At that time, the battlefield will become my home ground!"

After thinking a lot, the shadow in Lu En's heart was directly dispelled.

Even if it is a fishing net set up by the world government, Lu En will step into it.

Of course, this is not to step into it unprepared.

At least.

After contacting the Red Hair Pirates, there will also be a behemoth behind Lu En as reinforcement.

Instead, let Lu En fight alone.

Considering that there will be reinforcements of Lu En in the follow-up, he will not be tied up in battle and will be able to fully fire! "Paradise Island, here I come."

Lu En stepped on the moon and left this side of the sky in a blink of an eye.

At this time, he is about half a day away from Paradise Island: the journey

Paradise Island.

Here, it is under the control of the Red Hair Pirates.

Although it can't be said to be very prosperous, the island's facilities have everything and are basically complete.

this day.

On Paradise Island, a huge turmoil broke out! Two people caused a terrifying turmoil! The red-haired pirates stationed in Paradise Island were uprooted, and dozens of people escaped by chance, hiding in embarrassment. in the secret base of the island.

"Have you contacted the red-haired boss?"

The remaining crew members in the base area gritted their teeth and were furious.

From their eyes, it can be clearly captured.

Their deep horror.

Being attacked suddenly this time is really a let down.

They are the crew members of the dignified Red-haired Pirates! There are still people who dare to be so blatant, show off their power in the territory of their Red-haired Pirates, and directly uproot their base.

over the years.

It's the first time they've ever experienced something like this.

"Already contacted."

"It won't be long before the red-haired boss will send reinforcements.

This damned guy dares to attack the territory of our red-haired pirates, he is really crazy!"

Some people tickle their teeth in anger.

"The red-haired boss said, who do you want to send over?"

one person asks.

The rest of the staff showed curious expressions.

In their impressions, they still remember the fear of being uprooted just a moment ago.

The strength of the other party is by no means an ordinary person! Although they don't want to admit it, they have to admit that one of the two guys has a very terrifying strength, as strong as a monster! If they send ordinary people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve this problem A troublesome character.

"Seems to be"

"To send that

Your place, Master Destruction Swordsman!"

After getting an answer.

The atmosphere is a little quiet! Half a sound.

The atmosphere was detonated! "Obey"

"Lord Shattering Swordsman, everyone has been alerted!"

"The strongest in the world in the past [-] years, dispatched directly!"

"Good guy, this time, I want to see what the consequences will be for the two hateful guys who attacked our red-haired pirates this time!"

Group of people clenched their fists.

"Can you be stronger than Master Shattering Swordsman? Of course not!"

"This time, these hateful guys should also endure the feeling of being crushed."

"Dare to provoke our Red Hair Pirates, today is their death!"

Thinking of this.

The mood of the crowd became: extremely excited.

"By the way, what's that guy's name?"

"He calls himself, Whitebeard II!"

"The son of Whitebeard II, Whitebeard, although he does have a similar white beard, but his IQ can't see the shadow of Whitebeard at all."

"Maybe it's just a fake. After Whitebeard died, all the ghosts and snakes really came out.

Now, even his own son is running out to show off his power, and even provoke our Red Hair Pirates!"

"in spite of

Who is his identity, in a word, until Lord Shattering Swordsman arrives, that will be his death! Whitebeard II"

"Don't talk about the second generation, even if it is the first generation of Whitebeard, the deity of Whitebeard is standing here.

In the face of today's Master Shattering Swordsman, I'm afraid I have to give up three points!"

"do not forget."

"Lord Shattering Swordsman, that is the strongest in the world in the past hundred years!"

"Even the Whitebeard at his peak is far inferior in strength to today's Master Destruction Swordsman.

This, without a doubt, is recognized by everyone in the sea!"

The fame of the Swordsman of Destruction has long impressed everyone present.

The strongest of the sea! Only such a person can be called the strongest in the world in a hundred years! Even if he is as strong as the Whitebeard of the past, he is not qualified to be called the strongest in the world in the past century! Only the swordsman of destruction Lu En! "I'm very fortunate that our Red-haired Pirates have given birth to an existence with such terrifying strength."

"It's not..., I think, now, I am afraid that even the red-haired boss is far from being an opponent of Master Shattering Swordsman."

"This guy called Whitebeard II will see how long he can show off his power.

When Lord Shattering Swordsman arrives, he will cry."

They are looking forward.

The moment has come! Whitebeard II is really strong.

If not so.

They are not so embarrassed by being beaten by the other side.

At that time, they tried their best, but they were easily defeated by the opponent.

Thus, in the end they had to flee in embarrassment and seek reinforcements.

The terror of Whitebeard II's strength was deeply imprinted in their minds.

If the red-haired dispatch is just an ordinary cadre, they can't guarantee whether this... cadre can deal with this monster.

However, they never dreamed of it.

The person dispatched was actually the legendary swordsman of destruction! Now there is no suspense.

Whitebeard II and Destruction Swordsman, who is stronger? It goes without saying that even the deity of Whitebeard is here.

They will think without a doubt.

Destruction Swordsman is much stronger! To be praised as the strongest in the world for nearly a hundred years, is it an exaggeration: "I hope this arrogant guy will not run so fast next."

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